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Collateral Beauty 2016

Wow. The reviews of this are ridiculous. I'm so tired of the armchair "critics" out there today, and the nonsense they whine about. Sure, there's nothing all that noteworthy here, but it's a pretty good weepy with some good performances. If you're in that kind of mood or dig these actors give it a go.

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Sorry, this film did nothing for me. I'm all for fantasy blending into reality, but this film failed to pull it off. The cast were good, and the intentions were pure... but it was too manipulative, and the story was weak.

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Rated as one of the worst movies of 2016!

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I really love this movie, for some reason it always hits the sweet emotional spot for me. The soundtrack is beautiful, Will Smith is great, those 97 minutes went by very fast. Can't believe it's been 5 years since I last saw this.

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The final few scenes were the first time I believed Will Smith's performance in this movie.

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Watch it. You won’t regret it. ‘Tis short, sweet, and beautiful!

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im proud of will smith he is a good actor. great cast and amazing story. truman show effect haha

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Watch it the week of it release w/ kaoutar

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I like the film but...
Me gusto la pelicula pero me falla como se cuenta la historia.

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A touching, yet somewhat confusing character drama, Collateral Beauty is a compelling film about love and reconciliation. To save their firm from collapsing three managers collaborate to hire a group of actors to play Death, Time, and Love, and confront their dysfunctional CEO who is grief stricken from the death of his daughter and has written to them out of desperation. Starring Will Smith, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Michael Pena, and Keira Knightley, the film features an incredibly strong cast; however their performances are pretty middling. And there are a few plot holes and reveals that don’t quite make sense. Still, the story takes some interesting turns and plays against conventional stereotypes. While it's not as clever as it thinks it is, Collateral Beauty is an entertaining and heartfelt film.

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The concept of collateral beauty in the wake of loss is thought provoking. The loss of people that were dear causes one to feel their presence, perhaps in an effort to keep them near ... perhaps their effort to not be forgotten ... I don't know. But either way we are promoted to see a world in a perspective that is different then is typical. Could this be collateral beauty? The movie doesn't really give an answer.

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Tear jerker made me reflect on my life which I don't normally look back at the past. I keep always turn around to keep my future ahead of me. So it hit home. Love Will Smith is there anything he can't do.

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Time will show that Love will be the Death of us all.

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On the surface, I can understand the hate that is centered around this film - it had false and misleading advertising, and a bit of plot holes that pop up when you think about things just a little bit, but then you dig deeper.

People wanted this to be a holiday film with Christmas magic similar to A Christmas Carol with three spirits visiting the cranky old man to make him see the light, but that isn't what Will Smith is all about. He made this real and visceral while still maintaining a fresh take on the real magic that actually affects us every day - feelings. There are also plenty of really interesting parallels that happen in the movie that you might have to watch a couple of times to notice, but when you see them, the movie only becomes that more effective in what it's truly going for.

Does this film deserve hatred? Not at all. It has real issues that you shouldn't ignore, which does negatively affect the overall score, but as a whole, I do consider this flick solid.

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Very good acting, nice plot twist at the ending. Magnificent movie in it’s entirety. 8/10

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Interesting ending, didn't saw that coming. Good acting, original plot, good drama to watch with family. Oscar bait, but a good Oscar bait.

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Shout by Silrog
BlockedParent2017-12-24T20:17:21Z— updated 2017-12-26T12:51:33Z

I chose this movie for Christmas Eve, without having any idea about its plot. Getting into a film without any prior knowledge or expectations probably really is the greatest favor you can do to any movie. It certainly worked for me and "Collateral Beauty", considering some other reviews.

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Great acting talent, interesting premise skillfully executed (things are not as they seem), ethereal soundtrack, thoughtful reflection on the big issues of life. Impeccable American accents by the Brits. Naomi Harris won a Hollywood Breakthrough Award for her performance, and if you compare this to her role in Moonlight or Spectre, you appreciate the chameleon talent she is - I expect we will see much more of her. Every actor deserves mention for their fine work in this. I give this movie an 8 (great) out of 10.

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So finally we got a good movie with an original script and not "based on a real story" or "inspired by real events.

I´ll admit the foundation of the story is twisted and an awful thing to do to anybody but in the end you´ll realise that Death, Time and Love came to the right people and ultimately they all found relief.

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Oh, I cried. It was beautiful and sad.

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wipes a tear and slow clap

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Worth your time, comes off with lots of love, a film to watch before death. Powerful. Say's a lot. Makes you think. I didn't expected the ending. Beautiful. Great performance from all. Strong film. A story that I'm sure will make you shed a tear or two. It it felt like a xmas carol with a twist.

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Thought it was an incredible example of emotional acting. Terrific cast and a very unexpected ending. Wow.

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Well i was expecting a different movie from the trailer, it delivered something different and at the end you witness something even more different. Confused in a good way. Sad movie.

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Shout by Deleted

The biggest piece of Oscar bait released in 2016. Collateral Beauty is a ridiculous movie that ruins the performances from a very good cast. Will Smith, Helen Mirren and Noamie Harris are great but the script focuses on way too many characters and doesn't devote enough time to any of them. Then it tries to draw emotions without earning any of it.

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This is really not my type of movie, but damn I loved it and it got me crying

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Shout by Deleted

Seemed a bit low budget, but a good story.

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this movie is really beautiful, although it's not my type of genre it really surprised me and even got me some tears

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unexpected ending... this movie did not allow me to blink
will smith always amazing

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