Chromatic aberration = 1 star and DROPPED

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Midnight Mass: 1x07 Book VII: Revelation

Entertaining series but the ending was rather ridiculous. 50+ infected people and not a single one of them with the self preservation instinct to find some shade? I know these are Christcucks so they’re not the sharpest knives in the drawer but still, even with the buildings and the boats burned there’s still tons of ways to avoid sunlight, from hiding under rubble, bridges, stairs, trees, a tarp, digging a hole, putting clothing over any exposed part of your body, etc. Instead they all just stand there and die.

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Paper Girls

Missed potential. It is way less interesting than the comic and they completely altered the plot after the first episode. It might as well be an entirely different IP. Amazon clearly did not give this show the budget it deserved.

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The End Is Nye

Forget about The Office. This is Peacock’s killer app! Much better than his Netflix show. When Bill Nye, Seth MacFarlane and Brannon Braga are involved in a project you know you’re in for a good time.

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I was going to give this dumb movie a 9/10 but the final scene at the credits cemented it as a 10/10. People giving this low scores must be absolutely humorless people. Also I’m not even old. I never played any of this stuff in arcades, but you still have to be living under a rock to not recognize Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Centipede, Asteroids, Frogger, etc. even if you are a zoomer.

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Outstanding. One of the best Christmas movies ever made

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Wine Country

One of the most boring movies ever made. At least it's native 4K + HDR so it looks pretty during the monotony.

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Dark Phoenix

Shout by Victoria
BlockedParent2019-06-12T05:50:32Z— updated 2019-08-22T04:42:07Z

Not nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be. Better than X-Men: The Last Stand and overall one of the most entertaining in the series. I'm not disappointed I saw it.

Great 3D effect too. Shame there's not going to be any 3D Blu-ray release of it anywhere in the world. What a waste of a good 3D conversion.

This movie has a wide gulf between audience scores and critic scores. As if we needed further evidence that critics are garbage

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The Secret Life of Pets 2

First one was better.

Disney quality, this is not.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

The human sections drag down what was otherwise a very entertaining monster movie with a semi-decent lore behind it. The human characters are just so unbearably annoying and behave in an irrational manner at all times.

I cringed every time the camera cut to the protagonist's family struggling right in the middle of the monsters fighting, as if I was supposed to give one flying fuck about any of them.

Godzilla stepping on the whole lot of 'em and putting them out of their misery while they were driving the Humvee during the fight scene near the end of the movie, or better yet, much earlier in the film when they were all in in Antarctica, would have bumped my score for this movie up by several points.

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Little Shop of Horrors

Shout by Victoria
BlockedParent2019-05-12T06:37:49Z— updated 2019-08-22T04:44:19Z

Theatrical Cut - 4/10
Director's Cut with the proper ending - 6/10

Classic example of the theatrical release of a movie being vastly inferior to the home video release. I recommend watching this on Blu-ray and trying to forget that that 1987 theatrical cut ever existed.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

What a dumb plot. Love the worldbuilding and the animation though.

Keep it up guys. This is the first Pokémon movie I've seen that wasn't terrible. I don't regret watching it at all. That's high praise for a Pokémon movie. This live action + CG render combination is the way to go.

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Avengers: Endgame

Too many plotholes. Very slow start. What's the deal with Iron Man getting a funeral but not Black Widow? A very overhyped sequel that doesn't live up to the hype.

I enjoyed Captain Marvel more than this one tbh

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The Silence

It's a bad Quiet Place. So many logical inconsistences. The bats are too vulnerable and stupid. Given the wide array of tactics that worked against these creatures from bullets to fire to wood chippers, it just seemed unbelievable that this would be an apocalyptic scenario.

Just build some giant wood chippers on wheels and drive around with speakers blaring. They could clear out a city infestation in a day.

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Oh please. It wasn't that bad. Not every science fiction movie has to be a bang bang shooty shoot fest. For an apocalyptic movie it was strangely relaxing and had a strange degree of comfiness to it. And it ended on a positive note. I'd recommend it if you like science fiction but are also in the mood to watch something easygoing.

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This show doesn't get enough love. I never see anyone talking about it but it's better than any comedy on 'network TV' and you don't see a lot of shows like this with a cast of all female main characters that is genuinely funny.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x02 Battle at the Binary Stars

Starfleet hands out life imprisonment sentences for disobeying orders and assault?

I remember when Star Trek was supposed to be about a utopian vision of the future. Starfleet sounds even worse than the American "justice" system...

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