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Bullet Train 2022

Glossy and empty actioner that continuously challenges the audience’s suspension of disbelief by violating all laws of physics and logic while at the same time throwing old Japanese stereotypes and pulpy exuberance into the mix. Sounds like the perfect movie, but there are some flaws indeed, like the intrigue being too convoluted for no particular reason, or the brawls getting a little repetitive towards the end. I doubt I will ever watch it again, but I would still recommend it as a solid, brainless fun actioner to enjoy with beer and popcorn. Leitch reconfirms himself as a competent action director despite having mostly dealt with highly derivative works up to this point.

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Fun movie.

It's a kind of movie where You will have a lots of fun for 2h and then forget about it the next day.

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This movie reminds me of "The Interview," as it was an action packed film all the way through with constant violence/fight scenes with what seems no plot whatsoever, but funny as hell. Lots of big name actors and great pop culture references and unrealistic fight scenes make for a fun watch, but this is not a cinematic masterpiece at all, however, the plot does come into shape a bit at the end that helps you tie together all the characters, just so that you can feel better about what the movie was about. The futuristic tech and filming make a cool add on bonus.

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A fun thriller with interesting twists and a solid cast. It's a solid entertaining way to spend a couple of hours but probably not worth a re-watch in the future.

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Messy, Incoherent, Wild,

Bullet Train is a wild, full blown actioner which has an entertaining cast, a fast paced yet incoherent screenplay , and some slick action sequences. Brad Pitt's charm and David Leitch's dash of Deadpool inspired elements may be pleasing for many. The filmmaking in general is unique which includes well shot character callbacks, artfully utilised metaphors and some surprising special appearances which adds to the entertainment. Humor is a hit and miss at many places. This film offers the genre's chills and thrills it intends to by engaging you for its entire duration, but while at the same time you forget about the film once you finished it. Overall, it again is a wild ride with quirky characters and some deniable plausibility which fits well in this unprincipled entertainer.

Check my page

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This was a solid film. It's dumb and over the top, but not void of humour or wit. The CGI was actually pretty good in this one. I wasn't cringing in figured when a lot of CGI was in use. That being all said, there's something about this film that doesn't make it top tier entertainment. I'm not sure what it is but I don't understand the hate it receives.

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thrift store Guy Ritchie movie

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sometimes emotions hit so hard , it's action packed and overall this movie is quite cool

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Feels like a Guy Ritchie film on Japan's bullet train. Fun characters and witty dialogue but ultimately I didn't care all that much about anyone and found the plot a bit convoluted (though I didn't watch it in one sitting TBF). I also would have liked more Asian characters. Would not especially recommend though it was fine.

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Quite ok. :) And for the fan of Sony electronics, probably +1 for these Walkman and telephone cameos. ;)

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Channing Tatum and Ryan Reynolds not in the credits

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To be honest I found myself bored in this movie multiple times. There are so many characters that come and go and you don't realise until later when you're trying to work out where they went and why did they create such a story around them. The movie is of course filled with profanity and gore as the rating suggests, but I must say that at the end of it all, the way they tie in all the little stories was amazingly done and there were still plenty of surprises to be had. I also feel that they wrapped the story up quite well (make sure to stay through the animated credits for some finishing remarks). Overall, better than average but not much better than a 6.

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This is a strange movie... one minute it's fantastic, then stupid, then fantastic. Funny, not funny, then hilarious, then not funny. It's all over the place. It's like a whole bunch of skits are melded into a movie, but there is a storyline running right through it.

While watching it I was thinking this is such a Guy Ritchie or Tarantino movie... but it isn't.

Tons of blood splatter and dead people... and F-bombs

I want to give it 8.5/10, but I can't because there's just too much/many bad bits.

6.5/10 it is

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This is genuinely one of the best looking, most stylistic movies I have seen. I love how every character is introduced with a unique backstory and name. The color pallette is also expecional as is the chemistry between the actors, especially Lemon and Tangerine. I also really enjoyed all the cameos. The reason this movie didn't score higher for me was that the plot was not very intriguing. To some people this won't matter as the movie does so many other things well to overcome this, but for me it was hard to keep my attention for the full 2 hours without an interesting plot to invest in.

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Like confetti cake, it looks like fun but doesn't have enough substance.

