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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

They've been drawing parallels between Payback and Seven every now and then, but this episode shows the clearest. The sad thing is, if Soldier Boy is Payback's Homelander, and the team both hated their lead and tried to redeem themselves like Maeve do. then what a writing to show that Butcher is not a main character you should sympathize with. He is pragmatic, calculative, cold-blooded murderer sacrificing the redeemed Crimson Countess and Gunpowder who never liked Soldier Boy.

I find it interesting that there are parallels with Season 1 here. Butcher is back to his cold-blooded self and the compromise they're making with Soldier Boy reminds me a bit of similar ones they made with Starlight when they first discovered her. However Hughie, besides his power, seem to have not progressed much as a character, as he resorted to his confused, worst decision maker habit like we've seen in Season 1.

Other than that, the episode feels a bit lighter compared to the first three, not as packed but still better paced than the previous episode. Only 3 episodes left. Curious where they will take us. Hope this pays off.

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan
The Boys: 3x02 The Only Man in the Sky

Solid episode all around. The Boys staying true to its criticism on woke capitalism (carnivals overselling LGBT empowerment) while portraying how the supes despite being antagonists are still human. Loved that scene with Kimiko and Crimson Countess: showing Kimiko's childhood innocence and Crimson Countess' human side. And this episode returns to remind us that Butcher is not a hero, but a cruel, supe-hating murderer.

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The Boys: 3x01 Payback

This first episode does take its time to show the transition from the one-year-off screen-peacetime to the action again. So it is no wonder they spent the first half of the episode rather slowly, showing the peaceful lives of the cast. They don't shake off the uncomfortable feeling of Homelander's unpredictability though; every time he's on screen I'm never so sure what would happen next. Not to mention that there's also Neuman, every time she's on screen I can't get rid of the feeling that anything something explode at anytime.

I like that they still play the vulgar sex, gross violence, and not-so-subtle allegories (Homelander being jerked off) like in previous seasons. But like the other reviewer said, I hope they don't rely too much only on those tropes and offer something new to the table.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x02 Body of the Sanctioned

Good episode. Kickstarted the season and made me curious of what's coming. Fares much better than the Brotherhood version here. The episode shows the consequence of Ed and Al's action to the city rather than just showing them wreaking havoc. It also shows Al as a more empathetic side compared to Ed.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x01 Those Who Challenge the Sun

This is a good episode for two reasons:

  1. As a pilot, this sets the tone directly. Not overdone humor, enough action, and enough world-building. The mechanics is there, brief background of our protagonists are there, and the conflict is there. Ed came off as a reasonable but still haughty/bratty state alchemist. Compare this to the pilot in FMA: Brotherhood which introduced too many characters, etc, which gets confusing.

  2. Compared to the same episode in FMA: Brotherhood, this one explains much better why the priest was beloved by his people. The people are not just blind fanatics mesmerized by miracle, but benefit materially from him. There is also enough character development between Ed & Al with the others so they don't come off as haughty edgy atheists barging to people's door. More time to set the tone and silently establishes the bigger antagonists as well.

The only thing jarring here is the people just have to be brown just because they live in desert lol. Stereotype of very 2000-ish anime.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x03 City of Heresy

Not sure what was wrong with the episode, but the science vs religion contrast feels a bit tacked on, and the conflict as well as the resolution feels really hurried. The citizen seems to be too foolishly gullible to believe the antagonist with no strong reason except 'muh miracles'. The antagonist seems pretty dumb to reveal his grand plan just like that for the plot to keep on going. And, the worst is, Ed sounds like an edgy Reddit atheist with his haughty "god doesn't exist" speech.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x01 Fullmetal Alchemist

Weak pilot. Too many characters introduced, mixed with some out of place humor. Worst is that this episode shows both the state alchemists as unorganized, reckless institution (no plan at all to anticipate attack on central) and the Ice Alchemist as incompetent offender (with all that spectacle he really doesn't seem to plan anything in advance, as he gets beaten by Elric bros).

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Sons of Anarchy: 1x04 Patch Over

Last two episodes have been good, kinda shows the dynamics between characters (Clay being so petty with the new guy and Gemma keep trying to maintain her matriarch role). The only downside here is the a bit poorly executed gunfight.

