
1 follower

Storvik, Sweden

The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself

So endlessly tired of netflix vacuuming up awesome source material, flake out on a cliffhanger and then get all prissy when they don’t get three million views in a week and decide it’s not profitable to make another season. THEN STOP MAKING THOSE ENDINGS. I fucking loved this and would have gladly watched another two seasons.

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Ace Troops

Dear Xiao Zhan. So sry. For 24 episodes I tried my hardest to watch this hyper-emoted, drivel dravel. When I could not stand to listen to another second of the soundtrack droning on in 90% OF ALL SCENES REGARDLESS OF EMOTIONAL TONE I even tried to watch it on mute for a while. But today, as the peak of the Savior-complex driven plot turned out to be your character deciding the life of not one but FOUR CHARACTERS WITHOUT ASKING EITHER OF THEM FOR THEIR OPINION, I simply gave up. I cannot. I am done. You are excellent. Your acting is ace and your man pain is so endlessly pretty. But I hope you are not doomed to keep making projects that are wasted on your talent.

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