
1 follower

Silent Hill

Plastic Surgery Nightmares

There was a lot of repeating what had already been said multiple times in each episode. They also gave oil the attention he craves by putting him in this.

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If you like Supernatural or even something like Charmed then you'll probably like this. Of course the later seasons aren't as good as the first few. But it's like that with most series.

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Place to Place

It's a cute show. I fell in love with it after just one episode and bought it shortly after discovering it forever ago. I actually ended up buying a cosplay plush of the rabbit Tsumiki has when I was a teen. Still have it 10 years later. lol

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Marry My Husband

Absolutely loved it! I'd read the webtoon when it was still ongoing and despite there being differences in how things played out, I thought the changes were still good. Being shocked by the outcome for some characters was a nice surprise.

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Death and Other Details

Not people rating it when it hasn't even started yet. Lmfao.

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