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Peacemaker: 1x08 It's Cow or Never

I guess this episode has little bit of everything. There is a bit of suspense of the barn invasion. There is a bit of action in the final showdown, of course. There is a bit of Justice League cameo. There is a bit of character development during the mission preparation. There is a bit of wrapping up the story (each characters' fate, tying up loose ends, and Peacemaker making peace with himself). And there is also some stereotypical eco-message slipped in (I guess since this is the anthropocene and Thanos' ecofascism seems to be popular...).

It's not a gripping finale, but it does what it does well for an action comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Highlight would be: I like that they keep Goff alive because Peacemaker's personal connection and Judomaster also alive with his chips-eating habit. I also liked that they're setting this up for future DCEU but not too blatantly obvious that they had to throw away the standalone-ness of the show like MCU/Marvel Studios usually do.

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Peacemaker: 1x07 Stop Dragon My Heart Around

It ties all loose ends and give some resolution to Peacemaker as a character. Despite not having much progression in the plot, I don't think it's a bad episode. It develops Peacemaker, Adebayo, and Harcourt more, even though I hoped we could've seen more from how Peacemaker and Harcourt handled what happened in the episode. Characters in the show, though, do feel expendable, and I kept wondering if they'd kill Eagly. Thankfully they didn't.

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Peacemaker: 1x04 The Choad Less Traveled

"You don't like illegal aliens? These are real illegal aliens."

The show has finally started to get its grip. There's an enough amount of comic book references for the fans, enough comedy for people who watch it for the jokes, enough character development, and enough plot moving on - especially with the scene with Judomaster and the one in the ending. The only thing lacking here is the camera works during the brief action sequences; its dizzy, inconsistent, and doesn't convey the action at all.

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Peacemaker: 1x03 Better Goff Dead

This could've been Episode 2 as this is where things finally start to get going. Pace has been much better - if in the first two episodes I felt the need of fast-forwarding, at least in this episode I didn't feel any of that.

Show has been relying banters, irony, and sex jokes for its comedy but this episode shows some physical humor as well. Action is there but not as fleshed. Don't seem like the Peacemaker we saw in The Suicide Squad, but I guess it's supposed to be a character development.

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Peacemaker: 1x02 Best Friends, For Never

I quite liked that they treat the quippy one-liner spouter Adebayo as seen as the dumber person by other characters, which kinda shows how ridiculous it is to be quippy in serious situation - like a slap to MCU face. I also liked they slipped in the derogatory "cape shit" to refer to superheroes/supervillains.

But I guess the episode swings between jocular and serious moments a little too hard, and it's a bit difficult to get the tone they're trying to convey here. I get it that this show is an action comedy show, but it would've been great if they can maintain a tone a bit more consistently. The drama between the couple is a bit too overdone, as well as the dick joke between Vigilante and Peacemaker, and the part where Peacemaker had to jump from ledges. I guess it's a bit too much for a 45 minutes episodes - too little substance.

It's fine overall but I hope this doesn't end up as "Deadpool but DCEU".

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Peacemaker: 1x01 A Whole New Whirled

It's different, to say the least. Kinda nice to actually have an anti-hero in a world laden with superhero stuff, and the awkward, crass one at that. Considering Peacemaker's racist background, looking forward how to the show will handle that aspect without resorting to typical MCU style "kumbaya" take.

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The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes
The Expanse: 6x03 Force Projection

The first two episodes were weak but this one is The Expanse back at its finest. I really liked how they get up close and personal with the crews in each ships/stations - Rocinante, Tynan, Pella, even Ceres - but then they also zoom out and see things in bird view. The Expanse has always been the strongest in world building, and this episode they show it really well when the characters were observing the news. The politics is also slightly back in with the combined forces of Earth and Mars dealing with Marco leaving Ceres. I also liked how they return to working on Naomi's character as well as they did before: with simple, short dialogues between Naomi and Holden about Naomi recovering from Pella incident and working on her best as data analyst. About Naomi, in the last sequence I also liked that it was not Naomi who pulled the trigger off (I was expecting some typical melodramatic "no don't do it" stuff), but it was Holden.

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The Expanse: 6x02 Azure Dragon
The Expanse: 6x01 Strange Dogs
Marvel's Hit-Monkey: 1x05 Run Monkey Run

Not sure how I feel about this episode. It's been a fun ride but this episode 5 is kinda weak.

It started out as John Wick-y flick with all bounty hunters chasing over the Monkey. Which would've been cool - but most of the fights happened off screen. Most villains in this episode are just meatbags; a shame since I actually enjoyed their presentation. There's also an appearance of some ghost called Yuki out of nowhere, that reminds me this is still a Marvel cartoon - which is fine, really, but the way she was introduced and put out is very jarring. No reason. She could've killed the Monkey and Bryce but decided not to due to plot armor.

