

New York, NY

Jury Duty

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Jury Duty’:

  1. Kudos for being something very different AND for pulling off something so elaborate. I left this viewing experience feeling super satisfied. Phenomenal payoff.

  2. To me, this was less of a comedy and more of an experiment. Quality reality TV. Yeah, it was funny for sure, but I was essentially more curious about where this was all going. And how authentic it was. I’m glad they showed all the receipts at the end lol.

  3. Fantastic, super-likable cast with great chemistry… especially our leading man Ronald. I hope we get to see more of him.

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Santa Clarita Diet

Yet another superb show that Netflix neglected and discarded.

Such a quality, quirky series with a fun take on the tired zombie genre, ending on a cliffhanger that’ll never get resolved. I thought it was FANTASTIC.

Between, this, Sense8, and The OA, I’ve lost respect for Netflix as a streaming service. I may still watch their other programming, but I’ll cheer their competitors on even harder.

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Schitt's Creek

Oh, Schitt’s Creek. I’m so glad I stumbled upon you when I did.

Such a magical show with a magical cast. Heart and soul. And all the humor a person could need. Moira Rose is one of the best television characters, ever. Catherine O’Hara is a Queen. Annie Murphy is a treasure. Eugene Levy is a legend. And Dan Levy is a genius.

A series that TRULY went out on top. Thank you for everything.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Dark’:

  1. This show is one of THE most complex and intricate stories I have ever watched in my life. It’s often mind-numbing and frustrating because of it. But, I promise you, the ending makes up for everything... no matter how confused you are.

  2. This series has some of the absolute best casting EVER, with different actors playing younger or older versions of a single character. The resemblances are incredibly impressive.

  3. As I currently process the finale, I’m realizing more and more that this show is probably smarter than I ever gave it credit for. (but there’s gotta be actual plot holes in there somewhere! lol) Kudos!

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Now Apocalypse

3 Thoughts After the Cancellation of ‘Now Apocalypse’:

  1. I just found out this show was canceled — and I’m slightly bummed. It wasn’t groundbreaking by any means, but it was incredibly weird and it would’ve been nice to see where the insanity was headed. It was memorable enough for me to just now check up on it.

  2. Beau Mirchoff is reason enough to watch this show. My goodness.

  3. My last thought is that I don’t really have another thought. Maybe that’s why it was canceled. It simply wasn’t enough. But it’s worth a watch!

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Marvel's Daredevil

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Daredevil’:

  1. THE best superhero show to ever grace the small screen. Hands down. Charlie Cox plays our hero to absolute perfection. And Vincent D'Onofrio is exquisite as Kingpin.

  2. The third season of this series was perfect television. The pacing. The fight scenes. The tension. The villain(s). The emotion. The new characters. THE STAKES. Everything was grand and flawless, truly. Little to no filler whatsoever. I dare to say that this season is greater than most Marvel films.

  3. And, of course, the cancellation: TRAGIC. Clearly it was a business decision and not a creative one. I only write these “thoughts” after I’ve finished a show’s final episode. I’m hoping and praying that this isn’t the last of CHARLIE COX’S Daredevil, and that this closing review ends up being premature. Otherwise, if it doesn’t continue, at least we get a great deal of closure at the end.


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Ally McBeal

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ally McBeal’:

  1. ‘Ally McBeal’ is something incredibly special. It has a heart unmatched by anything else ever aired on television. It’s WAY beyond just a show about lawyers. It’s about the human condition. About love. It’ll make you LAUGH. It’ll make you CRY. (I’m putting those in caps for a reason.) It is one of my absolute favorite shows of all-time.

  2. Calista Flockhart and Peter MacNicol (one of the funniest humans, EVER) are the heart of this show. It’s always at its best when they’re on screen, especially together.

  3. Vonda Shepard is a national treasure. Her music is the soul of this show. It wouldn’t have been the same without her.

Bonus Thought: Thank you, Barry White.

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The OA

One of THE most original, emotional, underrated series I have ever seen. Netflix choosing not to continue the story is an absolute TRAVESTY. For a show that inspires belief, faith and hope, I believe I’ll still see this story told eventually.

