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Omicron Persei 8


Went back and forth on whether I liked this or not. I thought the lead was really good and there was a good amount of mystery surrounding her kidnapping but I also hated how everyone doubted her word because she did not act the "way she was supposed to". Like Stockholm syndrome isn't a real thing, like fearing your captor isn't real, like she wasn't kidnapped at 13.

This soured my enjoyment of this mini series too much for me to rate it higher.

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Overall, Friends is a show that you can watch and rewatch at will. I know some will say it has gotten a little old, the jokes are dated and the lack of diversity is shining exemple to the 90s treatment of non-white characters.I'll concede the last point but this show hasn't aged apart from that. The main theme at its core is life in your twenties, finding love, making a career and this is all very much still the magic of that show. The cast is incredible in their different parts and while I'll always have a soft spot for David Schwimmer as Ross, all the other actors are solid and contribute in their own way.

Friends will make you smile when you're down.

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The Musketeers

While this show had very different moods during its run, all three seasons are equally interesting for different reasons. The fact that it had a different "villain" that spanned over an entire season tied together all the episodes. The villains were layered and had different motives to their actions. All four musketeers had their moments and were loveable despite their very different personnalities. All the ladies from the cast also shine in their role and bring a much appreciated elegance, tenderness (and also ruthlessness) to the show.

It's three seasons, it's very enjoyable. Just get to it.

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The Order

This was a weird yet enjoyable show. I had a lot of WTF moments during the first season because I was not expecting the mix of campiness and tearful drama and thought the balance was way off at times but it kinda became a signature for this show and I thoroughly enjoyed what it became. The acting wasn't stellar and the dialogue was downright terrible but a lot of interesting ideas and concepts. I was very sad to hear it would not have a third season as the second season ended with a serious BANG.

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I've got to admit, I wasn't keen on this during the first two episodes. The cringe was real, the dialogue abyssimal and most characters/relationships were just ridiculous, over the top or trying to navigate between comedy and drama (and failing). However, I do feel like this found its footing and while the dialogues never quite get better, while the balance of drama/comedy is never impeccable, the ensemble does find its chemistry (some characters being so terribly more annoying than others but you'll just have to make up your mind about that). At first, you may feel this has not the charm of the movie but if you rewatch the movie, it has grown old and has its terrible amount of cheese as well so all in all, this is a really big expansion on the Willow world that's barely in the movie.

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I know I didn't rate this very high. In all fairness, I wanted to slap most characters. I know it's a comedy and the caricature is strong but everything in this workplace made me want to hit my head against the wall and disappear. Why did I stick with it you ask? Because at its heart, there are characters that are really worth it. Despite their ugliness and meanness, there was also a lot of love and compassion.

How do I know that ? Because I wanted season 6 to end so badly and when the last five minutes rolled in, I was bawling like a baby. Now, that's when you know you've done something right.

So watch for the characters and get attached. If you don't mind chaotic unefficient hellish workplaces, this is for you.

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Modern Family

There are so many things I could say about Modern Family but I'll try to synthetize: I don't think it has the rewatchability of Friends but it has SO MUCH heart. Some characters are just the nicest people you'll see on TV and it is quite amazing to see the growth of the actors, especially the kids. There is a huge chance that you'll find at least one character you can identify with. (I'm such a Claire but then I absolutely adored Gloria, Phil and Haley).

Now, there's a serious drop in quality in the middle of the run and the humour just runs out but try to stick with it, it gets better again. As the kids grow up, the dynamics shift and it has a hard time adjusting before finding its groove again.

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Pushing Daisies

I love this show and will love it forever. The storytelling hits all the right spots, the imagery is sublime, the characters are adorable, Emerson Cod is my soulmate and if I do not give this a 10, it's because I'm a tough cookie who's a difficult rater. Also, season 2 was just a tiny less superior than season 1 but who cares?

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Penny Dreadful

I'm a sucker for fantasy/sci fi shows, I'm a sucker for slow storytelling, I'm a sucker for damaged broken characters and I definitely enjoy my share of folklore and tales so this definitely hit all the right spots for me. This is dark and sad and twisted but very beautifully shot with haunting music and imagery. The acting was absolutely superb especially from Miss Eva Green who carried the whole damn thing on her frail shoulders.

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Terra Nova

I did not remember most of what happens in this show but I'm glad I watched it again. This has hold up fairly well to me and I found the watch very quick and easy. Nothing about this is mind blowing but it was entertaining which is more than I can say of a lot of shows. Sad this never got a few more seasons.

