

New York

About Me


??/10 - non-seperated anthologies, shorts with no real effect, and shows I can't quite find my feelings on

1/10 - A show I legitimately find myself unable to actually watch, I will try my best to actively skip portions of it, or will become sidetracked forgetting that I was attempting to watch it

2/10 - I become acutely aware that I'm wasting my time, there's nothing here to interest me

3/10 - Actively frustrating

4/10 - I, for one reason or another, am annoyed by something about this work, whether it be an idea I felt was severely under-explored, a representative of a minor problem I have with media, or just kinda boring

5/10 - It's something that legitimately doesn't phase me, while, or after, I watch it, a mark of time acceptably spent, nothing more nothing less

6/10 -I like it as a fun transient experience

7/10 - It's good fun, but what I really liked about it wasn't all that well explored/lost steam

8/10 - Something I feel fully captures it's ideas, but not something that deeply affects me as a person

9/10 - Something that encapsulates some essence of what I love about the medium/media in general

10/10 - A transcendental experience, I feel I gain massive understanding of myself or the world through this work

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Shows — 0m
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All Time
Shows — 10d 21h 19m
(600 eps)

Movies — 0m
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