Turning Red

Having a daughter who is going through that same stage of change, and having already gone through it, I think it represents very well those internal feelings, doubts, fears, joys, confronting our parents (especially when they do not want to accept that we are growing up), discovering new feelings, new things.
Also, I think it was a great challenge for them, since they represented more current tweens/teens, who like other people and are aware of it and do not hide it. It seemed very natural and realistic, beyond exaggeration
It's a very cute movie, and it made me laugh a lot when I saw my 13-year-old self represented hahaha

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Always Be My Maybe

He has a constipated face the whole movie hahaha
Not much happens, and it doesn't make much sense. He doesn't understand each other well because they had stopped talking, nor does the conflict make much sense, nor the reasons why he changes.
In itself it is a bad movie, but anyway, it serves to leave it in the background while you do something else.

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