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Don't Look Up 2021

Attempting to be this generations Network with the sting of Wag the Dog but due to its The Interview influences, not fully achieving either. Biting satire looking much needed fun at both extremes of the division yet not unifyingly funny or smart enough to spark real meaningful conversation.

It described itself best with the moment: "Now I know a lot of Hollywood is supporting the Just Look Up movement, but I haven't seen a pin like that."
"Yeah, this on points both up and down. Because I think, as a country, we need to stop arguing and virtue signaling. Just get along."
"That is SO refreshing. I think we're all tired of the politics."
Yeah, yeah. Well... I mean that's why we made Total Devastation. It's for everyone. You know? It's a popcorn movie."

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Shout by mg_grey

It was very frustrating to watch. but hey, isn't that's what's happening right now? Idiots in high positions that has lives of populations on their hands? actual issues gets eclipsed by shallowness, greed, and materialism?
It's weird because I still feel the frustration after watching the movie. Let's all hope the next generation of politicians have good morals and actual good education.

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A great movie with some great messages. Without the messages, I probably wouldn't have liked this, but to show the reality of how our 'heros' really are just hits so hard. How helpless and powerless yet how powerful and hopeful we can be as individuals and as a race. Mark Rylance really stole the show for me. The portrayal was just spot on. You can picture exactly the endless people he could be. Other than the acting, the cgi, soundtrack, and editing were beautiful. I really didn't expect the ending, but oh well, here I am reviewing a movie while the earth spirals into oblivion.

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A moderately funny movie, in a smile humour sort of way, but with a script that is spread WAY too thin for a movie of this length. I found it really hard to maintain interest beyond the 80 minute mark wish is about as long as this should have been.

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I have a lot of fun with this movie, great cast and fun satire.

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Sadly the world we are living in right now, we have become a planet full with stupid people and managed by sadistics that take advantage of that stupidity.

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I thought it was entertaining enough for me.

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To put it short I did not expect a comedy so the fact it was not a comedy did not disturb me. A good satire of the corrupted powers that rule the world today and I fear a very likely scenario if such a case presents itself although I still, stupidly maybe, have faith that humanity as Carl Sagan put it will survive this tech revolution....I m quite depressed after seeing this movie though I just want to hug my dog.

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i was getting so mad at what i was seeing but then i realised what i'm seeing is the reality i'm living in and that hit me like a truck.
it was at that moment i realised the movie 100% did what it needed to do.

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Shout by Bunny Harvestman
BlockedParent2023-12-18T22:25:17Z— updated 2024-05-20T21:39:48Z

I was already grumbling aloud about how boring and dumb this movie was when Leo’s character cheated on his wife and my rating immediately dive bombed to a one. Nothing raised it again either.

The one amusing line:

"Can I sit down with your mom to have lunch in, like 7 months?"

A fellow reviewer said this gem of a line:

“The irony is that it attacks sheep yet is for another set of sheep.”

This is a bloody brilliant way to put it! Thank you for that bit of joy.

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I was angry at the end when I realized that all the useless people were going to survive, but hopefully, they all got eaten by bronterocs.

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Is the social commentary on the nose? Absolutely. But is it funny? Hmm... enough of the time to keep me watching, but not enough to recommend as a comedy. I think the creators probably intended the plot itself to be a source of absurdist humor, but a lot of it was too absurd for my tastes (e.g. Mark Rylance's pseudo Steve Jobs). Jonah Hill's character was definitely a highlight on the humor side, with dialogue that was just the right amount of absurd and consistently hilarious. Outside the humor, the rest of the movie just feels like it's too focused on the satire. Probably not something that will stick with me.

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If you're looking for a thought-provoking and darkly comedic movie, Don't Look Up is a must-watch.

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Shout by AlexMF6

Obviously it is an exaggeration of the reality we live in but I have seen myself very identified, we are destroying the planet in the long term and the only thing we do is look the other way until there will be nothing to do when "we had everything" .

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Before I watched this movie, I really hoped that the reviews and comments about it which I read so far were wrong, but now, I have to agree that 'Don't look up' is not a good movie, unfortunately.
It tries to be a satirical comedy but none of its jokes are funny, even though the portrayal of the 'bad guys' is close to reality - which contributes to the jokes not working because they just hit too close to home.
Beside that I found the acting to be quite bad and couldn't connect to any of the protagonists.
It's too bad, really, as the movie's topic aka ignoring the occurring climate catastrophe deserved a better execution, especially considering the given cast.

