

Omicron Persei 8

Superman & Lois: 2x01 What Lies Beneath

Welcome back Superman and Lois, we've missed you.

S&L had done it again. A great episode that drove it home with some interesting directions the show can go.

Fingers crossed we won't get this season messed around like the first with Covid issues. This season took off through the starting gates... if you have any like for Superman and Lois and that whole world, you really need to get into this show.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

How did either The Teenage Mutant Ninja Teens get in Star Wars, or were they The Wiggles??

I had to double check what I was watching.

I get using slow heat to build over time in a new show, I really do, but why do we keep seeing Boba walking into town to either be attacked or turned away in every episode? Why doesn't the buy or acquire a Hover car?

What are we really watching?
I was initially excited to watch this particular show, but this episode was like stepping on a Lego piece.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

I don't see a season 2 in this. It would be too predictable and may as well watch 'Mr Ed' (for those young'n here it was a sitcom where the focal guy had a talking horse).

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

Very frustrating, frustratingly frustrating.
Dexter, being a Blood spatter and forensics dude would have known about pins and they have their own serial number, hell, even I know that, and I know and Dex would have known that and seen the scar as an indicator that Matt had surgery while doing his slicing and dicing. And every man and dog knows these are made of titanium and don't melt.

I don't know... I'm pretty disappointed at the moment and not sure about the whole lot now.

Then the second Cameo... what the hell was that all for?
Yep, disappointed.

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The Blacklist: 9x07 Between Sleep and Awake

This episode really did nothing for me. It was very predictable, timeframes were crazy messed up from what could understand. At the beginning of the episode they talk about 3yrs since but on the grave stone it has 2021. Are we ahead of the show now, just very confusing and frankly lame.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x09 The Family Business

This feeling I have watching this episode brings back all the tension and shouting in my head that the original series got me in at this time of the season!

The crescendo of episode 9 of the original always had me rewatching a few times to try figure out, 'okay Dex, how you gonna get out of This?!' Needless to say this episode is no different because, 'reasons'. (not gonna spoil it for anyone).

I'll say it again, there better be more seasons coming up in this new series and it can't just end like Dexter's Righteous And Violent Ends of his targets.

There will be Dark Passengers bubbling up and out of few million viewers at least if there isn't a season two announced pretty soon...

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x01 Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

I quite enjoyed episode 1 of the new The Book of Boba Fett. It probably didn't really need to take so much time in the back story and the historical to get us up to speed. It may have been better to flash back over a couple episodes instead.

But it was ohh soo good to see Star Wars watchable again.

There was some moments that I could've done without. one example would be the musicians playing just a different rendition of the same song they played in the original...wth?

The SFX were good, and I liked the atmosphere, to definitely cut from the same cloth as Star Wars actual and not the crap we've had to deal with over the last several years.

I cannot wait for episode 2!

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x08 Unfair Game

Crazy tense moments. Another episode that went by far too quickly!

Best line in the episode, 'Hate it when I'm the one who's bleeding.'
There are some, "Really?" moments in this episode which make you think, 'I friggin hope it's not going to be as predictable as they are purposely writing it for', the especially when consider the little town compared to Miami PD.
Maybe there are some 'Kurt curve balls' in this episode that are intentionally supposed to bruise us and throw is off. Maybe not?

All I know is, I won't be satisfied if there isn't going to be at least a season 2 and 3.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x07 Skin of Her Teeth

Friggin bananas! Talk about twists n turns!
And that was some damn Cameo... My skin turned ice cold.

And that, "Leave it to the police... What could possibly go wrong"... Classic.
That 45min episode felt like 10min. I give this ep a very high 9+.

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Elementary has its moments and has a fairly good balance of comedy, drama and interesting moments.
Holmes and Watson take their time to become bonded but they do.

There are some glaring errors at times in the writing. One example is on a case they determined the shooting (that we saw) was fired from 'a semi automatic MP5'.
But the firearm was full auto. There are others but I won't add them here.

