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Don't Look Up 2021

I would laugh a lot more in this movie if the satire didn't hurt this much.

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This is a documentary about the current US society - full of superficial, ignorant narcissists. Luckily there is intelligent life outside of this country. Unfortunately the movie didn’t show this and that’s why it’s utterly depressing. Best documentary in years though!

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A great disaster movie, probably the funniest, if something similar ever happens, it's going to be reminded in the same way we now think about the movie Contagion.

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I came to this with very differing reviews from others.

For my 5 cents I felt this was utter genius and deserving of an Oscar.

I can see why some people didn't like it. It's funny, but not. It's uncomfortable and irreverent, It engenders diametrically opposed opinions, but that is it's very point.

When faced with existential crisis the human race fails catastrophically to pull together, instead politicising everything to polarised conflict, be it nationally or internationally. Opinions on this movie are no different, and I can't help think that's part of the point itself.

What I found really struck (forgive the pun) for me with this was that, for all its chaos, under the surface the flow of the movie is actually very clever, as the cast move through the different stages of grief, at different speeds, and handle them in their own way; making the end extremely poignant, warming, heartbreaking, terrifying and darkly funny all at the same time.

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Oh how true this is when it comes to those who are asleep.

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finally a film without happy ending. great story, great cast. dicaprio suprised me he was actually really good in this movie.

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Worth watching just for the post credit scene

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Brilliant. The beginning was frustrating, seeing their refusal to accept the truth. a reflection of our current reality. Then I just gave up and enjoyed the stupidity.

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Am I just wondering, how do they get the inspiration for the greedy and shitty govt? :))

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A very realistic description of the real world

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On the nose. The wrong people won't get it. I want everyone on Wall Street
to see this movie. Wow! Horrific and Comedic

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why cant all movies be this tongue in cheek. the actors all know that this movie isnt going to make a dollar, but who cares.
more fun that riding the go carts at euro disney.

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I think all the actors did a great job and I appreciate the satire with a mix of seriousness. You can see the similarities in today's events. I think it gently pokes fun pop culture and politics of today.

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Hillarius but pointless ! I was laughing the entire movie even at the End

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The best satire film I have seen in a long time. Spot on and so scary.

Of all the terrible things that happened during the crazy presidency satired in this film, it could have been worst.

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My heart was pounding when I was watching the dinner scene. What an accurate way to describe our disgusting society. Bravo :clap_tone1: What a fantastic production

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Funny and also worrying. Idiocracy 2.0 in my opinion, much more grounded in what's actually happening in the world right now.

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By far more real in terms of how information is processed by social media. Exceptional great acting as well.

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F*cking documentary. Unfortunately it will not change a thing. Great movie, so funny and so sad.

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This movie felt ro real that I had goosebump. But then I noticed that DiCaprio's wife was the same age as him, I felt relieved that it was just a movie.

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I've never seen a movie that so perfectly captures the absurdity we're living in these days, while simultaneously hoping I never have to again!

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The movie tells it all.. what else is left to say.
Think this movie is exaggerated? well, I beg to differ, and the evidence is overwhelmingly clear in the current state of the world.
One thing I am certain of is that only China can save us from the actual extinction-level devastation of capitalism...

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Enjoyed it. Be sure to watch the credits …

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Just superb. Veep does the end of the world. In contrast to everyone else, I wished it was longer - it was rushed in parts, and it could've told the story better as a Netflix miniseries.

I loved the lack of a heroic ending, the way that the film has two huge megastar leads with not a hint of romance between them, the way the entire media appeared to be run by WayStar Royco, the Brittel score... So much to like about this modern parable.

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Reminded me of Idiocracy in a lot of ways. Almost in reverse. Great flick. McKay and everyone involved did a great job with this one.

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i only like this movie for its ending

its like watching a documentary

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This movie is another fine example of why theaters are dying or are now dead. Netflix has created a superb movie that the "holywood mainstream" gang would have thrown hundreds of millions in advert, in red carpet promotions in premieres etc. Now you just click play.