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All over the place, but still an entertaining watch.

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I know some find the film unfunny because of its closeness to reality; I think that's precisely why it's funny. Just see the last scene of the news channel Patriot. I would call the joke one of the funniest moments in film history. The scene is a few minutes past the 2-hour mark.

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I wish I had a clue about what happened throughout the movie but I fell into a deep nap around the 40 minutes mark and woke up to the credits rolling.

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Shout by Darth

It all makes sense, FEDRA sent Kathleen’s brother through a multiverse portal to this universe and that’s why she was so upset

“I think this whole administration has completely lost…their fucking minds…..and I think we’re all going to fucking die”

Is such a good movie quote, blah blah blah idc about the references it’s making lol, I love hearing him scream his head that we’re all going to fucking die

Also it took a 5th time of watching to realize how obnoxious all the fake companies sound lol

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Good movie with witty humor, and social commentary.

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This movie felt ro real that I had goosebump. But then I noticed that DiCaprio's wife was the same age as him, I felt relieved that it was just a movie.

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Shout by HT

On the surface, this film appears to be just a star-studded science fiction comedy. But upon closer inspection, it reveals the horror of our current reality: the incompetence of politicians, the ease with which they divide nations, the oversensitivity of people, and the reluctance to speak the truth out of fear of offending someone . This film serves as a wake-up call, showcasing where our world is headed.

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:sleeping: I was bored the whole time.

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A disaster film that is more of a political satire than anything, which is refreshing. The crazy ensemble cast is delightful. McKay tries to cram a few too many plot threads into it, resulting in a bloated movie with a runtime that is far too long. But if you were enjoying the trip as much as I was, then you don't mind spending the extra time.

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This movie is a satirical delight. It mocks so much, while offending so little. DiCaprio and Lawrence are superb in the leads, Hill is a guilty pleasure, and the lack of a "good" ending is so appreciated to me. If you haven't seen this movie, you really should. It might be the best straight to Netflix movie that they have ever offered.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Why is this so funny in a sarcastical, cynical way, and yet so sad if you think too much about it?

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It's okay to criticize the trivialization of the current world of YouTubers, influencers and tiktokers; but there was no need to kill the whole Earth either.

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I laughed so hard. It's a very good parody about people who exaggerate climate change issue.

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i only like this movie for its ending

its like watching a documentary

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The comparison to Chicxulub is wrong but overall, the movie was great. The ending was well worth the 2+ hours. Just make sure you watch through the colorful credits and beyond. ;)

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Interesting style, never seen before.
Good acting.
Was entertaining.

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Reminded me of the current corona situation.
Complete ignorance to ultimately die of it. Stay healthy and please look up!

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why cant all movies be this tongue in cheek. the actors all know that this movie isnt going to make a dollar, but who cares.
more fun that riding the go carts at euro disney.

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I'm convinced that if a movie has Jonah Hill in it, it ain't the one for me.

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When reality is the fiction we watch.

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I say this as a person who liked Vice; when will we stop letting Adam McKay make movies?

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This is a star studded satire. Entertaining and terrifying at the same time. If there wasn’t so much cultural idiocy in our world, there wouldn’t be such rich source material for this movie. I give this film a 7 (insightfully dark) out of 10. [Dark Satirical Comedy]

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The satire is almost pitch black with how accurate and blunt it is. I wanted to laugh and enjoy this movie for the satirical comedy that it's so clearly trying to be, but it's secretly a depressive mockumentary on the current state of discourse in the US and across the world. Very well done, almost too accurate for humourous purposes, and left me feeling a little hollow when the credits rolled. If that was the intent, kudos Adam McKay. I'm going to go hug my dog and tell my parents I love them.

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Almost more unsettling than latest pandemic.

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They referenced covid particulars; the division, the president lying, fake news and the confusion of the public as a result of the previous 3 things noted. But well done, actually, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The scene during the credits was priceless!!!

