Richard Murray


Haarlem, NL

The New Daughter

Shout by Richard Murray

Wanted the walkers to eat Costner's head so this mess would wrap up sooner.

The ending isn't "ambiguous" as the film makers assert in the commentary. It's lazy. They didn't know what the Hell they were doing with the story. Ramble ramble ramble, we're getting too long quick! Go to black!

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Black Butterfly

I was less than impressed initially with Paul's revealing all the people he's killed as he prepares to do away with the man who's been holding him hostage.

Then, the odd lack of evidence and the back-and-forth with the officers...

Then the real ending.

Not bad, showing the false ending as a bit pulpy, whether intentional or not, it worked.

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Man Down

Predictable, unsympathetic characters written so shallow, less than caricatures.

Felt a good 45 minutes too long, and that's impressive for a film with less than 90 minutes of story.

Yeah, we get it, his pal is dead. Stop beating us up with it.

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The Alchemist Cookbook

Rejected tagline: "Lead poisoning's a bitch."

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The Show

It's very much a "Made in Vancouver, made for TV" film.

There are some good performances hiding here, but they're largely irrelevant. It's not even a little bit subtle, with 30 minutes of story stretched past the breaking point.

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The Island

Largely pointless. There's a chase sequence where I just want the heroes to smash into a building and bring everything to a merciful ending.

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The Holly Kane Experiment

Little more than an adolescent rape fantasy. More thought went into the synopsis than into the script.

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Tulip Fever

Shout by Richard Murray

A film of schadenfreude with not nearly enough about the tulip market as I expected. It's little more than a McGuffin to insert some hard luck into stupid peoples' lives. I'm not sure if Sophia was meant to be completely unlikeable and one dimensional, but if that was the intent, mission accomplished. The Maria and Willem ending was about the only possible one that wouldn't have felt completely false,
yet... nobody wins in this film, least of all the audience.

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The trouble with anthologies connected story films like this? There's always one or two that are really bad, often feel wedged in...

Like the incredibly stupid middle with the emergency room. Dumb dumb dumb.

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Another Evil

Haunted by a ghost, then by a ghosthunter. Keeps seeming like it's going somewhere, never really does.

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Film includes the line "Space Honky"


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Shout by Richard Murray

Yeah, and then the two survivors spend time in prison on conspiracy charges, interfering with bodies, etc. May as well finish the story at that point.

Side characters added without any reason - did the film maker owe favours to the actors playing family and Ben? They serve no purpose in the film at all.

Helen Rogers provided about the only believable character portrayal in the whole thing. The red and black poster for the film was better than the other two women's acting.

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The Cloverfield Paradox

Shout by Richard Murray

The Cloverfield Trolley Problem

Would you kill 3 people to save billions?

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They Live

"Hey, what's wrong, baby?"

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Annoying as fuck. So, mission accomplished?

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Woody Woodpecker

Somehow looks both low budget and high budget at the same time... I didn't really find much redeeming here, but my five year old was a fan, cheering on Woody at the end. Even then, I don't think he'd even bother re-watching.

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Doomed! The Untold Story of Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four

The first 40 minutes contain a whole lot of "It never occured to me what was really happening" - a fair bit of story, but this attempt to build suspense is silly in a documentary like this.

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Shout by Richard Murray

I could have done without the ending monologue and the whole classical guitar bit showing Ben seeing all the other sleepwalkers in their day bodies.

I think there's the core of a very good story idea, but the script feels like an early draft. The film also suffers by acting school talent in supporting roles, like Ben's manager.

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The Commuter

Much of the third act pisses me off, especially when everyone becomes Spartacus.

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Contemporary Color

I'm a bit disappointed that it's cut up so much. Sure, it's nice that there's shots and calls back to the development and practice of the routines, but I'd rather see more, wider shots of the performances.

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Cover Versions

I'm guessing it's a cover of Rashomon w/ Millennials

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Dominic Monaghan seems to believe he's in a crazy future world, but Sarah Habel doesn't. She seems to be playing an actor playing the role. It doesn't feel right at all. I can forgive set issues and plot issues to a degree, but when a primary actor doesn't buy it, it's hard to take.

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I have a thing where I try to finish watching films, regardless of how bad they are. Even the worst films can have aspects that are enjoyable. I watched nearly half, and it just wasn't turning around at all. Unappealing start to finish. Nothing engaging or interesting.

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Fahrenheit 451

Dissident books flee the United States of America to go to Canada, escaping the book burning Salamanders.

A book is killed, and they speak of that work being 'lost to humanity.'

If the US is the only nation (or one of a number) with the book burners, then surely there are other nations with libraries or used book shops.

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Death Wish

I enjoyed the film for what it was, on its own - a revenge action film. The only real problems I have are in the third act, and that's a shitty place to lose the script.

The detectives are determined to find the vigilante killer, and then are basically "Oh, it was you, we know it, but LOL, whatev!" Sloppy doc left bloody fingerprints on pretty much everything everywhere he went, like the guitar in the pawn shop. This becomes not so much a story of a man's revenge as it does a case of sloppy detectives who I can only imagine must drink a lot. Then, there's the matter of the weapon conveniently stored in the table in the basement like he just knew that's where he'd be surprised by the big bad.

Up until that point, only a couple eye-rolls, but all in all, enjoyable. Not worth re-watching.

Edit: I watched The Foreigner later in the day, and it's a much better revenge film and a MUCH better action film.

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Evil Genius: Season 1

I think the first part was enough for me. Over two more hours? I'm picturing a whole lot more redundant talking heads slowly re-stating everything we've already been told.

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Better than I expected, though there were a handful of times when the brother seemed to disappear, but I guess that's more poor continuity than a story element.

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I like how it looks - the framing and photography choices are mostly good. The quick cut jump scare thing is a bit old, but well done.

The story, though is wafer thin and even then, the supporting cast can't really keep it up. It seems to drag along to the end, which isn't a good sign for a film clocking in under 80 minutes. It may have played better as a 12 minute short.

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Digging Up the Marrow

Self-aware found footage film doesn't make it better in any way. Adam Green is no actor.

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Feels like a rejected TV pilot. No surprises promised, none offered.

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