

Sofia, Bulgaria

The Beyond

A movie that falls absymally short of its lofty ambitions. The script SERIOUSLY needed a polish pass to tighten everything and even correct typos and misused words. I think it's the first movie I've ever seen where that happens, and it did at least four times. Not sure why the actors couldn't tell the director his script was wrong, but I digress.

The film is wordy, and it features a lot of people talking at the camera as an exaggerated shaky cam films them at an odd angle. It feels like an episode of The Office without the jokes. Some of the acting is just godawful and on the nose, and the film's structure is a mess. What little tension there is at the beginning gets lost in the movie's own fascination with "Humans Two-Point-Zero" (come ON, people would say "Two-Point-Oh," for God's sake), then it devolves into a weird Cosmos pastiche without any proper payoff.

Too bad this script didn't get some more major polish time, because there were a few cool ideas and visuals in there.

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Color Out of Space

Two hours of mind-numbing badness redeemed by 20 seconds of Nicolas Cage completely losing his sh*t at his car.

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The story doesn't win points for originality, but wow, this turned out pretty great. The use of Vovinam (Vietnam's martial art) makes the action sequences fluid and dynamic, and Veronica Ngo kills it as Hai Phuong, bringing a guilt-ridden desperation to her performance. (And yes, she was totally wasted on The Last Jedi.) Not a groundbreaking action movie, but it's fresh and interesting.

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I wanted to like this movie so much more than I did. The high concept is fantastic, but the execution just devolves into cliché after cliché. The cool moments happen because the script contrives to make them happen. (Worst offenders: the elevator scene and the cops mysteriously separating Liam and Rose.) It's really too bad.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

Doesn't live up to its premise. Starts off as "time-travel-savvy nerds encounter time travel," which would make it Scream for SF, but honestly, they never show SF smarts and go through the exact same motions you've seen before.

Besides that, the humor is a bit grating at times, and the main characters are never truly sympathetic. Too bad, I liked the concept.

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I really wanted to like this because Orcs! Elves! The truth is, the racial stuff was super on the nose, yet the plot was pretty average. I still enjoyed it, and I have hopes the sequel will transcend this installment, but as it stands, this was not as great as "End of Watch with orcs" makes it out to be.

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Batman Ninja

Batman travels to feudal Japan where he fights the Joker who became a feudal lord. If you're thinking, "Cool, surely that means there'll be Japanese castles turning into giant robots and Robin befriending a cute talking monkey," then boy is this is the movie for you.

I gotta admit, this didn't turn out to be anything like what I had imagined. I thought we'd get an Elseworlds set in feudal Japan, but instead what we got is an insane anime-style nonsensical action sequence in the style of mid-'80s Japanese animation. Ten-year-old me would have dug this immensely. Adult me had to struggle through some of the nonsense, but overall it was enjoyable for the hot mess it was.

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Oh, wow, that movie was truly terrible. Like John Wick's stupid, mean, and lecherous younger brother. Tries so hard to be cool yet just comes off as corny as hell.

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