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utter garbage. just avoid. plenty of good movies out there and this is not one of them

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Too many comments tell the entire movie without a spoiler alert. Hopefully mine will be one of the newest so if you read this before reading more. don't read them. watch the movie if you want to see a star studded film. There's so much star power it's insane.

I have it a 6 because it's a good message, the stars, the acting. directing, cinematography. but the script just seems to go on and on and on.

I personally don't think it's Oscar worthy. it's not anywhere near Parasite, but the message is probably the real point here and I'm hoping a lot of people get it.

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Too much comedy fake crisis. I love acid humor and enjoy some movies of this type but Don't Look Up is just too much. Good story. Good characters. The plot is very plausible but the directing wasn't good enough.

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The film felt longer than necessary. Things only got slightly interesting on the second half.

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I'm just surprised they didn't have Lil Dicky in this movie. Don't Look Up is literally the song Earth by Lil Dicky adapted into a movie.

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Worst of the worst. Smug. Hypocritical. Writing down to audience as if they are children

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The ending credits were the best part of this predictable movie. I did not come to care about any of the characters or their fate.

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I came to this with very differing reviews from others.

For my 5 cents I felt this was utter genius and deserving of an Oscar.

I can see why some people didn't like it. It's funny, but not. It's uncomfortable and irreverent, It engenders diametrically opposed opinions, but that is it's very point.

When faced with existential crisis the human race fails catastrophically to pull together, instead politicising everything to polarised conflict, be it nationally or internationally. Opinions on this movie are no different, and I can't help think that's part of the point itself.

What I found really struck (forgive the pun) for me with this was that, for all its chaos, under the surface the flow of the movie is actually very clever, as the cast move through the different stages of grief, at different speeds, and handle them in their own way; making the end extremely poignant, warming, heartbreaking, terrifying and darkly funny all at the same time.

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It's really hard to pull off a couple of hours of satire in a movie and this movie reinforces this premise. While the cast is top-notch and I completely got and am on board with the point that the movie was trying to make. After about a half an hour I just had to turn it off because it felt like the same bit (people don't care about the important things) over and over again. It reminded me of the tv show Veep in that sense - at some point it just felt like the same situations and dialog over and over. It's a shame because the message is so important.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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F*cking documentary. Unfortunately it will not change a thing. Great movie, so funny and so sad.

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I think all the actors did a great job and I appreciate the satire with a mix of seriousness. You can see the similarities in today's events. I think it gently pokes fun pop culture and politics of today.

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The movie was amazing. The only thing is that this does not have a happy ending. I serious thought until the final moment something is gonna happen and the comet is gonna deflected.
This movie very well portrays what will happen if our government did the same on the verge of a global crisis. This gives us lessons of the things we should do and what will be the consequences of the same.
The movie is thoughtful and entertaining to watch.
I can guarantee you a fun and nerdy evening.

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I'm not normally a fan of reality shows but this was spot on.

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Hillarius but pointless ! I was laughing the entire movie even at the End

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Faithful representation of the USA society. So I don't know if it is funny or sad.

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Worth watching just for the post credit scene

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Brilliant. The beginning was frustrating, seeing their refusal to accept the truth. a reflection of our current reality. Then I just gave up and enjoyed the stupidity.

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This movie is a mix between "Idiocracy" and "Armageddon".

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I really enjoy this movie, and really how how they portrait the people of this generation which they are all very gullible with everything that you throw at them. Loved how they kinda made a Tim Cook version in this movie lol, all and all highly recommend it.

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"We really did have everything, didn't we? I mean, when you think about it."

Leonardo DiCaprio, easily one of the best parts of this crowded cast. Both funny and dramatic. The freak out scene on live TV was some of the best acting from him. I watched that scene so many times.

The movie itself I found a bit iffy. It's long, the editing is strange, and it's one of those movies that tries to fit in every single famous actor in one movie. But in a weird way, in some over the top, not subtle way, I found the movie to be brilliant at times. It had its moments of anxiety with some scary moments involving people in power, who during a global crisis only see the opportunity to make themselves even richer. The world rest in the hands of leaders who don't really care about human life.

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I enjoy it, this is a comedy, don't be too serious, just enjoy it. The over acting by Jennifer Lawrence during the TV interview was deliberately done of coz :P

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This movie is another fine example of why theaters are dying or are now dead. Netflix has created a superb movie that the "holywood mainstream" gang would have thrown hundreds of millions in advert, in red carpet promotions in premieres etc. Now you just click play.

