Code 8

First of all, its a pretty cool feeling knowing that you helped produce this film on indiegogo (or kickstarter, whichever one it was). I was impressed by how well made it was. It felt like a big budget movie.

Second, the story was great. A few things happened that I didn't expect to.

The only thing that I didn't like was the ending... It needed 5 more minutes to explain what the hell just happened. Connor said he's going to make things right. But nothing happened. He visits his mom's grave. Then what? He's back where he started, minus having a mom?

Did Garrett essentially replace Marcus with that deal?

Did Park not end up having powers? I definitely thought he was going to have powers.

So Nia got to visit her dad in prison. That's not really a happy ending for her, is it?

Maybe I missed something while I was watching...

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@rlevitz Didn't know it was an indiegogo film. The production quality is superb, it looked very top-of-the line. I'm impressed!

Did Garrett essentially replace Marcus with that deal?

I don't think that's really relevant to the story being told. He got out of his money-debt issues, and was also free, rather than to work under the other Marcus. He was essentially free, and that's really the big point here.

Did Park not end up having powers? I definitely thought he was going to have powers.

No. They never painted him to be. Quite the contrary, he was more humane because he could see his pairs discriminating, and could empathize with those with power since his daughter was one of them.

So Nia got to visit her dad in prison. That's not really a happy ending for her, is it?

She starts the movie a slave to a monster. The fact that she was free to visit a beloved one by herself reflects her newfound freedom. Considering where she started, that is a happy ending.

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The Witcher

The story and art style definitely seem cool and interesting, but the long, dull, uninspired battle scenes drag on too much, and the sound effects just don’t make sense. Swords whooshing sound like transformers, and it’s all so exagerated, it’s off-putting. Don’t waste your time, this show isn’t worth it.

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@gekey No, not at all.

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The Art of Travel

Reply by Hugo

There's no real plot to this movie (it's just a story of a boy with no real conflict).
It kind of seems as if the protagonist tried to transmit how you should rethink your lifestyle -- though his own only applies if you're somehow rich and don't need to work at all to afford expensive trips.

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@binge-watcher 20k USD is more than a lot of people make in a year. Heck, it's about three years worth of average salary where I live.

If you're able to save that much (and at 20y/o, lmao!?), then you're already pretty privileged.

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Edge of Tomorrow

Reply by Hugo

Thrilling, creative and well acted. There was a lot of doubts about Edge of Tomorrow, but for me it seemed very cool and since I first saw the trailer that I was excited to see it. Today I finally had the chance to catch it and I really enjoyed!

The concept of the story is so cool! Something between Source Code and a mix of many war films. The action sequences of war are absolutely amazing and the special effects so well done! With a fantastic and super original Sci-Fi story you will be intrigued until the very last minute and you can't even predict what is coming next.

What I wasn't expecting was the amount of humour the film has. Those comical parts go very well with the story and are very well delivered. I let go an amount of spontaneous laughs throughout the story and that was great.

Tom Cruise was really great that his role! We already know that through the last few years he is a guy that likes to do this kind of physically difficult roles full of action and he certainly is in shape for that. I confess that I prefer the 80's and 90's Tom Cruise but he was pretty good in this and that is the Tom Cruise that I wanna continue to see! (although last year I also liked to see him in Oblivion which I think is not as bad as many say). Emily Blunt is a good actress, seeing her in this badass role was awesome! The chemistry between Cruise and Blunt was fantastic! I really liked Bill Paxton's character too.

I heard somewhere that this film was "the best video game film that was not based in a video game" and while I was watching it I really felt that! It was so cool to almost feel that I was actually playing a video game something like "Oh sh*t GAME OVER, start all over again!" haha

First was X-Men: Days of Future Past and now Edge of Tomorrow. Two great Blockbusters! Will this Summer continue to be great? I hope so!

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While I agree with most of this, I don't recall a single humorous scene throughout the movie!

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