

New England

Torn from the Headlines: The New York Post Reports: 1x01 Last Call at the Falls

There are really very few interesting twists in the story, and the same information is repeated over and over, along with the same testimony from friends. 30 mins of material stretched to 60.

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Fringe: 2x13 What Lies Below

Perhaps it's because of the frightening COVID-19 times were currently living in, but having Walter figure out how to cure a deadly virus with one half-assed brainstorm and a jar of horseradish is really terrible writing.

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Clarence: 1x41 Lil Buddy

Very strangely off tone on a number of fronts. The Buddy doll plot was strange and amusing, but a shaved head, grimdark Clarence is just too out of step with the character.

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Gilligan's Island: 2x21 Gilligan's Living Doll

It's got a robot, represented by a man in a boxy tin suit that probably took all of $50 and two hours to put together, being made to do their laundry and taught how to swim. It's probably not even a top-20 episode, but still quintessentially Gilligan's Island.

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My Strange Addiction: 4x01 Addicted to Coffee Enemas; Licks Cats

You've got a husband/wife team who are addicted to putting coffee in their butt five times a day, and a 400lb. lady who licks her cat and eats clumps of its hair. I'm either speaking your language or not right now, y'know?

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The X-Files: 4x05 The Field Where I Died

I liked the cult aspect, but an episode full of multiple personalities and past lives, two of my least favorite tropes, plus awful poetry on the intro and outro, make this one of the weakest episodes of the first four seasons. They went for a emotional angle in this one and the story was far too flimsy to carry it.

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