

New York, NY

The Thing

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Thing’:

  1. One of the most repulsive movies I’ve ever seen. My high rating is in part due to the extraordinary special practical FX, which still hold up since 1982.

  2. More kudos in store for an effectively-creepy atmosphere with the score to match. Iconic horror.

  3. I’m on the fence about the ending.

Bonus Thought: Kurt Russell was such a snack.

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Head Count

My Review of ‘Head Count’ in 3 Sentences:

  1. This was a clever little horror movie totally worth a rewatch.

  2. This kind of storytelling is what I was hoping for from the new ‘Twilight Zone’.

  3. Clearly you don’t need a budget or insane amounts of gore to be effective and super creepy.

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True Blood

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘True Blood’ (again):

  1. This is not a perfect show by any means — few rarely are — but this is one of THE best vampire mythologies / worlds that ever existed in entertainment, right up there with Anne Rice and Buffy. They all got the rules right.

  2. This is also one of the best ensemble casts, ever, on television. I can’t agree that some characters had the best arcs or went in the best directions (i.e. Tara), but they were still a helluva lot of fun to watch and they got us through some of the show’s weaker seasons.

  3. I believe that mine is not the most popular opinion, but I felt that True Blood ended super strong. The final season is fantastic and, as for the finale itself, I couldn’t imagine the series ending any other way. It all came full circle in my eyes.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Humans’:

  1. Despite appearing as a show about robots, this series was aptly named. Because what is so compelling (and a bit scary) about this series is its reflection on humanity — and the worst of it. That’s what this show seems to truly be about. And there are so many intriguing thoughts here that haven’t really - from my perspective - been explored in other sci-fi stories. This alone is worth the watch.

  2. It’s a tragedy that this show was cancelled without complete closure. It could have all been wrapped up in one final season and it’s a shame they couldn’t finish telling the story. BUT, don’t let it dissuade you from watching. It’s worth the ride and there are some full-circle moments at the end.

  3. Gemma Chan is absolutely stunning. Such a presence. She gave us a character with so much heart — and she didn’t always need dialogue to do so. I’m so happy to see her finding more success after Humans. What a wonderful talent.

Bonus Thought: Grab your tissue boxes. There are some pretty powerful, emotional moments along the way.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Malignant’:

  1. This movie was absolutely bonkers. But in the best way. It was incessantly entertaining from the start and everything tied together in a weirdly satisfying way.

  2. What I found so unique about this film was how it seemed to evolve into different genres along the way. It started out as standard supernatural, then morphed into a mystery, a whodunnit, a slasher, straight-up horror, and some pretty impressive action.

  3. I did NOT expect to step into the Matrix towards the end there. Those police station scenes were wild. Major props to the choreographers.

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The Conjuring

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Conjuring’:

  1. Reminds me a bit of a modern-day Poltergeist.

  2. A lot of the usual horror tropes are used here, so nothing is completely fresh, but it’s just so well done. Great mood, solid story, and some genuinely-spooky moments.

  3. This franchise wouldn’t be what it is without Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga. I heard someone describe these movies as religious superhero films. They’re clearly much more than that, but our two leads are certainly pretty damn powerful.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘WandaVision’:

  1. WandaVision is ultimately a show about overwhelming grief and how an ultra-powerful superhero might unintentionally handle it. Fans will be butthurt by their disproven fans theories and infinite expectations — but this show succeeded in telling the story it wanted to tell. AND it did it in an absolutely wonderful and unique way, especially for Marvel.

  2. As a devotee of classic television, I love love loved the many homages at the beginning. And I love how television gave Wanda solace in her life, as it has for me, which provided the inspiration for her pretend-perfect world. I wish those moments lasted longer, but I’m über grateful for what we got.

  3. This series also succeeded in making me care deeply about characters I had previously overlooked. I can’t wait to see their journey continue.

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Web Therapy

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Web Therapy’:

  1. I started watching this when it was just a small web series, before it hit Showtime, and I found it to be so original and hysterical. Not every sketch/guest was a winner, but watching Lisa Kudrow do anything is pure joy. I upped the score one point for her alone.