Bullet Train feels like it tries too hard to be quirky and comes across as more convoluted than streamlined.

Whatever quirkiness left that doesn't feel forced is stained by the WTF dripping off it like blood from an open sore.

That said, the frantic pace combined with some nice lead actors (Aaron Taylor-Johnson nailed his part) and fun cameos keep this train afloat.

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Starts off really well but falls apart HARD in the 3rd act. Goes for style, over substance.

Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are the real standouts., and Pitt's character is a little too dumb.

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'Bullet Train' was a chaotic speedy madness all over the place.....suggested this movie to watch to my cousins in a night out...they didn't like it and was mad at me...and I was hilariously amused seeing them like was fun...

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Why didn’t he just push the golf club forward :joy: idiot.

I don’t like that lemon died

Damn it!!! He almost killed that lying bitch

Jesus Christ that girl played EVERYONE!!! shows you what women can do and how they can control men lol

lemon’s not dead!!!! yes

So the sword could cut through a train seat but it cant cut through his cane?

Yess the ending was “chief’s kiss” with the Tangerine thing. :clap_tone3:

Some good action and fighting scenes, nothing much after that.

Rating: 6/10

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It’s a decent movie. The water brand placement alone makes me want to rate this 1/10 because it felt like watching a 2 hour long advertisement.

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Lots of fun, lots of twists and turns, lots of story. It's a pity that the CGI takes over. I could have done with more of the David Leitch of the first 'John Wick' and of 'Atomic Blonde'.

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I liked it and it was entertaining, good for the action and for the fights. I liked the characters. A post-credits scene shortly after the credits begin

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fun to watch despite this movie shouldn't even exist tbh

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Found it boring and had a hard time getting invested in the story. It is sometimes funny especially when Brad Pitt is on screen but it gets so cheesy and goofy that it's hard to take it seriously. The characters were great Lemon and Tangerine were my favorites the girl in pink was so unbearably annoying but I guess that was the point of her character. The action sequences weren't the best especially the sword fighting. The surprise cameos were fun but pointless really and they could of cut out some of them. Also I swear this movie felt like 4h I tought it would end at least 3 times. The final villain was so underwhelming he should of kept his mask on or something.

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Kill Bill 20 years after, but this one is pretty forgettable and won’t lead to Kill Bill 2 (I hope at least).

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With so many visual references, from Ritchie to Tarantino, you have to take as much risk as Kwan/Scheinert in their crazy "Everything everywhere..." to offer something that doesn't sound like you've already seen it or simply copied it. There is good comic timing between some of the actors, but the film ends up being a festival of empty action scenes where there is little (or almost nothing) to find any brilliant ideas, even if it is given the benefit of the doubt for being the adaptation of a novel with manga aesthetics.

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The fact that this movie, multiple times, so obviously uses the exact opposite term to describe the effects of the Boomslang's venom, despite it being a major line of the story, says all you need to know.

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Shout by Robb
BlockedParent2023-06-06T16:19:42Z— updated 2023-12-05T04:50:03Z

Had its moments, but it's just another one of those generic crime flicks that tries way too hard to be edgy and cool. Story isn't original and really obnoxious editing with constant flashbacks that tell you stuff you already knew.

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Not half as slick, stylish, or creative as it thinks it is, it’s fun enough to fill out the runtime. That could apply to Brad Pitt too, who is obnoxious here though his real life allegations don’t help. Aaron Tyler-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry are standouts. Hiroyuki Sanada one day I’ll see you in a great thing. The action does it’s job without ever kicking it into the high gear you’re hoping for, some of the writing is cloying, and there’s some jarring CGI. But it’s okay.

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A bad Guy Ritchie wannabe.

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The word nope times five!

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It's got nice performances and a few funny moments peppered here and there, but most of it is a messy pile of noise that's not half as clever as it thinks it is. The over-reliance on coincidences kills any semblance of a story.

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I have no idea what movie the people below saw but this was movie really bad. 5/10

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One of the worst movies in a long while. Too much brutality, no common sense used. And everything of Japan only AI generated.
No real train, no real Kyoto Station, not even the bridge at Mount Fuji is real.

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Yeah, it is pretty bad.