The scene with the police duo is also kinda shoehorned if only to justify the death of the police-yakuza guy and put the duo back on track. So yeah, not their strongest episode.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x07 Toys in the Attic

This initially teases an Alien vibe, but it ends up quite hilarious. The real lesson: don't leave things in the fridge!

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x06 Ganymede Elegy

"You seem to think that time really had stopped here. That's a story from a long time ago. I've forgotten about it."

Kinda captures the moment when you think you can get back to your ex and reconcile. Life goes on. And eventually we have to accept it and move on even when we don't get to see it ends the way we wanted, just like when Jet in the end throws away the watch.

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The Expanse: 5x06 Tribes
The Expanse: 5x01 Exodus

Not the strongest pilot: it branches on each main character's future plotlines, with Holden, Naomi, Alex, and Amos going on their own path. However it sets up the Inaros as quite detestable villains - in case killing Ashford in previous season was not enough. It started with Filip and ended with Marcos. The extras were less convincing, but the space shots - and we got lots of them (Tycho, Venus, Earth) - all are gorgeous.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x01 Offred
The Boys: 2x07 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

Not the greatest The Boys episode, esp. not Season 2's good. They have come this far to plan and strategize against Vought, yet they don't seem to have any backup plan... not with Lamplighter, who they leave only with Hughie to babysit, and especially not with Dr. Vogelbaum, the man behind all these, the most important man who should have acted as key witness? With Lamplighter, okay, they missed their chance, but Butcher and Mallory could have at least made Vogelbaum recorded his confession or some sort since they should have known that sending him off means an extremely high risk of failure. And they freaking knew there's someone out there who can pop head out of nowhere. Why don't they take any precaution?

The one scene with Hughie and Lamplighter is kind of dumb too, only showing him as ever petulant bystander who can't prioritize - which is a step down of character development since he blew Transluscent's ass. Butcher family drama seems to give a hint of character development but the pacing is too convenient as a cop out for stuff to fall apart.

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

As a work of TV show, it's good. It sets up the characters and the theme it wants to talk about. It starts with the aftermath end slowly reveals how the event unfolds to the disaster Chernobyl was.

However the message it tries to deliver, as it seems already obvious from the start, is very problematic: the all-too familiar story of meritocratic individual not being able to fight against the evil of bureaucracies, epitomized in the face of the Soviet state - the episode even has a speech on the need to believe on the Socialist State. This premise is very shaky, as David Graeber has famously written, bureaucracies - and its "evils" - were more prominent within the so-called neoliberal states and even corporations more than back then in Soviet era. Turning the disaster into a fight between heroic individuals also seem all too common for Hollywood who keeps hallucinating for the existence of an underdog superhero.

But let's see how it goes for now.

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Dark: 1x01 Secrets

Not the most engaging pilot. So many setups and characters introduced at once. Mystery seems to be fleeting, lingering around the corner but there's no clear direction yet where it would lead the viewers. Feels like the episode is setting up a lot of things for the whole season at once.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x04 Nature's Course

"Why do things have to die?"

"It is nature. And nature is flawed."

This episode asks the question the meaning of life and death. As Campion and the kids learn the cost of survival sometimes can only be done by killing other sentient beings; Mother who wonders what it is like to be a "creator" - an actually pregnant woman; Tempest relates to a mother; and of course the bloody struggle of leadership among Mithraics.

There's something poetic about this episode, that starts with the loss of a mouse, a small creature possession of a kid that ends with the death of a pregnant creature, who reproduces life and Ambrose the leader of Mithraic survivors who were supposedly to save his group with his faith.

"Let nature run its course."

"Nature has no course."

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Raised by Wolves: 1x01 Raised by Wolves

An engrossing pilot. We see the world through the eyes of Campion, our seemingly protagonist. A world so alien, with a war of the post seem to reaching from behind, that it actually is not much forgotten as it seems to be. We were told to build a civilization anew, free from the clutch of religion that separates us in the past. But with no one else around - how? It is only Mother and Father that have sheltered us so far, androids that are completely different from us, but the closest one we can call as family - persons we trust. When someone eventually reaches us - someone human, more similar to us - they are at the same time so alien that it's hard who to trust.

This episode is a great start to open this series. The mystery, the provocation, the atmosphere - everything, even the violence. Looking forward to next episodes.

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