If you’re thinking about checking it out despite its untimely cancellation, do it. Yes... it’s complex and deep, but you’ll be all the better for it once the final credits roll.

See ya again in another dimension, OA. (But I’m still holding out in this one.) :blue_heart:

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’:

  1. This is such a fun show — as long as you don’t take it too seriously! Suspend your belief. Don’t be overly critical. Expect imperfection and convoluted storylines. And just enjoy the witchy ride!

  2. I’m a bit mixed when it comes to the ensemble. There are some awesome characters: the aunts (my faves!), Lilith, and Ambrose (when his intensity is dialed down a bit). And then there are some not-so-great characters: I think Sabrina’s group of friends are horribly written and, frankly, unlikeable. I think they’re the worst part of the show.

  3. That ending. It’s rushed and dissatisfying. A big disappointment. Luckily, it doesn’t alter everything that’s come before it, because at that point you kinda accept that the show simply goes off the rails sometimes. And it’s still worth the watch.

Bonus Thought: Shame on those musical performances. Shame.

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

I was pulled in by the hype. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.

Not many redeemable characters in this, not even Carole. She was making money off these animals, just like all the others. But there were some decent folk, the two amputees among them. The biggest tragedies were Travis and, of course, the animals themselves.

A compelling watch, for sure.

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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Classic series and a huge part of my childhood. There needs to be more shows like this for kids today.

Deserving of a comment AND five stars!

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Moon Knight

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Moon Knight’:

  1. Moon Knight needed a helluva lot more Moon Knight.

  2. I was surprised to find how difficult this series was to get through. With only six episodes, I thought I’d fly through it — but that wasn’t the case. I was never truly captivated and drawn in by the story, which I found to be somewhat scattered and fairly uneven.

  3. The show’s greatest strengths were the Egypt setting (it felt very fresh for the MCU) and Oscar Isaac, who is absolutely phenomenal. There were some strong and unique moments here and there.

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The Honeymooners

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Honeymooners’:

  1. The Honeymooners is pure television magic. The comedy still holds up to this day. The chemistry between our main quartet is perfection. And there’s real emotion here. This was the first show I ever fell in love with.

  2. Ralph Kramden is one of the most iconic television characters of all time. Never has such a big-mouthed bus driver had so much heart. Gleason is a legend.

  3. It’s a shame there are currently no other comments here. I’d like to believe there are others out there experiencing the sheer joy of this classic right now.

Bonus Thought: Hellooo, Ball.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Maniac’:

  1. This series didn’t grab me at first. I wasn’t quick to binge it, at all. But, as the series went along, I discovered something that was wonderfully weird, surprisingly shocking at times, and wholly original.

  2. I came out of this with a better appreciation for Emma Stone. She really is such a wonderful actress. Jonah has his moments for sure, but his downtrodden Owen can get a tad exhausting after awhile.

  3. I think my biggest takeaway from this show is that, while it may appear to be merely quirky and imaginative, there are some pretty powerful messages here, some potent and emotional moments. So much is explored: loneliness, mental illness, loss, grief, purpose, friendship, addiction, family, and the courage to grab your life by the reigns. And it allows you to fill in the blanks without spelling everything out for you.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘iZombie’:

  1. First and foremost, Rose McIver is a fantastic series lead. She deserves a ton of credit for embodying a new persona for pretty much every episode. Not all of ‘em are winners, but it’s always a delight to see what she comes up with next.

  2. Just when you think the zombie genre is tired, this series flips it on its head and gives you something completely fresh. And the cast delivers this new mythology with great chemistry and an awesome enthusiasm. These actors clearly had a blast on set. It shows.

  3. There are standout episodes throughout the series run, but I believe the show never fully reached its true potential. You get a peek at the possibilities in the final episodes, where the stakes are higher and there are more poignant moments. I wish the show took more risks earlier on — but it certainly had its moments!

Bonus Thought: It may not be a popular opinion, but I thought they did a terrific job wrapping the story up in the end.

