Glenn Greening


Melbourne, Australia

The Vow: 1x07 Blame & Responsibility

This is just getting way too slow. Would have been a good movie. Just because you have all this footage doesn’t mean you need to use it all.

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Dash & Lily: 1x01 Dash

Oh why did they leave out sitting on Santa’s lap haha. Best bit of that part of the book! :weary:

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Steven Universe: 4x01 Kindergarten Kid

This episode reminded me of road runner cartoons and was quite funny. :joy:

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x09 People Like Us

At least this episode wasn’t jumping around all over the place. This season has been so annoying.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x01 What's Your Story?

So I guess this was a crossover episode? I haven’t watched the walking dead. I tried but didn’t like it so only ever saw a couple episodes.

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Future Man: 2x08 The Last Horchata

Couldn’t she just imagine a TTD and use it?

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High Fidelity: 1x08 Ballad of the Lonesome Loser

Great episode. Love how it shows that the secondary characters have stuff going on too when they’re not on screen. Loving this show so much.

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The Baby-Sitters Club: 1x02 Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls

Why does this mention phantom phone calls in the title? Not one phantom phone call!! Ridiculous! Phantom phone calls had nothing to do with anything!

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His Dark Materials: 1x04 Armour

“That... seems fair.”

Haha ok Lyra.

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Money Heist: 1x09 Episode 9

I think he’s either going to burn down the house or he set up a completely fake plan before leaving the house. He’s always one step ahead!!

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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist: 1x12 Zoey's Extraordinary Dad

A terrible show overall really. I just don’t like any of the characters. American Pie was done well.

If there’s a season 2 I’ll only watch if the baby breaks out into song and dance occasionally.

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Money Heist: 1x04 Episode 4

It doesn’t really make sense that they are all portrayed as professionals but then just argue amongst themselves the whole time. You think during the training they would have got used to each other’s personalities and understood that this is just a job to get done....

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Good Girls: 2x13 King

I hope that is the end. Don’t need another season. A good finish.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

when the song of ice and fire book came out - that was the moment this show jumped the shark. Unbelievable. It looked more like a joke scene to put on the dvd extras. I can’t believe the actors took it seriously and it was actually part of the show. One of many reasons this last episode was beyond terrible.

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Russian Doll: 1x08 Ariadne

What a great finish to a great series. I hope it stops there. No need for season 2. Enjoyed every bit of this show except episode 1.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x04 The Second Polaroid

Why does Hannah’s “ghost” (or whatever she is) have long hair. Wasn’t it short when she died?

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The IT Crowd: 2x01 The Work Outing

Best episode yet. So much better than last season. Had me laughing out loud on this very quiet train. :/

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