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The Diplomat

This was beyond fantastic. Of course, it has Keri Russell so the fantastic is almost guaranteed. But man, I was prepared for a slow kind of political drama and I got flipping dirty talking diplomat Kate Wyler who's pretty much my hero and crush all in one. I don't know if I want to kiss her or be her.

The rest of the casting was incredible. The pacing is steady and fast. The whole thing was just smart and fascinating. Sign me up for MORE.

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The Expanse

Honestly one of my favourite tv shows of all time. Also, one of the best tv shows ever in my humble opinion. Although the seasons have slowly lost a bit of edge in my regards (but very slowly and barely), this was a joy to watch. It's great sci-fi with amazing characters. Each season has an arc although there's an overall arc to the whole show. I just really have no other words but for people to take the time to watch. It is so worth it.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

One could go on about Buffy the Vampire Slayer for pages and pages as there is so much to unfold. Overall, despite the incredibly corniness of the first season, despite the fact that this show aired 25 years ago now, it is still as good as ever. Yes, you will find faults in every season, in some storylines, characters or just episodes whose quality is definily not up to par with the sublime arcs of the main characters but you will laugh and you will cry and you will grow. And at one point, you will look at an incredible woman and will think, man it was only a week ago in season 1 that she was just a baby. And that is the beauty of this show. Characters grow (in both good and bad ways), they evolve and change and none of it feels surreal.

Be warned, you will not watch for the special effects (ouch) or the action but you will stay for incredible characters (vilains and heroes alike).

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This was definitely more enjoyable than I thought it'd be. It has made the Sissi series with Romy Schneider way too bubble gum in comparison. Now, as usual in those kind of series, you don't go in it for the historical aspects because you know a lot of liberty has been taken. Nevertheless, the costumes and setting are gorgeous, the acting is more than fair and it is far more dramatic and dark than romantic and cutesy.

Interesting for people wishing to learn more about this time and place and cannot handle the sugary take of the mini series.

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Three Rivers

A fairly generic show that missed the mark by not focusing enough on its main character. The viewer does not get invested much which I guess is why this only went on for one season. It really isn't bad but it unfortunately lacks heart which is a shame considering all the transplants that go on in this show.

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This was incredible. The images were powerful, the directing, the casting... everything made this a mini series to remember.

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Meh. Just meh all around.

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Lie to Me

I honestly could not love this more. My only gripe with this is the supporting cast that does not compete with Tim Roth and Kelli Williams who shine and are just mesmerizing in their roles, separately and together. I absolutely adore this show and I'm sure it would not be the same if Tim Roth wasn't so incredible in the role of Cal, who's not easy to like by any means.

Hard rec for people looking for procedurals that have more bite to them than usual.

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I kinda wish I would rate Miranda higher but I found the last two seasons (if season 4 can be called a season) to be quite disappointing. It did not hold the same charm, the same humor as the first two seasons. However, I'd still recommend Miranda in a heartbeat. It's a fun quirky show with characters that make no sense (and that's quite why you love it). Miranda Hart is amazing of course, but honestly she's quite outshone by Sarah Hadland and Patricia Hodge. If you're one of those adults that has a hard time adulting and wishes they could find their childlike spirit, then look no further and give Miranda a try.

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Look no more, the cheesy sci fi show of the 90s is upon you. It has everything you need (or not): a cast that is very uneven, ridiculous costumes, bad special effects, poor storylines. This is Farscape's poor child.
It is corny in a way that the adventures of sinbad, or robin hood, was but it lacked their heart to really make this worthwhile.

I'm probably one of the few people that liked season four and five way more than the first three seasons.I liked that it had darker themes, that it went out of its bubble and wasn't afraid to shake things up in terms of character and storyline. Season 1 is just bubblegum wrapped in good morale and sentiment. Season 2 and 3 are a snooze. Season 4 picks up a little and season 5, though it doesn't feel like the same show anymore, has a more interesting overall storyline.

However, that's still a lot of episodes to get through so just do that if you're like me and have plenty of time on your hand.

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Overall, this has aged badly. The Vietnam references/context that is such an important part of the show will probably speak to younger viewers. One will also be confused by the show's inequal run. The first season is pretty dark with a lead that barely ever emotes, the second and third season are a bit more mainstream but the underuse of Caitlin leaves you wondering what the point was in adding her to the story. And then you have an entire new cast in a fourth season that, on its own, would have made a nice entertaining show with likeable characters but unfortunately has a budget cut so harsh that the helicopter is barely a feature anymore.