Overall it's an enjoyable watch. It is a show that I looked forward to weekly and recently I've been enjoying the second revisit to the show. There are good story lines and quite the cast to put some extra oomph in the series. There's also an interesting long story arc that eventually presents themselves.

Overall a good watch if you're into Whodunits dramadies.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x06 Too Many Tuna Sandwiches

If you are watching any other show other than this one you need to catch up and be a part of this phenomena!

The show is pure artistry. The writing, the pace, the cinematography, the acting, the soundtrack, the crew working behind the scenes. This show cannot be this good if the is a weak link in the team work to bring this all together. This is the type of show intelligent, appreciative show watchers crave ... this is IT Baby!

I said it before, it is so friggin hard not to throw in spoilers but I'm not going to do it because everyone should have the opportunity to watch it 'clean'.

Just watch it... it's it next week yet?!

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x05 Runaway

Awww... What an Angel!
What a show!
Every cast member is just ripping it up... especially 'Debra'.
And it has just started to kick it up about four blades.. I mean gears. 'Harrison' is doing a bang up job too.
Best Show On the little or big screen this year! I don't like putting spoilers in my comments, but I have to say this comment was so hard to write without wanting to add some, it was such a good episode.
Note to the show creators... There better be a season two and I hope a season three being considered. Otherwise I'm going 'Dexter' on y'all...

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Lost in Space: Season 3
Dexter: New Blood: 1x03 Smoke Signals

Who else is friggin enjoying Dexter as much now as in the original series? So damn good!

It looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the Morgan family with the glimmer of a dark side in Harrison. we have a few mysteries popping up, another classic trait of Dexter OG.

This is good time for Showtime to announce a season 2 renewal, because of they think they can get away with just a single season they have to be friggin nuts! We've been starved of good TV show content over the last few years (with one or two exceptions), Dexter really needs extra attention. Who can just let this new found family of dark passengers alone to fend for themselves...?

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x01 Cold Snap

Hello Dexter Morgan!
Returning back to Dexter is like finding a bottle of your favorite whiskey and taking that first sip.
I'm hoping all those old and new Dexter fans come on board because episode 1 did not disappoint!

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Lucifer: 6x06 A Lot Dirtier Than That

I am so disappointed in this particular show. The music and the way father and daughter found the connection in the music was beautiful and I can relate. But actually glad Lucifer is finishing up this season. This last season has really gone to hell in more ways than one. White man bad, white cops bad... Continue this bull crap negative and false narratives and the entertainment industry will be going straight to hell also. Sad. The first few seasons were really quite good and I've enjoyed Lucifer's return and renewal. But now I'm guessing because of new writers the shows going the way it has. Oh well, just a few more episodes, if I can.

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Chapelwaite: 1x04 The Promised

I'm really enjoying this show! It's been bubbling away and this particular episode reveals the direction it's going in. Excellent actors, Adrian and I particularly relished Emily in 12 Monkeys, and she's bringing her A game to Chapelwaite. The show has a darker tone than Salem and if you liked Salem there is a lot to like in this.

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Superman & Lois: 1x15 Last Sons of Krypton

Forgive me but I gotta do it... That was Super!
What a cap to the season finale.
And another I got to address is my thoughts going into this show to begin with. It started good but it's on C W and most other shows today start turning into mush. And then with the impromptu break a few episodes in (for coof issues) it will just drop in a dark hole.

Far from it!
Damn it grabbed my attention from the intro to the end logo and theme, every, single, episode.
If by some chance you haven't watched this yet, sitting on the fence, You need to get on board because this is some of the better entertainment on TV for some time and one of best Superman and Lois renditions and explorations, unique to anything we've really seen. It's good TV... And in today's world that's become very hard to say with a straight face.

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The Walking Dead: 11x01 Acheron (1)

I have to say it... Seriously what was the point to showing that poster other than being just a big flag of virtue signalling. The show itself has been a beacon of multi culturalism. That should be all of what we need from a show and entertainment. I have to agree with others this episode was a big step up from the last season and to see some old faces.

