

Omicron Persei 8

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Just saw and was very pleased. It was a wonderful adventure. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were excellent as the newcomers and it was great to see the old gang as well. The plot has a number of convenient coincidences, and mirrors the plot of Episode IV just a little too closely, but I was having too much fun to care.

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That Man from Rio

Delightful, funny movie. Terrific location shooting. Very fun, very entertaining spoof of James Bond and other 60's spy flicks. A gem.

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The Swimming Pool

I suspect this might be too methodically paced for audiences today, especially for a psychological thriller, but for me it was a completely hypnotic experience. I could not look away. It's one of the most scenic films ever made. I'm talking about both the location filming and the actors - Delon and Schneider absolutely sizzle. Alain Delon is excellent, but the film belongs to Romy Schneider. Those piercing blue eyes convey so much without saying a word. What a performance. Settle in, and let the film mesmerize you. In my view, it's one of the better 1960's films, and one of the better French films as well.

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Tommorowland was way better than I'd been led to believe. It was dazzling visually, and a charming adventure. Clooney, Hugh Laurie, the girl, and the little girl are all terrific. I don't think some of the plot points would stand up to close scrutiny, as things seemed to happen because the plot said so rather than through a cohesive internal logic. Still. The movie is a whole lot of fun, and absolutely breathtaking to look at.

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Inherent Vice

Had mixed feelings about it. A cross between the Long Goodbye and the Big Lebowski. Plot is hard to follow and the film is punishingly long. But it is a very nice looking film, it's laugh out loud funny in several spots, and Joaquin Pheonix is terrific in it.

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Fantastic Four

Huh. Having just watched the movie for myself, the narrative that I had forcefed to me by every media outlet that this movie was a turd was way off. I feel like most critic's viewpoints were clouded by the absolutely toxic pre-release press to the point where the movie was prejudged to be a failure. To be sure, the latest iteration of Fantastic Four is certainly no great future classic. The dialogue was clunky at times, the character development shallow, the story is a little scattershot and prosaic, it is pretty humorless, and the action doesn't get going until halfway through. But these are minor flaws, not flaws that sink the ship. I was entertained. I did not get bored. There are some pretty cool visuals in the film. The cast was completely fine. There was a little bit of a harder edge compared to some of the more recent Marvel offerings of late. I think if you like superhero movies and go into it with an open mind, you might find this movie can provide a decent night's entertainment.

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Prom Night

More disco than any film this side of Saturday night fever. Not that scary. But modestly enjoyable if you like 80s slashers. Which I do.

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Cry Vengeance

Very watchable noir-ish thriller. Solid B movie, well paced, well acted, nicely directed.

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Far from the Madding Crowd

Imperfect but overall pretty solid period drama. Carey Mulligan is excellent. The soldier role was not well integrated into the story and Tom Sturridge was not particularly well cast in the role. Sheen and Schoenarts were fine and the direction was good, definitely a nice looking film. The film definitely rushed past and glossed over certain story elements. If you like historical costume dramas, it's a fine choice.

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Far from the Madding Crowd

Imperfect but overall pretty solid period drama. Carey Milligan is excellent. The soldier role was not well integrated into the story and Tom Sturridge was not particularly well cast in the role. Sheen and Schoenarts were fine and the direction was good, definitely a nice looking film. The film definitely rushed past and glossed over certain story elements. If you like historical costume dramas, it's a fine choice.

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Child 44

You'd think this was the worst movie ever made if you believe the critics. They liked Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace but hated every single other thing about the film. 25% on Rotten Tomatoes. Well I'll admit the film has its flaws, but hell I've seen waaaay worse movies. In terms of 2015 films, I'd certainly rate it higher than, for example, Jurassic World or Minions. The bad: As others have noted, the film become a bit muddled in the second half, and the romance/change of heart is never really justified, and it does go through the mechanics of a standard thriller to some extent. However, none of these are crippling flaws in my opinion. The good: Tom freaking Hardy. You could legitimately argue the man is the best actor on the planet right now. He is great in this. The rest of the cast is good too, especially Rapace. The gritty, grimy atmosphere of Soviet Russia is well evoked with vivid cinematography, and the music score is very good. The film held my attention and I was invested and am glad I ignored the reviews and watched it.

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