Paul J


Omicron Persei 8


I for one enjoyed it. Thankfully it does deviate a bit from the original and that lends it a unique flavour of its own. The original is a childhood favourite but this one is pretty good in its own right. The visuals are pretty good, the locations are terrific! The movie had a sweet and simple message to convey, which I felt it did so nicely....

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

That was quite a bittersweet ending. If they wanted they could perhaps have added another season showcasing Carrie's adventures in Moscow. Either ways the show ended on a high. Got a lot of memories, how time passes... I tuned in from the second season and we're in 2020 now in a world where events are stranger than fiction..... Will miss this show......

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Veep: 7x07 Veep

That was quite an ending, one of the best comedies to ever grace television, will miss it.....

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Band of Brothers: 1x09 Why We Fight

This episode is so powerful. It's only when one sees visuals such as this, do you realise the gravity of what happened. Terrible genocide......

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man

Man I'm a bit disappointed, this episode felt stretched out, lots of padding and scenes which could easily have been trimmed or cut out entirely. This almost felt like an episode from a CW show..... It feels like a movie script that has been stretched into a six episode series.....

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Modern Family: 8x21 Alone Time

Much better than the previous episode. Not forceful or preachy. Also it was slightly old school this one, a return to form.....

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

What a gasbag filler of an episode?! I really went into the series expecting action on a grand scale, especially considering the huge budget. But then we get this. These are the same guys who were a part of the Avengers who were fighting Thanos and I was blown away seeing endgame, and now we get this whimper. Sorry but this gets worst with every episode for me considering the high expectations and the terrific opening fight sequence in the first episode. The plot is stretched so thin with some seemingly useless side quests. And then towards the end, some corny life lessons shared by the Falcon and Bucky while tossing that Frisbee around..... Sorry if this feels like a rant but I expected more, just my opinion....
Edit: Also who is the villain again? At least I hope there is a good boss level fight sequence in the last episode...

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Game of Thrones: 8x01 Winterfell

Was a reasonably good episode. This was more of establishing/setting up the scene for the rest of the season. Was great to see some old acquaintances being rekindled......

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x08 Autofac

The future of Amazon :P

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x06 Udûn

The ending was quite something to say the least. This was the cliffhanger of all cliffhangers, most of the characters involved. The events which preceded that moment were okay, a lot of the fight sequences felt clichéd, paint by the numbers kind of stuff. Let's see how it unfolds next week. It was a medivial age equivalent of an atom bomb going off on a battlefield, so who survives?...

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The Americans: 5x08 Immersion

So much yapping, that too such mundane stuff. So little action which was a hallmark of the previous seasons. Quite disappointed...... Lack of substance, artificial stretching.....

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Was much better than most of the stuff Bollywood puts out. Deffo not as bad as some of the reviews are making it out to be. Two thirds of the movie was one genre and then it just metamorphosised into something else, felt like a different movie, sort of....

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The Boys: 2x06 The Bloody Doors Off

Love sausage, wow! Reminded me of the snake game on my old Nokia :joy:

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Fauda: 2x09 Episode 9

Such a tragic ending to the episode......

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Narcos: 3x01 The Kingpin Strategy

And it's back and how! Terrific episode, brutal ending.....

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House of Cards: 5x12 Chapter 64

Shout by Paul J

Wow really ruthless, Tom was just a disposable whørę for Claire. And Doug too under the bus..... Like where this is headed......

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Marvel's Luke Cage

This show could have been so much. It could have made a statement. I'm so disappointed, not gonna watch it again. The main protagonist is very brawny, timid perhaps. Common sense is totally missing. The philosophy is low brow. Doesn't inspire neither does it provide entertainment. 5/10.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

Great episode, satisfying ending. All hail the new King of the North and the marauding dragon queen! 9/10 for me.....

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

This was one heck of a movie. Great action, fast paced, tons of CGI, perfect summer blockbuster! Had a great time at the cinema. It's every bit Marvel. Loved the tinge of horror added to the mix, a different flavour than the usual! No big drawbacks as such for me....

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Theek theek hai yaar. It has its moments but there are lots of logical fallacies and slightly excessive melodrama towards the end.....

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

It's a good film and it did elicit a few chuckles now and then. It also makes it's political leanings very clear, not that I mind. Would recommend watching it, Cohen is an original, he has his unique brand of humor....

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

One of the best episodes of the show. Just had to bump up the brightness though to see everything clearly. Battle of epic proportions. So much has already happened three episodes into the season, really looking forward to seeing how this upward crescendo will be maintained going forward..... Kudos HBO!

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Hindi Medium

Felt more like a forceful sermon by a self righteous preacher rather than a comedy..... Unrealistic charecters who weren't convincing at all. English is a bread winners language and lets leave it at that. Baat ka batangad.....

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The Americans: 5x10 Darkroom

The narrative seems to be all over the place. Small incremental gains in the storyline. I would dearly love to see as to how all of this will culminate. The pastor Tim angle/narrative is boring, of course it's a subjective opinion. In a nutshell, can they get on with the action please?

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Sneaky Pete: 1x08 The Roll Over

I really can't put it down. Been binge-watching it. Fantastic story with a terrific finish. So glad there's gonna be a second season!

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Black Adam

It really seems like the creators put a few superhero films in a blender, added a bit of new flavour to it and voila, we get Black Adam. It's a entertaining film, lots of big CGI stuff happening on the screen but the story could've been a bit more engaging, ditto with the characters. Dialogue could've been a whole lot better. Felt very generic, more so the villain. It's got a very been there done that kind of feel to it. Also it's painfully tiring to see bad guys, who are supposed to be mercenaries, not being able to stand against a kid with all their muscles and big weapons, and they've got their trademark bad aim to go with it. So many cliches man.... 6.25/10 for me.....

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It's really got that B movie vibes to it, story, production values etc. I was just glad when it ended, never got invested in any of the characters, everyone felt way too generic. Who greenlights such projects?!

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Looop Lapeta

Ye kya bawaseer bana diye ho re?! To quote Manoj Bajpai... Such an imbecile film, who commissioned this crap at Netflix?

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x01 New World Order

Man that was a lot of dialogue after the opening sequence, I get it, they're trying to establish the story, characters et al but still could do with better pacing. It's a solid 7/10 for me.....

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Decent one time watch. They didn't invest much into character development or nuance and the film gets right to the point, seems a bit rushed. Also what I found strange was all the Bollywood music playing instead of local Bangla music in scenes where music was heard....
This film reminded me a lot of the Denzel Washington film 'Man on fire'....

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