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bruh what? WHAT?
Also, what was the point of having Karen Fukuhara in the movie? Waste of talent.
They made Sandra Bullock look like a CGI character with all that makeup.
The white death does not sound Russian in any way, Joey King spoke Russian better.
Ryan Reynolds is being used as a meme across different movies now.

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I've never thought an action packed movie could be this boring. It wasn't a pleasant experience at all. Also, too long for what the story is about. People walking up and down the train, rinse and repeat for 2 hours.

Can someone please tell me if something happened to our timeline that wiped out all the creativity and the talent from people, since nothing good comes out anymore from the west? Also everything must be packed with this stupid cheap not funny at all humor stuffed down our throats.

I mean, I look out the window and I get it why movies are so cringe nowadays. 2 seconds attention span audience target must be filled with "cracking" jokes in every single line of dialogue. More can't be processed.

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I found it boring. A cheap copy of a Guy Ritchie or Tarantino movie. Didn’t have the same finesse to it.

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Idiot plot and almost non-existent, disgusting cinematography with abused CGI almost everywhere (it was very clear it was filmed in studio throughout), flat acting. Very little can be savaged here.

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Just watching the trailer made me realize this is an easy pass. Not a good movie at all. I guess anyone rating it high, it isn't old enough to have properly watched Tarantino's movies in real theaters, otherwise I don't understand the rating they give to this "canned garbage".

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The movie tries too hard to be funny.

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These kind of things (Gore) shouldn't be normalized on mainstream media in Action/Comedy tag. What's wrong with the world these days...

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manifestation of 'it sounded better in my head'

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Don't waste your time this is pure garbage

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Not bad,not great. I found the banter between the brothers very amusing, in my opinion they made the whole movie.

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Asien bullet bullsh*t mixture of Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction and other elements of Tarantino manner! unfortunately far too exaggerated scenes that are more fun for pubescent teenagers ^_^ Tangerine climbs onto the moving high-speed train and even smashes the windshield with his fist! WOW!! what a hero of Lego-Land... and stupid to prepare a money case with dynamite without catch the money °!°
a killer seems to have the 007 License for quickly start-up the high-speed train, which speed accidently under another high-speed train and at least the snake survived
... jipphie welcome to the Kindergarden of Playmobil.
Brad Pitt is the best like every time because he has always real charisma and the right face impressions of humor... Sandra Bullock appears quite few minutes at the end and is completely over-styled with unattractive makeup!!
I would have regretted very much to spend money on it in the cinema!

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It was enjoyable but I wish they trimmed out some of the bad banter and focused more on better action and not bullshit, nonsense cg. For some reason really reminds of Bad Times At El Royale, while I get what they were going for they didn’t quite make it

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a lotta fun.

minor gripe: snakes are venomous (affecting the blood), not poisonous (digested).

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Mr. Ladybug is the most unlucky lucky man ever exist. I expect Ryan Reynold to show up at the end but turn out it's just a cameo.

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After a long long time, i've found a movie which is worth watching multiple times.
Whole movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish.
Every character is awesome; even their names.
Story keeps you guessing at guessing and ending is awesome.
Action, Comedy and acting. Everything is brilliant.

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This is a Netflix-type action movie with a better cast. The plot is the kind you have to look up on its Wikipedia page to know wtf is going on.

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really enjoyed this film from start to finish

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Wildest movie I’ve seen in the last 3 years.

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Well. Somebody's watched a lot of Tarantino.

Don't get me wrong. It's an entertaining enough film. But, I suggest you put it on while you're doing something else, because if you actually pay attention, you're going to spend all your time checking off a mental list of scenes, dialogue and characters you already saw in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.

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Awesome..!! Awesome..!! Awesome..!!
The BEST Dark Humor ever.
Story, Placing, Dialogues, every thing.
You're gonna love every character.
Even surprise characters are awesome.

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Why oh why did they cast Andrew Koji as a dad that can't fight. He is epic in warrior and when I saw him on screen I was waiting for some fight scenes with him and I was robbed......

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Man, some of these comments. People need to lighten up and not take this so seriously. It's a fun movie.

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Joey King has such a punchable face here.

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How people gave an oscar to everything everywhere all at once and not to this one is mistery for me.

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Great movie. Really funny, with a great story that involves a lot of funny characters.

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Magically self repairing train doors are real.

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