

South Africa, Johannesburg

Dexter: New Blood

After almost a decade I can finally say... I love Dexter again! The way this show was handled is top notch! Def worth the watch for us who waited YEARS for closure!!!

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F is for Family

What an AWESOME show!!! Swriously looking forward to future seasons. Bravo, bravo!!!

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Jeff & Some Aliens

A very unique and interesting show. Has the same humor as Rick and Morty if you're into that kind of thing. I highly recommend watching it.

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My new fav show!!! This is my humor on a platter!

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Paranormal Lockdown

I dont believe in this crap,im just watching this to make my eye roll game reach epic preportions.

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The Grand Tour

Still some scripted parts. But hey, thats show biz...

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America's Got Talent

Just watching the seasons with Howard Stern in them. After that I'm done. Heidi sucks, Howie sucks, Mel B sucks and I for one cant stand Simon Cowell.

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The Strain

This show is slowly but surely losing its appeal to me... Sure the first season had us on the edge of our seats with the whole city turning into vampires and what not... But now its just a yawn fest of forgettable subplots, and origin filler nobody cares enough about to remember. Here is a an idea show... HAVE A POINT!!!

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Better Call Saul

Really struggling to get invested with the characters in this spin off... Even the plot is like dragging out and doesn't know what it wants to do with its self.

With so many dead ends I really have to force myself just to keep watching this show... Come one, give me some pay off.. I don't care about Jimmy's two faced brother, I dont care about his Skylar like GF... Give me SOMETHING, ANYTHING that makes me think... "Yep, just as good as Breaking bad.".

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The IT Crowd

Why God?!?! Why did they stop this show?!?!?! ITS OFFICIAL, THIS SHOW IS MY MOST FAVOURITE SHOW IN THE ENTIRE WORLD..... EVER!!! Wish there was more though...

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Too many forced sex scenes for my taste.

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Drops out of Ironman 2 due to money reasons. Stars in low budget TV show... You sure showed them...

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Key & Peele

Why do black comedians always have to talk about what it feels like "being back in a white mans world"? Let the comedy speak for itself, I hate when comedians have to make things about race to get a few laughs.. Never see this from white comedians.

Other than that, not a bad show. Watch it all the time. BUT!! I just hate when shows like these are like.. "We back", "as a African American", "Having a white friend", "White people always like".. ect ect ect IN EVERY EPISODE!!!!


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The Vampire Diaries

People still watch this show??? I stopped at season 3!

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What a hunk of junk. Sexy Zombies?? Screw you, who ever green lit this!

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I love it. It so cliche and yet I cant stop watching it!!!

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MasterChef Australia

I still prefer the US one.. this one just feels clumsy...

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The Island

Only 6 episodes??? Was this cancelled?

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Fear the Walking Dead

3 episodes in and its almost just as boring as the original show. Keep on milking that cow AMC...

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Getting more scripted as each episode passes. Either that or all Americans are attention whores.

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The Voice

I hate season 8s poster. All the dudes are like "yeah, whatever bro." Ans Christina is like "Im the talent in this group, scream encore sheeps" fml it irritates the hell out of me.

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I'm Alan Partridge

Im so furious at this show! Just when I started loving the characters and how rude Alan can be, it stops... DAMN YOU!!!

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Gravity Falls

Started watching this on Saturday with my wife. went in with no expecations and it blew us away!!

A must see!! Dont see a lot of shows so well written these days.

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Remember when people used to say Dexter is one of the best shows on tv? I do... Then season 8 happened...

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The Vampire Diaries

I hate this show, wanna have your pansy ass vampires walk in daylight for budget purposes? Fudge it, give them crappy purity rings, YOUR WELCOME!

God this show is stupid.

Who actually watches this finger-bang crap anyways?

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Hotel Hell

Seems kinda scripted though... Lets see if its any good.

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Hell's Kitchen

Was always curious about this show when I first heard about it and now I cant stop watching it!

The only gripe do have is the narrator, he can be such a drama queen. He literally makes everything sound like its ten times worse than what it actually is.

Damn reality TV ;)

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Anger Management

Dude, the season season is like lasting forever!

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In the Flesh

WOW! This took me by surprise, cant wait to see what else this show has to offer.

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The Strain

I see alot of potencial in this show! Not everyday we get shows like these.

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