About the movie all has been said, take out comet insert covid. You have exact same situations, reactions and people who are just plain stupid. The ending was superb and very sentimental.

Now go see "Deep Impact" as well.

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The best satire film I have seen in a long time. Spot on and so scary.

Of all the terrible things that happened during the crazy presidency satired in this film, it could have been worst.

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A good depiction of self serving government and the antisocial media.

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Depressing because this is exactly how things would go.

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Was this suppose to be funny ?

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You know longer have to imagine what would happen if an unfunny, idiot made Idiocracy

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the funniest thing about Don’t Look Up is the fact that Adam McKay is the man who directed Succession pilot and help greenlit the series yet he can’t learn anything from Jessie Armstrong so now he’s making this bland, boring movie

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I couldn't make it through this movie. Maybe it's just too close to reality.... maybe I WANT an asteroid to wipe us out. The pessimist in me is just like "yeah, it's time. Makes sense." Or maybe it's because the plot seems way more realistic now than it did when Armageddon hit theaters in the 90s. I dunno what it is, but I just wasn't loving this movie. I wanted to... just couldn't get there.

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Perfect satire for our actual reality.

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i realize more and more, that community was rong, and we DO live in the dark timeline

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Just finished watching
let me say that, it was a refreshing surprise.
read about this on newspaper and decided to give a try and it was a well worth time
nice laughts

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Fuck the critics, this movie rules. It’s 100% the modern Dr Strangelove and we live in a time where people get upset by things that make them too uncomfortable about the world.

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Thoroughly entertaining film, with a satisfying plot, and a unique, satirical outlook on many real sociological issues.

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For a movie that plays the "People are stupid" card so heavily, the setup for this entire movie requires WAY too much stupidity of its own.

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Very entertaining and quite funny in many places. A good watch for accurate satire on current events and possible future events. There is a nod to the climate crisis within this.

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So everyone was at first relying on the US to get rid of the comet?

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For a comedy it’s not very funny and it could have been 30min shorter. And it’s far too realistic.

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Dunno how to feel about this one…. Worryingly funny.

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people keep saying they don't like this movie but i actually really enjoyed it. there were some hilarious easter eggs, too- one of them is that on her desk, there is a photo of meryl streep hugging bill clinton, which suggests that her character is hillary. the ending makes me so sad, why does everyone who actually tried to help get burned :(

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They included some phone company's greed for money in it.

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[Netflix] Adam McKay takes advantage of the apocalyptic genre to craft a satire more focused on political criticism of the United States. A one-way vision that comes from an original idea by Bernie Sanders 'speechwriter in the 2020 campaign. But the cartoonish trend brings this movie closer to "Hot shots" (1991) and all those goofy parodies produced in 90's that to a more clever satire on the imbecility of humanity.

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Better than I expected. Well written, well acted.

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My heart was pounding when I was watching the dinner scene. What an accurate way to describe our disgusting society. Bravo :clap_tone1: What a fantastic production

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Ironically straight to the point.

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Don't look up, we liked it, but we were hoping it would be more critical. Will the deniers take notice? 2 post-credits scenes

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It was pointing in some right directions, but in the end it's just less sharp than it thinks itself to be
I wouldn't say subtle, because it's not at any point pretending to be anything less than in your face

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Shout by Ro

That was a fun ride

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Hey, Look around it's a satire but totally true, look at anti vaccine group, look at those who think climate change is lie, look how politician react to disasters and problem, look how deep pocket of corporation get and how rich use poor to benefit a true story with great acting specialy Meryl strip and DiCaprio

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I was a little doubtful looking at it but I have to admit that I changed my mind.
The whole story is told very well, has comic points and very strong points of criticism. It reminded me a little of the situation we are all experiencing globally.

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I was worried at the end there, but it was all cleared up. Except for why the fuck he charged for the snacks...

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This discombobulated movie gives Attack of the Killer Tomatoes a run for worse movie of all time.

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If politics is like they showed us, I 'm deeply concerned.
All American again, they are the only one who rules.
Got bored but the ending was amusing. I do not recommend this one.

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