

New Rochelle, NY

Earth Arcade: 2x02 Games Out Of Control

The yutnori game, oh god. :rofl::rofl: This season is so funny, I can't with them. Phenomenal!

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@sinanonline omg ikr lol... like please just end already!

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Alice in Borderland: 2x02 Episode 2

Niragi always tryna rape someone

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@sigado I thought he'd sacrifice himself for the group but no. That piece of shit.

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Lost in Translation

I really disliked it and found it a bit racist how they portrayed the Japanese in this movie and they did a poor job showcasing Tokyo's vibrance and color, especially when the city is like the 3rd character in the movie. A slow and boring movie for a place with such high-pace and energy like Tokyo... i don't know... it just doesn't fell right.

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@oh_my_jihyo that's still a very high rating u're giving lol

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Little Women

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-01-26T09:08:05Z— updated 2020-03-22T14:21:23Z

I'm allergic to time jumps back and forth, back and forth and this movie has a lot of it and it ruins the movie completely, and they really have removed a lot of story. Especially noticeable after having watched the 3h miniseries and the movie from 1994 in the last month.

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@psonnosp Agree. Had I not already known the story and the characters from the 90's version, I'd be hella confused, esp when you couldn't tell if the time difference was 7 years or 2 years bc no one aged at all throughout the timeline.

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Space Force

Shout by emily
BlockedParent2020-06-03T22:51:42Z— updated 2020-06-05T22:08:43Z

I felt it tried a little too hard to be Veep 2.0 (even down to the music) but I did enjoy the season. The writing is not that smart or laugh out loud funny but I do really enjoy watching Carell. If more seasons came out, I’d keep going but some characters need to go - in particular, media guy Scarpiducci (although a lot of people on tumblr seem to adore him).

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@swanqueenz Oh yeah I find that Scarpiducci guy super annoying.

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The Witcher

I can't make to episode 2. It's so boring, full of cliches and shallow characters. Never read the books. Never played the game. Didn't like what i saw. It's kind of pathetic and tacky.

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@wrongcrouch I love how your rating completely contradicts with what you've commented.

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Dark Angel

Shout by Wade-kun
BlockedParent2020-02-03T16:18:06Z— updated 2020-02-05T14:51:52Z

Don't remember what this show was even about anymore (pretty sure it was awesome). All I remember was crushing hard on Jessica Alba after like the first episode.

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I was like ten years old then.

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I didn't know they spoke such fluent English in Russia. They should've talked Russian! We have subtitles for a reason, yes?

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@pertorem lol I'd just assume you can't find any fault in this show if your biggest takeaway is that it was filmed in English

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