  2. The laundry list of guest stars here was pretty impressive. It was magic to see so many of my faves work with Kudrow. And their bloopers during the end credits are bound to put a smile on your face.

  3. This little show might get lost in all of today’s TV noise — and that’s unfortunate. But if you do come across this series, it’s absolutely worth a watch. It’s easy viewing where you don’t have to think too hard. And there’s some really funny stuff here. We could certainly use some quality laughs these days.

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The Hunt

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Hunt’:

  1. WHO IS THIS MAIN ACTRESS?! What a Queen. This movie would’ve been entirely different if it weren’t for her. She carried the entire thing. Super badass.

  2. This film gave me all the ‘Kill Bill’ vibes that I’ve needed for far too long. Definitely some Tarantino-esque moments throughout all this.

  3. I could’ve done without the political stuff, but that beginning - before our Queen enters - was kinda genius.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’:

  1. Glad that they finally showed Leia using her Force powers. I know some people weren’t fans of that scene, but it had to happen eventually.
  2. The Yoda/Luke scene was perfect. Really brought back those ‘Empire’ vibes.
  3. After my 10-film Star Wars movie marathon, I’m finally ready for ‘Rise of Skywalker’.
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The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes’:

  1. This film made me an INSTANT fan of a) Tom Blyth (get a buzzcut and marry me, please) and b) Rachel Zegler (that voice!). I truly can’t wait to see more of them — and I know Rachel is gonna be a fantastic Snow White!

  2. I would love to see more of Dr. Volumnia Gaul! Viola Davis was brilliant in this role. A standout performance for sure.

  3. I thought this was a great expansion of the mythology. It was fun seeing an early and “flawed” Hunger Games system (and its messy host lol) and why it went in the direction it did.

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Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor’:

  1. Look at Hell House LLC trying to be all MCU with their post-credits scene teaser. I’m definitely down for more.

  2. This film singlehandedly elevated the franchise with MUCH better acting (the best of all four films) and a cohesive, uncomplicated storyline that expands upon the lore… even though said lore could still use a bit of tweaking. There’s still a ton of potential left in this series if it keeps on going in this direction.

  3. I’m probably rating it higher than it might deserve, but I found it overall effective as a fully-rounded found-footage horror film. When “Chase’s final recording” appeared, I was totally unsettled.

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Hell House LLC

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hell House LLC’:

  1. There was no new ground broken here. This particular road was paved long ago by The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity. But what I really enjoyed with this movie was the WAY the story was told… how all the details unfolded, the documentary style, the full circle reveal. Again, this wasn’t necessarily primo filmmaking, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t supremely sucked in to the mystery of it all.

  2. I’m not always a fan of endings that are left open for interpretation, mysteries that aren’t fully explained… but I’m kinda okay with it here. We didn’t really get ANY answers, but I feel we were given enough story to be intrigued by what was missing, as opposed to being solely frustrated by it. But I do wanna know more!

  3. I thought it was pretty creepy! The scares were super subtle but effective. A few “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” moments. No reliance on crazy effects. An eerie setting worthy of some quality Halloween viewing. And one super freaky mask. I’m here for it.

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Baby Reindeer

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Baby Reindeer’:

  1. Please give Richard Gadd ALL the awards. From storytelling to performance, he was incredibly compelling. And incredibly brave.

  2. What sets this show apart is the fact that we’re watching a very heavy, difficult-to-watch story unfold… portrayed by the very person who endured it all. It most definitely affects the experience as a viewer. Your emotions are heightened and you’re more invested than watching something that’s solely acting.

  3. I’m not familiar with Jessica Gunning, who plays our lead’s relentless stalker. I can’t imagine it was very easy to take on this role, and yet she did it so masterfully. She made us despise Martha, while also giving her some semblance of a soul, where we in turn discover a bit of sympathy for the character. Again, not easy.

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Poor Things

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Poor Things’:

  1. What a delightfully odd film. From the music to the visuals to the costumes to the directing, this was quite the quirky journey I didn’t expect — but enjoyed! Those “fishbowl” shots were definitely an interesting approach.

  2. It was VERY “Tim Burton” but with a touch of something new, and obviously a bit more mature. This story could most certainly exist in his universe.

