

London, United Kingdom

STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie

Watched this one yesterday (finally). I was aware of Michael J. Fox condition, but it was fascinating to put it all in context - and this movie/documentary does an excellent job in telling the story of the actor and the man behind it. The scene on the beach side, when his son holds his hand, shows that at the end of the day we are all humans. Yes, some are particularly lucky, extremely wealthy, and so on, but that shouldn't discourage us from being our simple selves. Some people struggle more than others, and it is our will and capacity to rise up again that make us stronger. Loved how the documentary is shot and edited, as other people have said here. It is inspirational and hopeful, and I can't imagine how difficult it could be for anyone to discover Parkinson (or any other permanent illness) in their late 20s. Recommended watch. PS: I even almost cried towards the end when the whole family is walking on the beach.

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Bullet Train

One of the funniest and entertaining movies I watched in my life. And I watch loads of movies!

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Terrace House: Closing Door

Sadly this was so bad. Much preferred TH Boys x Girls next door. This closing door episode was unneeded and badly scripted. Because scripted it was, let's face it.

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Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin

Meh. This is really not a Paranormal Activity - it's just a horror movie, and not a great one either. The dark bells sound was the only scary bit. Not recommended.

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The 100: 7x16 The Last War

I think this show ended around 4 seasons ago. Just kept watching it getting worse and worse, dumber and dumber. This finale also confirmed it all. At least it's over, and I don't want to judge the creatives behind The 100, but probably the last 4 seasons should have been a completely different show.

In terms of characters, come on, Clarke makes the most absolute idiotic choices, Octavia (a bloody killer) stops a war by making a speech everyone listened to, which being a very peaceful speech does not even fit her character at all.

It's over thankfully. I enjoyed watching it, but just as background noise. Because, sorry to say this, but it's been a shitshow for seasons now and the amount of bollocks kept increasing.

And the ending, what was that? Did they just write it for the sake of it? I mean, I had a laugh, but it's complete nonsensical :)

That is all.

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Let me be clear to begin with: this is no Fast and Furious, apart from two characters. It is not about cars, it is just an action/comedy movie. Entertaining, but too long!

As a side note: since when people tend to discuss top secret stuff in public cafes? Not even I do that, and I have loads of confidential projects I work on, though I'm not CIA!

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The Fate of the Furious

For all intents and purposes this is top entertainment. Of course it is not a historical or dramatic movie, it is full action, entertainment, and - in this one - quite a few very good jokes that made me disconnect the brain from reality and smile. Much needed. As someone else said, the crew does feel like family, you can really feel that. Such a shame that there isn't good blood running between Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, or so I heard. The tribute to Walker is well made, I was however also kinda expecting the name of the baby to be Paul rather than Brian - so to reference the real name/person. Recommended movie, if you know what you are watching :) looking forward to the next instalment!

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We Die Young

A somewhat different than usual story. Noteworthy is the performance of JCVD here, he does not speak, but his expressions are seriously another level. He has finally transitioned to more mature acting now, so do not expect much action, but a lot of expressions that seriously convey the message. Let's be clear here, acting without speaking is difficult. The story of the movie, as said, is different but reminiscent of some sort of GTA combined with Fast and Furious. It makes for a good watch!

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The Revenant

One of the greatest movies I've ever watched. And I generally do not really like lengthy movies. From acting (DiCaprio, Hardy, and also supporting actors) to cinematography, music, sound effects, photography, story. I loved this movie, I don't know why so much but I did. Something you gotta watch in your lifetime, together with Parasite.

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Behind You

Sorry but no. The ending is too forced, simple paths are not taken so to have that ending the director wanted when the guy is forced with his back on the wall, the young girl doesn't run nor stabs the "ghost" (that's what it is right?) I mean that was the perfect moment and instead... Bah, utter crap of a movie. It started well, then it became rotten to the core as the movie progressed. 2 stars just because it is Friday and I feel kind.

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The Bridge Curse

Not sure about this one. There are some issues with the execution as the idea could make for a good horror movie. Perhaps the makeup of what is depicted as "ghosts" is not really convincing, up to the point that for example the "ghost" in a scene moved and looked like a zombie instead. Missed opportunity.

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The Innkeepers

Average movie, I was expecting a proper horror movie considering the thumbnail they are using on RakutenTV. However, it was what I would classify as a soft horror, pleasant to watch with some scary moments. It is not a bad horror movie, it is just a different and lighter kind of horror movie. Being silly here, but one of the best scenes was when Claire went to the lobby in underwear and bare legs, that was really sexy ;)

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I probably had higher expectations given how horror Japanese movies are. This was OK, but not more than that. If you are expecting something like Ringu, Grudge, Dark Waters, Fatal Frame (game) then this is probably not for you.

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The Dark Tapes

Avoid. The only good one seemed to be the bit with the new house and the noises (and child). Ruined of course. The rest is useless.

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Quite a step down if compared to the original Thai movie. It's OK but not as scary to be honest. I was definitely expecting more.

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The Current War

This was a great watch. I am kind of ignorant on the subject, albeit I obviously know Tesla, Edison - in terms of names and their connection to electricity. I should read more on the subject and I do agree with some comments that Tesla has been depicted in a very poor and not so important matter, a bit of an afterthought indeed. Anyways, the acting is great, costume design is awesome, sets do feel repetitive and there aren't many outside shots I feel, but as a whole the movie does transmit the feeling of the era. The soundtrack is superb, loved Spring 1 and the scene that plays with it is just magic. Highly recommended movie, I had no idea it existed!

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Loved it. Binge watched over 2 days. It is relaxing and feel good. Truly loved it, and I do not binge watch...ever!

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The Professor

One of the best movies I watched in my life. Good to see Johnny Depp acting like the talented actor he is.

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A great movie. Did not know what to expect. Made me realise, once again, that divisions are not what we should strive for. I'd like to avoid a reference here, but Brexit might lead to divisions again, and all this crap happening all over again. Humanity never learns, unbelievable.

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Take This Waltz

One of the best movies I've ever watched. I can unfortunately relate to what happened to Lou.

Here is a great article about the movie, read it after you've watched the movie of course

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This was a surprise watch. Recommended on my Amazon prime I watched it, because of Cage and Cusack. I thought it was going to be the usual criminal thriller but, boy I was wrong. The movie has all the right stuff: cast, story, suspense, emotions, music. I loved it and it reminded me of how decisions made in your youth can make who you become. And how, sometimes, adults need to bite the bullet to save you from going on the wrong path (big brother / young brother topic).

Recommended. Totally enjoyed it. And, as someone mentioned, awesome slo-mos! :)

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A Quiet Place

Hmmm. It is an OK movie. It is tense for sure, but in terms of what actually happens there isn't much let's be honest. As there really is no beginning and no end, it feels like a tv series episode in my opinion. There are also some questionable choices from the characters, one in particular, that do not make sense or have any logic. I'd give it a 5 out of 10, sorry.

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