

Sofia, Bulgaria

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

Let’s cancel this show.

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@opeenkangoeroe Fun fact: you can cancel any show you don't like by... checks notes stopping watching!

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Counterpart: 1x07 The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Was it swine flu that decimated one world but not the other? I don't get it.

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@ptran38 That's what's implied, yes. They talk about not eating pork on the Other Side because of what happened.

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

What was the point of using a hologram to project a fake luscious green if in reality, it was exactly the same as what they're displaying in the silo?

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@yossarian1993 Yeah, it's cool but it doesn't work IMO.

Imagine you're going out to clean. All others before you have cleaned the sensor. You get out and see (according to what the visor shows you) that it's beautiful and green outside. You want others in the silo to know. Do you do exactly what all the others have done before?

I would dance with joy, then beckon others to come join me outside through the sensor. Or maybe I'd give them the finger before I run away.

But I sure wouldn't do exactly what everyone else who went outside did, knowing that it did NOT make me see outside was beautiful, AND knowing it's exactly what "They" want me to do.

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Devs: 1x08 Episode 8

Good show like it but is this the end ?

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@muchietv Yep, it's an 8-episode miniseries with a clear ending.

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Humans: 3x08 Episode 8

It totally built up to a nice finale, but the only thing is they just had to introduce some mixing of blood magic crap into it, completely killing the sci-fi

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@daddy7860 Agreed. Ditto with that stupid "Your child is the future of both our species" crap.

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