  3. Emma Stone. This feels like SUCH a departure from the stuff I’ve seen her in. What a bold performance. And I thought her comedic timing was fantastic. Very much deserving of her Oscar.

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When Evil Lurks

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘When Evil Lurks’:

  1. Well, these characters went about things ALL sorts of wrong, didn’t they?

  2. Major points here for shock value and practical effects. They didn’t really hold back, for sure. There were some pretty incredible visuals and I can honestly say this was probably one of the more unpredictable horror movies I’ve ever seen.

  3. What stops this from being superb, in my opinion, is the mythology. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it. You can do so much with it — and they did! But it felt incomplete and contradictory at times. Quite a few holes. For one example, why did the first little girl come back appearing unscathed, while the mother didn’t? And the differences between the “rotten” and “possessed,” along with the seven rules, didn’t seem entirely clear. Lastly, from the looks of the ending, they should’ve just done the deed at the start of the film. Because everything seemed pretty chill and finite at the end. It was the in-between that did them all dirty. No?

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘X’:

  1. I don’t think a modern horror film has ever reminded me SO much of the old school ones from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Yet somehow it still managed to feel fresh.

  2. I went into this pretty blind and had no clue where things were going or what kind of movie it wanted to be, especially during the “Landslide” scene. That was different.

  3. Jenna Ortega has truly mastered the slasher movie scream.

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Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion’:

  1. Is it a perfect film? No. But it’s absolutely iconic. And sometimes that’s more than enough.

  2. Lisa Kudrow is most definitely the “Mary.” While it’s no competition, and the two leads play off each other with ridiculous perfection, she is just such a genius with her comedic timing. Michele Weinberger is everything.

  3. There’s a ton of joy in watching a film that’s pure 90s while simultaneously celebrating the 80s. This is an awesome time capsule — and one that’s always worth revisiting.

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Avatar: The Way of Water

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’:

  1. The original Avatar was fun to watch, but it never really surpassed much more than that. I wouldn’t have been heartbroken if I never saw Pandora again. This sequel changed everything. It gave us so much more. More story. More characters we care about. Bigger stakes. Solid world-building. I’m officially invested in this journey.

  2. Kiri is such a heartwarming character. And I love that Sigourney Weaver is still a part of all this. And her origin still remains a mystery. I’m intrigued.

  3. I love an angry, badass Neytiri. The whole family dynamic angle is very refreshing and compelling.

Bonus Thought: I still need to learn so many names.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Impetigore’:

  1. Damn, that got dark.

  2. It also got super complicated, enough for me and my sister to draw a family tree mid-watch… but this was a well-thought-out, original story that kept me hooked. There are some solid “aha” moments that harken back to subtle foreshadowing (including the ending… think about it). I loved it!

  3. Bravo, Indonesia! I really enjoyed the culture we got to see. I loved the puppet show moments. The scenery and shots were fantastic. Incredibly atmospheric. I equally wanted to visit this village, yet stay very, very far away from it.

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Trick 'r Treat

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Trick ‘r Treat’:

  1. I love how this film has flown under the radar to become a cult Halloween classic. Our little pumpkin guy, Samhain I believe, can now be seen all over the place as somewhat of a holiday icon. The masks of the school-bus kids have also joined the ranks of cult status.

  2. This movie gives quintessential Halloween vibes. It’s right up there with Hocus Pocus when it comes to cultivating the perfect mood for All Hallows’ Eve… but for grown ups.

  3. We’ve seen interconnecting anthology movies in horror before, but this one does an exceptional job in weaving these tales together, messing with chronology, and giving us a surprising twist or two.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ratatouille’:

  1. Dammit, Pixar. You did it again. So much heart behind a fairly simple story. Genuine tears flowed. And now the name of this film is more perfect than I ever expected it to be.

  2. One of my favorite elements of this story is that Remy longed to be a giver. He didn’t want to be the infamous, unlovable vermin known for pillaging and taking. Remy wanted to create and provide. This is a story about acceptance and being propelled by your passions. When you follow what you love, anything is possible.

