


Suits: 7x05 Brooklyn Housing

Oh, god what a horrible episode. Suits is my favourite TV Show, and I really don't think they've had an episode this bad before. Apparently this was the first writing assignment the writers of this episode had, and before this they were two assistant script editors. At least the next episode was written by a great writer, and she managed to fix everything they fucked up here, in only one episode.

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Chef has a good story that could've been turned into a wonderfully great movie. But that outstanding story is wasted in such a bad way, that the movie is merely mediocre. Sofia Vergara being a huge miscast, and the whole movie kinda being a twitter ad doesn't help the movie either, but compared to the problems of unsuccessfully transferring the story to the screen those are just mere details that don't really bug me that much.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 2x01 Where is Josh's Friend?

During the first season, this was my favourite comedy show, but season two started very weak, this was the worst episode of the show to date. I hope next episode will be as good as season one.

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Black Mirror: 3x02 Playtest

Holy shit this is the best episode of the series. It was so fucking good, though the ending was not what I had in mind. I think it would've been better if when he saw his mom like that, that was real but like, he thinks it's fake so he starts yelling stuff like, "stop" and "take me out of the game" and you know, shit like that. And nothing happens, so he goes crazy and like maybe kills himself, that kinda stuff.

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Falling Water

If I had to describe this show with one word, it would be boring. If I had to do it with two, the second word would be stupid.

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No Tomorrow: 1x02 No Crying in Baseball

Woah, I can't believe how awful this got after that beautiful first episode. The first episode was an 8/10 for me while this one was a 4/10. I'm not gonna continue watching this series.

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American Ultra

If you wanna watch a stoner comedy with action, this is not it, go watch Pineapple Express. American Ultra is something completely different, it's a love story. A love story that revolves around government agents and stoners yes; but still, it's a love story, and it's a damn good one. There was only one scene I didn't like, and that scene can be just cut out of the movie and literally nothing will change.

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The Girl with All the Gifts

Remember Ex Machina from last year? Yeah, this is that movie's Zombie-counterpart of 2016. Some people will watch it, everyone will like it, no one will talk about it. It has great acting, lovable characters, and it's exploring a concept that's been done many times, in a different and special way.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Great movie, deeply enjoyed by me, strongly recommend it. But even though it's an awesome fucking movie, it's nowhere as good as any of Waititi's other movies.

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