


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x13 Parting Shot

i'm crying ugly tears rn :'(

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Stargate SG-1: 7x18 Heroes (2)

I keep thinking one day I'll get through this episode without crying, but it never happens.

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Stargate SG-1: 7x06 Lifeboat

Michael Shanks's acting in this episode is magnificent.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x09 Closure

Shout by universe

STOP. KILLING. WOMEN. And just get rid of Ward once and for all; he stopped being interesting aaaages ago.

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The Good Wife: 6x19 Winning Ugly

What the hell was this episode?

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The 100: 6x12 Adjustment Protocol

Wow there goes my reason for watching The 100 these past few seasons. RIP, Abby Griffin. You'll be missed. The rest of the show, however, will not.

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Major Crimes: 6x09 Conspiracy Theory (4)

What a load of crap. It apparently isn't enough to shelve Sharon in favour of more and more ridiculous Rusty storylines (and it wasn't too long ago that I still defended Rusty's screentime to my friends because I was sure they'd turn it around and include Sharon again somehow). No, let's do one better: Let's kill her off in a stupid, meaningless way, only a few days after her wedding. Why would we need an older woman with a fulfilling personal and professional life on TV anyway, right? I am beyond angry. I am livid.

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Major Crimes: 5x13 White Lies (3)


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Stargate SG-1: 6x12 Unnatural Selection (2)

"Sir, we can't call it the Enterprise." - "Why not??"

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Leverage: 1x01 The Nigerian Job

Easily one of the best series premieres of all time.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x20 Unending

A wonderful (un)ending to a wonderful series.

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Outlander: 1x15 Wentworth Prison

The show was so much more interesting when it was about life in the highlands instead of the cruelties of one man. :|

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Major Crimes: 4x01 A Rose is a Rose

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ENDING????? JUST LEGIT WENT 'THE FUCK??' TO MY TV FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. WHY DO WE NEVER GET TO SEE THOSE THINGS, DUFF? WHYYYY? That said, the episode was a bit of a mess, wasn't it? I llllove the Buzz+Rusty interaction, though, how Buzz is guiding Rusty so subtly and it makes my heart do funny things. Ad-hoc brothers, yespls.

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Cougar Town: 6x13 Mary Jane's Last Dance

I'm going to miss this show so much. Goodbye, Cougar Town!

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