About the movie all has been said, take out comet insert covid. You have exact same situations, reactions and people who are just plain stupid. The ending was superb and very sentimental.

Now go see "Deep Impact" as well.

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I was a little doubtful looking at it but I have to admit that I changed my mind.
The whole story is told very well, has comic points and very strong points of criticism. It reminded me a little of the situation we are all experiencing globally.

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I wonder why so many dislike such an on-point satire…hmmm…

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i was getting so mad at what i was seeing but then i realised what i'm seeing is the reality i'm living in and that hit me like a truck.
it was at that moment i realised the movie 100% did what it needed to do.

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This movie is a satirical delight. It mocks so much, while offending so little. DiCaprio and Lawrence are superb in the leads, Hill is a guilty pleasure, and the lack of a "good" ending is so appreciated to me. If you haven't seen this movie, you really should. It might be the best straight to Netflix movie that they have ever offered.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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This movie would be way funnier if we weren't living it.

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Funny as shit. And then sad as hell when you realize it's basically just a documentary.

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I’d you are a Republican you’ll hate the movie lol and come up with excuses on why it’s a bad movie. If you are not Republican you will understand why this is a good funny movie lol

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Not as much a comedy as a picture of facts of today (insert global warming here) and our society's fail to act. It's funny because it's true, but that also makes it sad. Hopefully it can act as a eye-opener to a certain degree? Who knows anymore.

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There is one sad thing about movie... It really showed what the world has become and how stupid the majority of our population is.

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Fuck the critics, this movie rules. It’s 100% the modern Dr Strangelove and we live in a time where people get upset by things that make them too uncomfortable about the world.

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This is one of the best NF movies. I like the sarcastic tone. Populist leaders are hand in hand with rich dudes which are same for most of the countries throughout the world. Headliners are doing great whole movie. All cross references are at the target. Recommended.

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The satire is almost pitch black with how accurate and blunt it is. I wanted to laugh and enjoy this movie for the satirical comedy that it's so clearly trying to be, but it's secretly a depressive mockumentary on the current state of discourse in the US and across the world. Very well done, almost too accurate for humourous purposes, and left me feeling a little hollow when the credits rolled. If that was the intent, kudos Adam McKay. I'm going to go hug my dog and tell my parents I love them.

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MAGA triggered :joy::joy::joy:

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this would easily have been funnier if the last 8-10 years hadn't been happening. now i'm just really stressed out about a fictional comet and i need my zoloft more than ever. seriously though, why the fuck did that man charge for the snacks?

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This hilariously funny because this is true. Lol

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It's a great movie with a great cast, it's a bit more Veep / The Thick Of It than The Big Short, but it works.

Which is why it is so absolutely infuriating to watch, because if the last two years have shown us anything, it would probably play out something like this in the real world. Which is depressing.

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Perfect satire for our actual reality.

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Very entertaining and quite funny in many places. A good watch for accurate satire on current events and possible future events. There is a nod to the climate crisis within this.

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Better than I expected. Well written, well acted.

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I was worried at the end there, but it was all cleared up. Except for why the fuck he charged for the snacks...

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They referenced covid particulars; the division, the president lying, fake news and the confusion of the public as a result of the previous 3 things noted. But well done, actually, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The scene during the credits was priceless!!!

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I'm not normally a fan of reality shows but this was spot on.

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I really enjoy this movie, and really how how they portrait the people of this generation which they are all very gullible with everything that you throw at them. Loved how they kinda made a Tim Cook version in this movie lol, all and all highly recommend it.

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Accurately portrays the sad reality we live in. :sweat_smile:

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Good movie with a real criticism about our sickness society.
Some people can think this movie are very cynical but it seems to be really realistic for me.
Particularly on this pandemic period and with last news about climate change.
Humanity are fucked up if we continue like this.

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It’s soo funny how real this movie is

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movie holds up a mirror to a lot in this society. it has a lot of subtle comedy. I cried at the end

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If you're looking for a thought-provoking and darkly comedic movie, Don't Look Up is a must-watch.

