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Brilliant! How an almost 3 hour movie kept me locked in and engaged for the entire runtime, but this accomplished it. Matthew McConaughey was so freaking good in this, one of his best performances of all time. Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain were incredible. Really everything about this movie is fantastic, the only bad thing about it is I wish I would have watched it sooner.

Rating: 100%
Verdict: Masterpiece

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

Great conclusion to a great season!

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The Imitation Game

Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic in this movie. I really dug this. Love movies set during WWII and this one encapsulates it brilliantly. Felt they did the story justice while also having an underlying message on acceptance.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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The Northman

Even though the story is very bare bones, Robert Eggers brings in fantastic visuals with great details that it is still a joy to watch. There are so many interesting shots that leave the viewer questioning what reality is. Although that can lead to a bit of confusion, I was still able to keep up with the ideas presented. The acting in this film was amazing all around. I really enjoyed Nicole Kidman and Alexander Skarsgård performances. The romantic relationship between Alexander Skarsgård and Anya Taylor-Joy did feel a little half baked and underdeveloped though. The action in this movie is few and far between, but when it does peak its head out it in brutal and visceral leaving audiences gasping at the bloody details and gore. The action was done really well, with not many cuts and incredible choreography. Overall, this film was really great and I wish I would have watched it in the theaters.

Score: 87%
Verdict: Excellent

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The Last Duel

The Last Duel is fantastic. I loved how Scott decided to craft all three sides to the story. It really allowed the viewer to gather pieces and clues in each retelling to come up with there own conclusion. The action in this movie is visceral, so many gruesome and gory shots. It had me exhaling during multiple fight sequences. Performances across the board were excellent. Jodie Comer, Matt Damon and Adam Driver were so freakin good, every scene was expertly done. Overall, really strong watch, one of the better medieval films I have seen in a very long time.

Score: 95%
Verdict: Excellent

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

An entertaining movie filled with fantastic performances and gripping dialogue. Although, this movie is slightly directionless as I was 2/3rds of the way through the movie and had no idea where it was trying to take me. Despite that fact, I still was engaged and had a great time watching. The third act is so off the walls and crazy that it makes the entire slow burn of the film worth every second.

Score: 88%
Verdict: Excellent

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Nine Days

A slow burn filled with tremendous amount of emotion and heart. A few scenes really resonated with me and drew a few tears. The mystery elements are great in this film. It really makes you think as you try to discover what is going on.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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Ex Machina

Sci-Fi mind bender filled with fantastic twists and turns. Performances, great. Story, excellent. Dialogue, amazing. I mean what more can you ask for? The only thing holding this movie back was some of the story felt a tad predictable, but in the best ways. The puzzle pieces were given to you and it was up to you to put them together.

Score: 95%
Verdict: Excellent

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The Wolf of Wall Street

An amazing bio pic of Jordan Belfort that has everything you'll ever want: comedy, drama, romance, heart and the list goes on. This movie was an absolute joy. The acting was superb in this movie all around. Leonardo DiCaprio gives one of his best performances of his career. Jonah Hill and Margo Robbie were fantastic! For a movie that was almost three hours, it flew by and was incredibly engaging. I can not believe it took me this long to see it.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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King Richard

King Richard is a heartfelt biopic that shows the rise of the triumphant Williams sisters, and the film is triumphant on all fronts.

I thought it did a great job showing the trials and tribulations of reaching the top of any sport, while also showing the side of a father wanting to protect his black children in a white man's world. It struck a really nice balance that felt genuine.

Will Smith is excellent in this role, one of his best in years. I can see why he was slam dunk to earn best actor at the Golden Globes. The rest of the cast did excellent as well, I was really impressed with the two girls and Jon Bernthal. Bernthal has such a diverse range for acting, he severely underrated in Hollywood.

This film was a joy to watch, and I highly recommend.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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Booksmart is a hilarious coming of age story that has a surprising amount of heart. I loved everything about this film, from the raunchy jokes to the real existential fears of moving on to college. The cast is amazing, both Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever do an excellent job and the supporting cast is top notch. The comedy in this movie is done so right, the lines are delivered in realistic ways and the jokes hit quite often, my fiancé and I were completely cracking up at certain sections. All in all, I had a incredible time with this film!

Score: 88%
Verdict: Excellent

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I, Tonya

I, Tonya is a fun and interesting biopic. Margot Robbie is fantastic in almost every role she does, and that is no different here. I absolutely loved her as Tonya, although there were a few times her Harley Quinn voice snuck in there but it worked. Julianne Nicholson was great as Tonya's mom, she had this cold a gruel demeanor that was very sharp and funny. Sebastian Stan is excellent, the raw anger and emotion he demonstrated was captivating. For a supposed comedy biopic I did not laugh all that much, but that is 100% okay with me as the tone was light enough to have an amazing time with this film. Music choice was excellent throughout.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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Zack Snyder's Justice League
Palm Springs

Palm Springs puts a new spin on the old time loop story, and I am surprised at how well it works. Andy Samberg is fantastic as ever and shows off a little more acting chops than I give him credit for with the more emotional scenes in the film. The chemistry that he and Christin Milloti share is spectacular and felt so incredibly genuine. I felt so many things during this movie ranging from happiness, sadness, and laughter, it really takes you for a ride and it is such a fantastic one at that. This is such an underrated film and I cannot recommend this enough.