Overall, it's a fair rating for me. I cannot say it was bad nor can I say it is good. It's just fair. That's all you'll get. Amazing chopper scenes in the first three seasons but characters that are not really engaging. Likeable characters in the last season but barely any chopper action.

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Swamp Thing

I'm really surprised this got canceled so soon because it really felt like quality tv for a genre that's often corny and cheesy. The show has a way of pulling you in and the scene and setting combined with the tense mood really gave an edge to most episodes. There wasn't a dull moment and Crystal Reed was fantastic.

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Minus one storyline (the married couple), I found this show to be rather solid. It does take a few episodes to get into it and make sense of all the characters, the different timelines, but once you do, it's very pleasing. It's a shame this was cancelled because it could have a good three seasons run. I loved hearing all the languages and watching the different storylines merge together.

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I SO loved this show. It had such great potential and I honestly think it's a shame this didn't get another season. It asked a lot of good questions and thanks to its large cast explored a variety of situations linked to a flashforward: do we really want to know our future? does knowing our future make it happens? Are we more likely going to create that future because we saw it? Can we change it? If things change, is the universe going to try and correct itself? Oh dear, I loved loved this.

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Marvel's Inhumans

I'm probably rating this higher than what I would have but since I know absolutely nothing about the comics universe, I'm always a fairly easy watcher of all things DC and Marvel. I thought this one was okay, definitely entertaining. I was disappointed that it ended in a season. People seemed fairly reasonnable in their motives and actions, the whole thing was properly edited. A good show to watch if you're not looking for anything too complicated and if you haven't read the comics. Don't look for more, it's cheesy and has a lot of heartfelt monologues.So if that's right up your alley, go for it.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

I'm watching this for the 2nd time and it is even better than the first time around. I can't put into words how much I love this show, its quirkiness, its cleverness, how it pokes fun at society. It is SO CLEVER. I definitely get that it's not everyone's cup of tea and that some people might find it off putting and weird especially the first season but it gets so good and things make so much sense after a while. And I don't know. JUST WATCH IT. Get through the first episodes of the first season. I'm serious, the second hand embarassement makes sense, it's not just for weirdness. It has a purpose. Everything in this freaking show makes sense.Also the casting is stellar and just great, ok?

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The only reason I don't rate this lower is because I managed to finish it but honestly it was just bad. It's like the worst team of astronauts put together and makes you wonder if the spatial program actually screens their candidates. I've never seen so much personal trauma and drama in one place and such a mismatched group of people. It was ridiculous and took away from all the space stuff that should have been enough to hold interest.

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Emily Owens, M.D.

I love pretty much the entire cast but the first few episodes were painful to watch. No character seemed nice, level-headede or even professional (maybe apart Micaha and Gina). Most of the rest felt like highschool graders and while this is a recurring theme in the show, no one wants to see professional doctors acting stupid around each other.
It does get better after a while and you start to get attached to the characters but somehow, I'm pretty glad this didn't go on for more seasons.

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Robin Hood

I really do love this show and its casting (yes, even Jonas Armstrong who makes a good RObin Hood, in my opinion. Lucy Griffiths as Marian is refreshing as hell and Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne was GREAT casting. The chemistry between all them makes the show which is great because the supporting cast is sadly mistreated and misused. Apart from season 1 which had nice character moments for the supporting cast, this all disappears in season 2 and all these characters feel incredibly sidelined. Let's not talk about season 3 because that's upsetting on its own (and by upsetting, I mean it was a chore to get through the last four episodes).

However, despite the poor treatment of the secondary characters and the terrible season 3 in many regards, this is such an enjoyable rendition of Robin Hood which I'll always look back on fondly. As soon as I forget season 3.... but that will probably never happen.

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Not surprised this got one season. It started out well enough but it got so convoluted over 13 episodes with the twists and the characters and relationships going back and forth all the time. I get that it tried to be mysterious enough and the two lawyers were interesting enough but it was hard to actively root for anyone else. Overall, I think this wanted to explore a lot of sensitive stories but was not broadcast on the right channel to dive and showcase these stories in a way they deserved. So this got stuck in "generic" case of the week state while trying to achieve something that pushed the enveloppe.

The result is a complex overall arch dragged down by interloping useless stories of the week.

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