Real Time with Bill Maher

The new Green Day intro theme is just weird.

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Star Wars Resistance

Shout by Todd Fury
BlockedParent2018-10-18T13:14:42Z— updated 2020-01-11T07:21:20Z

Doesn't feel like Star Wars. Super Disneyfied. Characters are not very deep or memorable yet. We'll see as it goes on, but it feels very hollow so far.

Edit: After the first 5 or 6 episodes it starts to get way better. Feels like Star Wars now! I just didn't give it enough time.

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It's still a great show!

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny

I don't understand why so many people seem to be hating on this. Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it part of the whole Disney PC agenda? Of course. But it's still good!

The bottom line is that these are short little fun "webisodes", and they're good!

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Father Ted

In my opinion, this is the best British sitcom ever made.

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Star Wars: Clone Wars

Loved it. All of the characters are 100 times more badass. Even the clones have achieved maximum asskickery.

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F is for Family

So much Phil Hendrie in this show. I love it!

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Droopy looks EXACTLY like my grandmother. Gruesome, isn't it?

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Star Wars: Andor

Imagine if this was the movie we got before the last trilogy. Or did it take all the backlash from the last trilogy to get to where we are today?

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Who Is America?

Man, this country is fucked.

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The Marvel Super Heroes

This shit is great. It's basically a comic book with minor animations.

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Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters

Atkins Estimond was the best thing in this entire series.

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Head of the Class

One thing about these cheesy 80s sitcoms that I forgot about was how they always have some moral message. Seems like TV doesn't have much of that anymore.

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Hard to Kill

I was hyped for this show when I heard Tim Kennedy talking about it on Rogan's podcast. It's a pretty good idea, but it falls flat for me.

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Final Space

Trying to finish the third episode, but it's really dumb.

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Power Slap: Road to the Title

Man I hope these Nevada Athletic Commision refs are making a little extra to take this circus seriously!

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Gimme a Break!

Lol, imagine if this show came out today. Everyone would be losing their shit.

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The Michael J. Fox Show

The only thing good about this show is Michael J. Fox. The rest of the cast is boring and forgettable. It feels forced and awkward. Hard to watch.

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Pretty sure Trakt's description of this show is wrong.

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