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Almost more unsettling than latest pandemic.

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The movie was amazing. The only thing is that this does not have a happy ending. I serious thought until the final moment something is gonna happen and the comet is gonna deflected.
This movie very well portrays what will happen if our government did the same on the verge of a global crisis. This gives us lessons of the things we should do and what will be the consequences of the same.
The movie is thoughtful and entertaining to watch.
I can guarantee you a fun and nerdy evening.

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Depressing because this is exactly how things would go.

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Just finished watching
let me say that, it was a refreshing surprise.
read about this on newspaper and decided to give a try and it was a well worth time
nice laughts

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Ironically straight to the point.

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Hey, Look around it's a satire but totally true, look at anti vaccine group, look at those who think climate change is lie, look how politician react to disasters and problem, look how deep pocket of corporation get and how rich use poor to benefit a true story with great acting specialy Meryl strip and DiCaprio

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Yes, it's very America-centric but so is almost every other disaster movie.
It's packed with solid analogies and references; the humour was more hit and miss. Either way, I walked away depressed, so good job I guess...

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I think I’m in shock after watching this movie lol

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A great but not excellent movie.

The dialogues are sometimes disappointing, and the way the satire was made is exaggerated in a way that sometimes doesn't seen real (is all humanity really that stupid? c'mon).

I was feeling entertained but disappointed until the last act, when I enjoyed it a bit more. I liked the ending they chose - it causes the impact required from a film that looks so much like our own reality; it enhances the rest of the movie.

Although it's always a pleasure for me to watch both Jennifer Lawrence or Cate Blanchet acting, it's kinda sad that in a movie with so many great actors, there isn't even one outstanding performance. Shame on whoever gave Dicaprio and Streep such small characters (even the characters being important figures).

And one little thing: Ariana Grande unfortunately doesn't fit in here. I think other singer/actresses like Lady Gaga or Cher would've understood the assignment better and give actual weight to the film.

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It’s too long and doesn’t know how to end but it’s fun, its sardonic humour mostly lands strongly and the performances by Streep, Blanchett and Lawrence in particular are sensational.

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Maybe we all do deserve to die.

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Just repeating a great comment from another user … “Funny as shit. And then sad as hell when you realize it's basically just a documentary.”

It has to have started (writing/filming) after Trump’s first year .. it’s all just a little too ‘holy crap that’s a bit on the nose.” Unfortunately the “this would only happen in a movie” is sooo last year or in reality 2017/2018. Frightening, yet awesome in a movie.

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Not bad for a Hollywood movie.

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Big cast with a few chuckles. Entertaining satire.

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I was angry at the end when I realized that all the useless people were going to survive, but hopefully, they all got eaten by bronterocs.

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Shout by AlexMF6

Obviously it is an exaggeration of the reality we live in but I have seen myself very identified, we are destroying the planet in the long term and the only thing we do is look the other way until there will be nothing to do when "we had everything" .

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Shout by Darth

It all makes sense, FEDRA sent Kathleen’s brother through a multiverse portal to this universe and that’s why she was so upset

“I think this whole administration has completely lost…their fucking minds…..and I think we’re all going to fucking die”

Is such a good movie quote, blah blah blah idc about the references it’s making lol, I love hearing him scream his head that we’re all going to fucking die

Also it took a 5th time of watching to realize how obnoxious all the fake companies sound lol

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Good movie with witty humor, and social commentary.

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It's okay to criticize the trivialization of the current world of YouTubers, influencers and tiktokers; but there was no need to kill the whole Earth either.

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When reality is the fiction we watch.

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This is a star studded satire. Entertaining and terrifying at the same time. If there wasn’t so much cultural idiocy in our world, there wouldn’t be such rich source material for this movie. I give this film a 7 (insightfully dark) out of 10. [Dark Satirical Comedy]

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A film for the covid/climate change/bad things won’t happen to me deniers. It goes on too long but this is still an enjoyable, relatable, and pretty sad satirical comedy. Stay tuned for the early credits scene.

