Evan Zuqolyn



Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko was mind-boggling, and I always had a fascination with time travel. Especially with such a beautiful ending I believe it is a superb movie.

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Free to Play

I wasn't expecting much out of "Free to Play", but it seems Valve did a good job. It was interesting to see what it takes to be a professional gamer.

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[REC] is definitely one of the better zombie movies. The claustrophobic atmosphere was really effective.

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

I love Sacha Baron Cohen's works, and even though I'm truly amazed by the things he dares to do, Borat was a little uncomfortable to watch. At times it was simply disgusting, and I don't see how those scenes add any humor or meaning to the movie.

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It was cheesy, but enjoyable.

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The idea itself is amazing, but I did not enjoy the way it was presented.

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

It was... painful to watch this.

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Detroit Metal City

What a terrible way to represent Krauser-sama... The live-action is extremely cheesy and feels nothing like DMC the anime series...

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