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The Watch

I've watched this all the way through. I've watched all the other Discworld mini series / shows that have been released to date and The Watch is the most disappointing. Just because they name a show to cash in on the popularity of a classic, funny, series of books by a true creative artist, Sir Terry Pratchett, doesn't mean it will instantly gain the same level of praise when the show really just gets hijacked by identity politics, bad acting, bad scripts by activists and not talented screenplay writers. Comedy is all about timing timing timing and this has all the timing of an abacus. If this continues to be the way of television entertainment, there's no point continuing with this lifetime hobby and passion. May as well paint or program apps instead.

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America's Book of Secrets: 4x08 Mind Control

The disinformation they cite on Russia and Russian bots is just that as that was all debunked sadly for the Left. But then they talk about work on MKUltra. They bring up controlling other humans using maybe a cap or gene manipulation and radio frequencies. So you know there's graphine strands in the experimental jabs being issued out today, along with mRNA gene manipulation they are opening the brain to these graphine nanofragments... Are they setting it all up to control us using the 5G radio frequencies using our phones. The tech is already out there and it is being pushed upon us... Think about it.

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The Blacklist

At the end of season 8 with season 9 green lit I wanted to share without spoilers my honest take on the show in general. I've had Blacklist as my go to show when airing. It's been 8 seasons so there has been some real clangers and some episodes that could be termed snooze fests. But over all the show is intriguing and very watchable with James Spader being brilliant with the other cast members having their excellent moments also. The have been some epic, spiking a touchdown, knockout in the first round, exceptional episodes that I wouldn't be able to do justice to with just words. Some excellent writing! One of the most touching and unforgettable episodes paying tribute to Clark Middleton's character Glen Carter "Jellybean". Simply outstanding! This has to be The Best farewells to a loved character and cast member that I can say ice seen in any show (And I've seen a Lot of shows). The Blacklist is good viewing in my humble opinion.

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The Blacklist

Yeah! Great wind up of Season 8. What's better is The Blacklist is green lit for Season 9. Now the only trouble is waiting for Season 9 to be run.

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Superman & Lois: 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?

Dang... They are really hitting the target consistantly with this show. It's great to have something to watch and enjoy. The shows end 'Superman and Lois' logo arrives way too quick!

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Superman & Lois

This is a quick review of the eps since the return of the show after the impromptu bug pause. The show is kicking it out of the park, seriously! Some were thinking the show would lose its direction on but I'm very happy to say it seems more like there is a better focus on the characters. There's some seriously great acting by 'Lois' in ep08.

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Resident Alien
The Nevers

I've watched the four episodes available so far and even though Joss Whedon is steering this (I hope he treats the actors better in this than his other projects), and at first I thought uh-oh more woke dribble, but I always give new shows four episodes before I come to a conclusion whether to keep watching or not. I must say it 'may' come across as Woke, but it is set in a women's orphanage and the premise was only women were Touched (but later reveals suggest not). There are some really good sfx and unique moments along with shock moments. Overall there is some solid acting (and some not), and the writing isn't bad. My suggestion, watch the first four episodes before deciding on whether to delete a show from your list. Give it a shot. I'll continue to watch this season to completion before making my mind up.

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Last Man Standing: 9x18 Yoga and Boo-Boo

I had to look at the writers because the show has gone downhill so quickly. Jordan Black, Erin Berry, Jenny Yang, Claire Mulaney, King Hassan, and others have no sense of humour and are killing the show from within. It's really very sad to watch, and you can see it in the actors as well. They notice it too, but as usual they will put on a happy face to be polite. I really honestly watched this episode with no expectations, I was in a good mood, I was waiting to have a laugh... None came from this episode like it didn't from the last handful of recent episodes. I finished watching Resident Alien last night and I had several LOL moments in each of the three eps I watched. Then tonight, again there was no hint of chuckle in Last Man Standing. All I can say it must be sad for the actors to see this fizzle when it was a fun and funny show in the first several years, and now this over the last last two years and this year especially.

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Anger Management

How does one get changes made to the listings? This series only had two seasons and not 5 as it is listed.

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