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This movie is a mix between "Idiocracy" and "Armageddon".

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Thoroughly entertaining film, with a satisfying plot, and a unique, satirical outlook on many real sociological issues.

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Spot on satire. If Voltaire could direct a 21st century film, this is what he would've made.

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USA might be a broken country but there is no-one better suited to parodying their problems than themselves. Like the US itself Don't Look Up can be less subtle than I'd like but it works.

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A bit of a strange editing. At times it is not known whether it is a criticizing irony or a comedy, but overall the film accurately reflects our decadent, click-byte society. A great role by Mark Rylence.

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This movie achieve to be so scary as Idiocracy because of our current society. From a funny movie to an almost documentary.

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A political satire that’s pretty forceful and convoluted but so enjoyable while still feeling real enough to be somewhat scary. Leo gives the best performance out of the start studded cast and steals the show with an amazing scene too (you’ll know it when it comes). In typical Adam McKay fashion audiences and critics are going to either love this film, hate it, or fall right in the middle of the line. Personally I can’t go as far to say I loved it but I certainly liked it.

Also make sure to stay for the end credit scene it’s hilarious.

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Not exactly the best premise for a movie, but I was surprised to find a rather old-school satirical comedy that exaggerates the grotesque sides of our society. When things started to get real political, it almost looked like a mild South Park live-action. The jokes are kind of hit and miss, but there are enough layers of humor to satisfy most types of audiences. Sure, the social commentary and ecology lessons might feel a bit too on the nose at times, but for a blockbuster aimed at the broadest audience possible, we can’t really complain. Even during the most predictable situations, there is always that little detail or that smart line that makes them enjoyable nevertheless.

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Pleasantly surprised. Put this on as a bit of a time filler but ended up being quite watchable.
It's the pandemic but with an asteroid, and the similarities to our politicians, scientists and media giants who are involved in saving the real world is very well written in, whether intentionally or not

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Don’t Look Up’:

  1. Yeah, it was funny. But it was more scary and depressing, considering how it aligns way too closely with reality. And I know that was the point. They really did hit the nail on the head. This film is truly the black mirror of our country.

  2. The random quick-shots of real-world moments were powerful. Interlaced with all the insanity, it did a great job depicting how wondrous and wild our lives can be on this beautiful planet — and how much we take for granted.

  3. This was a great cast. Awesome to see the ever-talented Jennifer Lawrence again. Great performance from DiCaprio, which I’m sure was powered by his real-life passions. And I really do love Meryl in comedy. She’s so subtle and I’m here for it.

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I really don't know what to think of this, I'm completely overwhelmed. This must be the craziest film I've ever seen, it's an absolute rollercoaster. My rating is basically completely useless, one has to see it to have any kind of idea whether it's fantastic or absolutely terrible, and I still don't know.

I can't give a proper overall rating because there are so many different levels in this film. The basic idea is spot on and absolutely brilliant, but perhaps the technical execution, particularly of the Sci-fi stuff, doesn't work so well in the over-the-top satire style of the film. Or maybe it does? And also the jazz music? Why? Or why not? Or something?

I mean, watch it. Please. Don't take my word for anything, just watch it. Please.

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Nice movie with some good laughs but nothing more.Script could be better but still is enjoyable 7.3/10

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Hmmm… I wonder where they got the inspiration for this… ;)

It was great seeing Leo again! As always, his acting is great. The rest of the cast too. The story is a bit on the nose, but fun altogether. Not the best comedy, but still made me laugh a few times. Solid watch.

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The comparison to Chicxulub is wrong but overall, the movie was great. The ending was well worth the 2+ hours. Just make sure you watch through the colorful credits and beyond. ;)

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Faithful representation of the USA society. So I don't know if it is funny or sad.

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For a comedy it’s not very funny and it could have been 30min shorter. And it’s far too realistic.

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Shout by Ro

That was a fun ride

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