1 follower

New Orleans, La

Some Girls Do

One of the only good 70s movies because everything sucked about the 70s in my opinion, very weird decade that reeked sellout agents left and right, everywhere, to where you know they set Charles Manson up and faked the Moon Landings a couple years prior you could just tell alot of slimey shit went on around this time

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Cry of the City


Good movie, weak ass ending the cop was a sellout , they coulda ended it better then that old school, predictable shoot a man in the back type finale " to protect and serve what?""

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Gangsta Gremlins who get in a shootout with a Grenade Packin Granny with more heart then most "tough" guys out here and ridin around in stolen 2 seaters running bikers off the road,i couldnt stop laughin at these knuckleheads and lack of respect for authority

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They Cloned Tyrone

The CiA illuminati and google doing major damage control since 2020 and Pizzagate blew the lid off The "Powers That Be" master manipulation and regurgitated psyops this movie was right on time in a weak movie year not counting the SWG strike but this shit coulda came out 3 years ago and hit harder but better late then never so if you open minded this is worth 2 hours of your time

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Bed Rest

we dont need a pregnant, schizo AOC b-movie nobody likes mind games or mental fuckery, i watch nonsense like this to reverse engineer and learn from the characters mistakes, if you know how something works or why it is made in the first place you manipulate it so it wont be able to manipulate you

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Welcome to Blood City

The Real Westworld before Westworld, no cgi thats why i dont watch any movie released after 1999 its nonsense and computer generated images with no soul

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The Blood of Fu Manchu

Pink Panther level idiocy, probably inspiration for alot of knuckleheads we like you could see the steve martin, peter sellers and jim carrey vibe, if you feel blue watch fu manchu

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The World According to Garp

Fire movie, down bad for a jacked up ending though, i could understand his mom getting whacked even the wannabe governor but Garp aint deserve that L from that hivemind nutcase who cut her tongue out she destroyed the vibe

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Interview with the Vampire

The name of this movie was always "Interview With A Vampire" another Mandela Effect call it a glitch or time travel residue but another one bites the dust, go google it and see the search suggestions are "The" not "A"

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The Bad Seed

Little man i never seen a child this evil besides Damian on The Omen but i think she could ran circles around the antichrist if you ask me, a certified viper in adolescence

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Star Wars is for kids who wake up early on Saturday and Dune is for the big boys point blank period, Like Marvel is so Predictable and Basic compared to the more possible and realistic DC

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Ray Donovan: The Movie

The King Of Hollywood Fixers, THE UNCUT, UNORTHODOX UPDATED Prototype for GET SHORTY and it came after it, it had a humble conclusion to a overall good series imo

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They Live

Top Conspiracy Movie Of All Time , i got Network 1976 as a close number 2 or intro 101 to conspiracies for dummies

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The Definition Of Whistleblower Vs Those That Shall Remain Nameless but everybody knows who you tslkin about " You get on your 27inch screen and talk about Democracy, there is no democracy,no terrorists,no war only IBM, ITT, AT&T and NASA"

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