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Mr. Robot

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Mr. Robot’:

  1. Sam Esmail is an absolute visionary.

  2. I never imagined it’d end the way it did.

  3. While the show often made my brain hurt, it was a beautiful work of art - some of the most captivating episodes of television I’ve ever seen.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Felicity’:

  1. This is such a special time capsule of a show, with a charismatic ensemble cast that had fantastic chemistry. But it was Keri Russell that truly carried them through with an effortlessly-heartfelt performance. There aren’t many characters as organically lovable and wholesome as Felicity Porter.

  2. Felicity and Ben have one of the greatest television love stories of all time. I cheered them on through all their triumphs and tribulations, and — at the end of it all — this is their story.

  3. The creators should be endlessly scolded and judged for deciding to change a lovely (and unique) opening credits sequence to one of the worst theme songs to ever tarnish the small screen. It was truly awful. I spent the second half of this series scoffing EVERY SINGLE time it came on. Felicity deserved so much better.

Bonus Thought: The show ended in such a weird and wacky way that I enjoyed and appreciated. Others may feel differently, but I thought it separated this series from the pack and made it even more special within the genre.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Servant’:

  1. This show is the slowest burn of all slow burns. It’s kinda insane. They could have either shortened this to just a couple seasons. Or they could have had multiple, evolving story arcs within this fairly-intriguing mythology. All in all, we waited far too long with limited payoff (and limited questions answered).

  2. These characters are not grounded in reality. They’re odd. And, for the most part, it can be what makes this show interesting to watch. But they also tend to make decisions and react in ways that make little sense… leaving us all kinds of frustrated.

  3. I didn’t hate it. And I’ve always been an M. Night fan. And it’s a great cast. I’d be lying, despite my qualms, if I said they didn’t have me hooked from the first episode.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’:

  1. It was an interesting idea to have the main characters in a Walking Dead spinoff be younger. Unfortunately, it’s these characters that make this series a tough watch (aside from Elton). The acting chops just aren’t there. But the cringe often is. And it feels like the creators realize this as the spotlight shifts off them a bit more towards the end.

  2. Iris and Silas may be the worst characters ever in the Walking Dead universe. May we never see them again.

  3. Plot-wise, you may often find yourself scratching your head, wondering what the point of this limited series is. It presents some interesting ideas as to what else is going on beyond the legacy TWD characters and worlds we already know. But the story felt lazily strung together and we aren’t thrown much in the realm of anything particularly compelling.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’:

  1. These thoughts come after discovering the show isn’t returning and — sadly — there isn’t much I remember from when I finished the first season. :pound_symbol:forgettable

  2. This series failed to accomplish what WandaVision pulled off so remarkably: making us care substantially more about less popular Marvel characters.

  3. I did enjoy Wyatt Russell and Emily VanCamp.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Humans’:

  1. Despite appearing as a show about robots, this series was aptly named. Because what is so compelling (and a bit scary) about this series is its reflection on humanity — and the worst of it. That’s what this show seems to truly be about. And there are so many intriguing thoughts here that haven’t really - from my perspective - been explored in other sci-fi stories. This alone is worth the watch.

  2. It’s a tragedy that this show was cancelled without complete closure. It could have all been wrapped up in one final season and it’s a shame they couldn’t finish telling the story. BUT, don’t let it dissuade you from watching. It’s worth the ride and there are some full-circle moments at the end.

  3. Gemma Chan is absolutely stunning. Such a presence. She gave us a character with so much heart — and she didn’t always need dialogue to do so. I’m so happy to see her finding more success after Humans. What a wonderful talent.

Bonus Thought: Grab your tissue boxes. There are some pretty powerful, emotional moments along the way.

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Castle Rock

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Castle Rock’:

  1. I actually finished this show a while ago, and didn’t expect it to get cancelled. Definitely a bummer.

  2. I love love loved the idea of a Stephen King multiverse show. So much potential. And I loved how you initially thought each season was it’s own individual story. I was blown away by the finale that tied it all together. I was excited to see where things would go next.