  3. Food is a powerful thing. Beyond sustenance. Like music, it takes you back to specific places, moments, and — most importantly — people. When the critic bit into that ratatouille, I didn’t expect the scene that followed. It was incredibly moving.

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The X-Files

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The X-Files’:

  1. I actually finished the series a few years ago, but held out hope that it wasn’t done yet. Alas, it is.

  2. I rated this show an ‘8’ which, after the latest season, makes me question such a generous decision. But… the truth IS out there: this show is ICONIC. Our main characters had a chemistry unlike anything else. It was a game changer for the genre. Genuinely creepy and compelling stories. And although the mythology gets a bit muddled through the years, it was GREAT TV.

  3. It’s so tragic that it ended on the note it did. So weak for something that was once so strong. I can’t blame Gillian Anderson for not wanting to return.

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A Quiet Place Part II

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Quiet Place Part II’:

  1. Super happy that we got to see the origin of it all. And that we got to see John a little bit.

  2. This was my first movie theater experience since the pandemic began — and it was a great film to return with. I got to jump out of my seat a few times. How I’ve missed it.

  3. I thought this was a great next step in what will obviously continue to be a franchise. The story went appropriately next-level, the acting was solid (the kids are awesome!), and I loved the addition of Cillian Murphy. Looking forward to what’s next!

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’:

  1. It’s difficult to give a low score to, or be too critical about, the OG of Disney movies. The Princess who started it all. The music. The love. The magic. In the ‘30s no less. Groundbreaking and iconic.

  2. My biggest criticism, as a film in general, is that it drags a bit during the dwarf scenes, with mostly gimmicks and gags. Most likely as laughs for the kids.

  3. Disney killed it in the villain department here. The visuals and atmosphere during all the Queen’s scenes were a total vibe. The witch and her Magic Mirror set the bar.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Alien’:

  1. Another reminder as to just how much of a badass Ellen Ripley is. Sigourney is a queen.

  2. The alien design is so iconic and genius. From the Facehugger to the final grown abomination — acid blood and all — it’s a pretty damn perfect (and grotesque!) concept.

  3. While altogether impressive and obviously a pure CLASSIC, there are parts that drag. A few impatient moments when you’re just waiting to get to the good stuff. Something, from what I remember, the sequel improves upon.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Mother’:

  1. Wow. They got me. I didn’t see that entire conclusion coming from a mile away — and I totally feel like I should have. That’s the sign of a good film.

  2. I’m really enjoying Bong Joon-ho as a storyteller. After seeing three of his films, I’m getting a better sense of his style and the quirky moments. I look forward to what he does next.

  3. The ending - with the kid they found guilty for the crime - was heart-wrenching.

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A Cure for Wellness

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Cure for Wellness’:

  1. This movie does NOT deserve its 42% Rotten Tomato score. I thought it was a solid film that actually has solid rewatch value. It’s a complicated story where everything, I believe, makes a refreshing amount of sense in the end. And I thought it was shot extremely well.

  2. I was very satisfied with the ending. And there was a large amount of doubt (no thanks to the RT score) that I would be. I reeeally thought this would be another “he was crazy the entire time” ending, or another bleak conclusion where the main character is just plain f’d. But I was happy to see Lockhart in a better place and to leave with the absolute realization that he had actually found his cure after all.

  3. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the score. It was incredibly eerie and haunting — and I thought it contributed wonderfully to the film’s equally eerie atmosphere.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’:

  1. Linda Hamilton killed it, yet again, as Sarah Connor. Who knew she could get even more badass? Seeing her with Arnold again was magic.
  2. THAT is how you do a climactic final battle. ALL the fight scenes were actually pretty damn awesome. Bravo.
  3. “I won’t be back.” That hurt, Arnold.

Extra Note: This was the best Terminator film since T2, hands down.

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Knives Out

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Knives Out’:

  1. That ending was absolute ACES. Maybe one of my favorites.
  2. This film was anything but predictable. At first, I hated that we knew how Harlan really died so soon. Turns out, I knew nothing.
  3. I love that... not only is the cast chock-full of super famous actors, but that they take a backseat to allow Ana de Armas to shine as the lead.
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