Verdict: Excellent

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Last Night in Soho

Lightyear is a lighthearted and fun sci-fi adventure. Let me get this out of the way first and foremost, the visuals in this film are spectacular. The artists who did this deserve a raise because this might be the best looking animated film I have ever scene. I really enjoyed the touch of changing the resolution at a certain point. With that out of the way, I really enjoyed this film, the exploration of a new world was really well done. I liked the time traveling elements that were presented, borrowing some from Interstellar, and it brought some really sad moments that nearly drew a tear from me. The cast of characters were funny and their evolution throughout the story was a joy to watch. I was not super impressed with this movies interpretation of Zurg. I just felt like there was more that could have been done with that.

Score: 82%
Verdict: Great

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The Green Knight
Black Swan

Black Swan was a really interesting character study on how the process of losing yourself to your work. This movie had some fantastic imagery that kept the viewer guessing if it was an illusion or fact. Natalie Portman's portrayal was fantastic, really solid work here. The dynamic between her and her mother was so taboo and uncomfortable, but so raw that it felt completely believable. The movie gets in to so very intense scenes that left me feeling slightly uncomfortable, but that is what the movie was trying to achieve. I was suppose to be uncomfortable and it made those scenes all the better for it. There are some pacing issues with the movie, as it did hit a few lulls for me, but overall I found myself engaged.

Score: 85%
Verdict: Great

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The Power of the Dog

This movie starts off slow, but by the second act I was totally invested in these characters and their developments. Cumberbatch does an excellent job in this film, how is this man so good at acting. He one hundred percent sells that he is man torn between what he should be and what he wants to be. His dynamic and evolution throughout the story was a treat to watch. I found Kirsten Dunst very sympathetic. As someone who has had alcoholism in my family, it was really hard seeing her go down that path but it was a really genuine portrayal. The movie was a tad long, but it was worth it for the characters to get the room to breath and evolve. The end of the film struck home with me and drew some tears.

Score: 85%
Verdict: Great

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Although Nope is Jordan Peele's worst film, it is definitely a great watch. The cinematography was extremely impressive. The comedy mixed in worked well. Then tension was really good in certain segments. The film felt a little long, and I believe it could have been trimmed up a bit.

Score: 85%
Verdict: Great

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Annihilation is a thrilling Sci-Fi mind bender that will have you thinking throughout the entire film. There was not a second that I was not constantly reformulating my theories about what was causing the anomaly and what was going to happen next, which is a great experience for a film. I really enjoyed how the movie took a more realistic approach based on science. The team gathered of multiple field experts to investigate this event was reminiscent of The Arrival and was fascinating. I found that there were certain plot points that were a little far-fetched, i.e. Lena being added to the team and being given classified shortly after arriving to the military base. There were certain scenes that had so much tension and were done with some pretty interesting creatures that had me on the edge of my seat. The acting was all fine, no performance really stood out as excellent. Overall, this film was a captivating adventure with a third act that will have you questioning the entirety of the film.

Verdict: Great

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Vengeance was touching film filled with humor and heart. I laughed at quite a few of the jokes, but most were just kind of funny situations, somewhat Office liked, which I really dug. Performances were all pretty good. There was definitely a lot of social commentary poking fun at right wing extremists, which I thought was funny social commentary, but some might take offense to it. The pacing in the movie was a little rough, it took me a while to get hooked on it. The ending takes a hard left turn that did not really land for me. It didn't hurt the experience but it left me confused and felt forced.

Score: 73%
Verdict: Good

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Bullet Train

Bullet Train is a fast paced action packed adventure filled with great laughs and brutal fight sequences. This film is incredibly self aware, and I say that as compliment. It has fun with itself, and manages some serious story points with humor in a pleasant way. The cast is stacked and delivers excellent performances with some fun surprise cameos along the way. With the story being so full, I felt that it was trying to do too much and be a bit too cleaver. There were times where I had to backpedal in my head to keep track of all the characters and how they connect. I did find that the movie dragged on a bit towards the end, I'm not sure if this story warranted the two hour runtime. There were some lines that were mixed poorly where is difficult for me to hear what the actors were saying. Although, that could have been due to the bass of the theatre speakers. Overall, Bullet Train is a fun time and worth a watch in theaters.

Score: 75%
Verdict: Good

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Emily the Criminal

Emily the Criminal is a brilliant look at the stakes a person will go to in order to dig themselves out of crippling student debt. I had a really good time with the film, Aubrey Plaza is fantastic as the lead, she carried this movie and made it an absolute treat to watch. The story hits on a lot of elements that the resonant with millennials while exploring them in a way that feels genuine. The plot is pretty good, although the main story points are almost all revealed in the trailers, which was a bit disappointing. There were times where I was having a hard time believing she could continue to get away with all the illegal activity she was getting up to without even raising suspicion, but I was able to turn my mind off and still have a solid experience.

Score: 80%
Verdict: Great
Theater Verdict: See It

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Just when I thought I understood what was going on, boom, the ending occurs and I am totally confused. I guess that is a positive though. The narrative is constantly evolving and keeps the viewer guessing as to what is actually occur. I was lower on this film after my initial watch, but after doing some research on to the overarching themes I enjoyed the ending and the experience much more.

Score: 75%
Verdict: Good

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The Gray Man

A fun action packed adventure, it definitely jumps around a lot and is kind of all over the place plot wise. But the action is so good that is helps cover those downfalls.

Score: 73%
Verdict: Good

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