  3. Beyond the fabulous SK Easter eggs, the performances were equally fantastic. Sissy Spacek in season one and Lizzy Caplan in season two were both awesome standouts.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘WandaVision’:

  1. WandaVision is ultimately a show about overwhelming grief and how an ultra-powerful superhero might unintentionally handle it. Fans will be butthurt by their disproven fans theories and infinite expectations — but this show succeeded in telling the story it wanted to tell. AND it did it in an absolutely wonderful and unique way, especially for Marvel.

  2. As a devotee of classic television, I love love loved the many homages at the beginning. And I love how television gave Wanda solace in her life, as it has for me, which provided the inspiration for her pretend-perfect world. I wish those moments lasted longer, but I’m über grateful for what we got.

  3. This series also succeeded in making me care deeply about characters I had previously overlooked. I can’t wait to see their journey continue.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Marvel’s Iron Fist’:

  1. This show gets a pretty bad rap, but it’s definitely worth a watch. The fight scenes are fun. The Fist is pretty cool. And the secondary characters are fairly solid, particularly Colleen. Season two greatly improves upon the widely-criticized first season. I was much more invested and, actually, it would’ve been nice to see a third go-around with these characters. Ignore the naysayers.

  2. I’m 100% a fan of Finn Jones. I just don’t think he was a great choice for this particular role. It’s the show’s biggest flaw. He’s incredibly likable and easy to root for, but there’s an intensity lacking from a character who has so much power to wield. I believe a different actor could have brought this series closer to the heights of ‘Daredevil’.

  3. Bringing Misty Knight and Mary Walker into the fold and giving Colleen the Iron Fist in the show’s final season were some of its best decisions.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Fringe’:

  1. Walter Bishop is one of THE best, most underrated television characters of all time. John Noble did an absolutely incredible job and was, ultimately, the heart of the show.

  2. ‘Fringe’ — one of my favorite TV series, ever — wasn’t always perfect. There were some small storylines that never followed through, which could always be explained away by time resets, and super over-the-top ideas... BUT it always stayed true to what it was. Fringe cases explained away by science, not supernatural, and usually serving as a metaphor for what the characters were going through. An awesome ensemble cast who all stuck around right ‘til the very end. The special effects were consistently top-notch. And so many full circle moments in that last season. It was an extraordinary ride!

  3. That final ending. It sure does stay with you. Heartbreaking, yet effective. You don’t want it to end the way it does, but it also feels like it couldn’t have ended any other way.

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Marvel's Luke Cage

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Luke Cage’:

  1. Luke Cage is one helluva boring superhero. And this show admits this by placing all the supporting characters at the forefront of each episode. Luke is always an afterthought.

  2. The first season showed some promise. The second/final season is a complete mess. The ending is a joke — and transitions the hero from boring to simply unlikable.

  3. The women of this show were its strengths. Misty was the strongest character, woefully underutilized. Rosario and Alfre have proven acting chops that were stunted by the show’s writing.

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Web Therapy

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Web Therapy’:

  1. I started watching this when it was just a small web series, before it hit Showtime, and I found it to be so original and hysterical. Not every sketch/guest was a winner, but watching Lisa Kudrow do anything is pure joy. I upped the score one point for her alone.

  2. The laundry list of guest stars here was pretty impressive. It was magic to see so many of my faves work with Kudrow. And their bloopers during the end credits are bound to put a smile on your face.

  3. This little show might get lost in all of today’s TV noise — and that’s unfortunate. But if you do come across this series, it’s absolutely worth a watch. It’s easy viewing where you don’t have to think too hard. And there’s some really funny stuff here. We could certainly use some quality laughs these days.

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‘Legion’ is full of absurdity - which I believe is completely and utterly intentional. It’s unlike anything else on television and its highest points are pretty spectacular, in all its originality and creativity. The show in itself is a piece of art, not always understood but awfully fun to look at. Sometimes.

When it’s not fun, it’s often confusing, seemingly headed in no direction at all, and full of side characters that lack a substantial amount of depth. There’s one character who isn’t introduced until the final season whom I found more compelling than those who were there since the series’ debut.

In the end, I appreciate ‘Legion’ for what it was - even though I’m not entirely sure what that is.

That’s ‘Legion’ to me. 6/10

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Nikita is DEFINITELY better than The CW. Should've lasted longer.

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