The Other Woman

Quite a lot better than I expected. Still had it's clichés, but also had plenty of original bits and funny parts.

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Shout by Hugo
BlockedParent2014-10-27T14:58:33Z— updated 2022-09-19T17:19:21Z

I loved the movie up until like 2 minutes before it ends. The fact that it was all a dream completely screws it up - I'd loved the epic ending of "I made a mistake".

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Awesome movie! The characters are extremely lovable and unique. It does have it's clichés, but it's still a great action movie that brings plenty of laughs.

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The Art of Travel

There's no real plot to this movie (it's just a story of a boy with no real conflict).
It kind of seems as if the protagonist tried to transmit how you should rethink your lifestyle -- though his own only applies if you're somehow rich and don't need to work at all to afford expensive trips.

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Code 8

Selfish guy in a dysopian future learns basic human decency, while the world continue to be the same shit it was.

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Great remake of the original, and great film by itself too. Lots of fun and worth watching.

The only outstanding fact was how the princess looked and sounded SO incredibly American, which kinda ruined the fantasy of the movie being in a middle east setting.

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The Lion King

This movie isn't necessarily bad. But the voice acting and facial expressions just don't match. At times you can hear an actor crying as in tears, yet the CGI characters just have a plain expressionless face. There's like something missing here.

The plot is pretty much the same as the original, and line changes aren't bad. I do feel like they made too much of an effort to explain what's going on at times -- which was already pretty obvious in the original, being a kid's film.

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Max Payne

This movie was a huge dissapointment if you've ever played Max Payne or are even familiar with it's story. It would not having been that bad if it was some random action movie with a completely different name.

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