

Bacon Hills

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: 1x06 What Team?

Shout by Amber
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-12-15T13:21:10Z— updated 2019-12-16T16:41:35Z

the original songs are so good! the cafetaria song and ricky's little acoustic solo, holy crap. i love it.

also the kaycee stroh cameo! that was golden haha

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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: 1x03 The Wonderstudies

sTeALiNg jUsT sEeMs A LiTtLe LoW

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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: 1x01 The Auditions

this show is giving me major glee vibes and i am SO into it

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Atypical: 3x01 Best Laid Plans

aaaaaahhhhh cazzie. i'm so excited.

evan is such a nice guy but my gay heart just keeps shipping cazzie pff

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x03 Late

wait did they just actually do with ofglen what i think they did?

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The 100: 7x03 False Gods

this was a great episode! so russell is still up to something ): why can't he just die already and let there be actual peace for once?

i loved to see more of raven again and her dynamic with murphy. also good to see scenes with those two. please let those two end up together. other than that, it was interesting to see that for once raven was the one having to make the big decision instead of clarke. excited to see how that turns out

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Arrow: 8x03 Leap of Faith

i loved katie's work as a director on this episode!! that was awesome.

it was so good to see thea. she never disappoints. the scene with her and ollie on the mountain was so wholesome and great. i hope she'll make an appearance in crisis too.

the end!!! i really hope this is the end of the flash forwards and i hope that the kids will be more fun to watch.

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Supergirl: 5x07 Tremors

well this episode definitely hurt me a lots

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Supergirl: 5x01 Event Horizon

andrea is annoying. please don't tell me william's gonna be the new mon-hell. also, lena!!!!! supergirl writers, stop it with the supercorp angst, i'm NOT okay

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Supergirl: 4x22 The Quest for Peace

i've never felt so sad and hurt because of a tv show. lex luthor, you fricking piece of shit. he couldn't just go out quietly, could he? no, he had to just ruin supercorp and then go out. the look on lena's face when lex showed her the compilation of kara and her powers, that broke me. and then in the game night scene. lena pushing a fake smile when kara said "you're with me right?" "always." if season 5 is gonna have more of those moments, i don't know if i'll be able to handle it

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Stargirl: 1x02 S.T.R.I.P.E.

this was amazing! man i was expecting to like this show but i am loving this so much!

the montage with pat repairing his suit and the dog just casually chilling. the music is so fun and pat, man i love this guy. he's so dorky but he's my favorite character. and brainwave is a scary dude. like an intimidating villain but a straight up creepy father.

the teamup with stripe and stargirl to take down brainwave was too cool! what a duo. "i'm stargirl and he's my sidekick!" haha poor guy.

the ending with icicle! so far the two end scenes have both been jaw dropping moments for me!

can't wait for the next episode!

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Stargirl: 1x01 Pilot

holy moly. the trailer looked promising and i like brec and the jsa so why not give it a shot? and wow during the first few minutes i was already hooked. that was so amazing. the fight scene! wow. and stripesy at the end! that looks badass. my jaw dropped

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Dangerous Lies

i actually really liked this movie. but the third act was a bit all over the place and left me a bit confused.

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Feel Good: 1x05 Episode 5

f:asterisk_symbol:ck u arnie.

i ship george and mae so hard but on the other hand i don't and it's confusing. that last scene was so beautifully done, i'm crying so bad. it just felt so real. please episode 6, make everything okay.

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Feel Good: 1x04 Episode 4

linda's definitely pissing me off.

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Feel Good: 1x02 Episode 2

man, i love phil. he's great

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Charlie's Angels

this movie made my gay heart VERY happy. noah centineo wasn't that fun but that's all really. loved everything else.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x18 The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly

i don't know what i just watched, but that was amazing. i had to pause it to try and understand what was happening but dang beebo really is the hero of this show

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Pooh's Heffalump Movie

i watched this movie like 50 times as a kid and rewatching it now is great. i still love it. it's so cute and the songs are iconic (at least to me)

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Supergirl: 3x05 Damage

well, here we are. i'm broken.

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XIII: De 24-uurs film van Kalvijn

rating this a 2. would have been a 1 but the dinos were great and i laughed so much (out of confusion, but still)

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