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Don't Look Up 2021

This movie would be way funnier if we weren't living it.

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The real question is why the hell did the guy charge money for snacks at the white house?

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Funny as shit. And then sad as hell when you realize it's basically just a documentary.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-12-24T10:15:20Z— updated 2023-11-02T10:54:43Z

I feel like I’ve just been yelled at for 2 hours by Adam McKay. Yeah, it's on the nose and way too obvious, but still decently funny.


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Wasn't expecting a documentary based on a real society..

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Funny and also worrying. Idiocracy 2.0 in my opinion, much more grounded in what's actually happening in the world right now.

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"Can I sit down with your mom to have lunch in, like 7 months?"
Nearly fell off my chair laughing....

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:heart:x0 (yes that's correct zero stars)
This is simply said - just an absolutely horrible piece of crap!!
First, it's trying to be a political and social satire - but it fails. But it somehow also tries to be a disaster movie - and again it fails.
It's like watching a couple of level-headed people dealing with an entire world of Trump clones.
This is nothing more than garbage.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I have trouble understanding how this movie is so highly rated. It started off strong but i really disliked all the social media, pop culture and political climate parts.
To me its badly balanced between trying to be funny and trying to be entertaining in other ways.

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I would laugh a lot more in this movie if the satire didn't hurt this much.

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I’d you are a Republican you’ll hate the movie lol and come up with excuses on why it’s a bad movie. If you are not Republican you will understand why this is a good funny movie lol

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This is a documentary about the current US society - full of superficial, ignorant narcissists. Luckily there is intelligent life outside of this country. Unfortunately the movie didn’t show this and that’s why it’s utterly depressing. Best documentary in years though!

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Disappointing is putting it mildly, DiCaprio good as always, but the movie is really bad, with silly humor that didn't even bring a smile to my face.

Stellar cast, wasted on a bad movie... I wonder how they got them to participate.

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Everything is a joke, even this movie.

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Don't watch it, boring as hell.

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Why was this movie ever made? Why??

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It would be great if the total length would be 20 min. Really boring.

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By far more real in terms of how information is processed by social media. Exceptional great acting as well.

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A great disaster movie, probably the funniest, if something similar ever happens, it's going to be reminded in the same way we now think about the movie Contagion.

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It's sad when the synopsis puts you to sleep.

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Probably one of Leonard’s worst films. Bet he regrets getting involved in this.

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Not as much a comedy as a picture of facts of today (insert global warming here) and our society's fail to act. It's funny because it's true, but that also makes it sad. Hopefully it can act as a eye-opener to a certain degree? Who knows anymore.

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Not good or funny. It’s satire that becomes the stupidity it’s making fun of.

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Was this suppose to be funny ?

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Was looking forward to this seeing who was starring.
Excellent idea for a film but turned into a farcical tale.
American comedy at its worse.

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Terribly paced. Message is forced and we are beaten over the head with it. Also, the characters are so unrealistic -- I understand that it is a satire and is making the point that our society is focused on the wrong things, but no one would act like this if there were a comet coming for the earth; the global warming metaphor just doesn't really work. Jonah Hill made me laugh a few times but that's about it.

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It was like a bad episode of South Park.
It tries to be a clever political comedy, like Irresistible (2020), and it fails.
It tries to be an emotional disaster movie, like Deep Impact (1998), and it fails.
And it was 1 hour too long.

The "science" was so unrealistic and badly misrepresented that the manufactured sense of urgency was unbelievable. There is no way a comet the size of Mount Everest would've slipped by until only months before impact. A realistic bare minimum time window would be 5 years. NASA and other agencies are keeping track of all sizable asteroids that could pose a threat to Earth and there are no collision courses with any of them for the next 100 years.

Go watch Silent Night (2021) instead, or better yet go watch NASA's DART mission on YouTube that was launched a month ago.

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There is one sad thing about movie... It really showed what the world has become and how stupid the majority of our population is.

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WTF did I just watch give me back the time I wasted

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I feel like I’m supposed to like this just because of it’s subject matter but despite its ensemble cast, it’s as boring as hell. Sorry, not for me.

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This discombobulated movie gives Attack of the Killer Tomatoes a run for worse movie of all time.

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This movie is a depressingly accurate take on the modern world, great film though

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Worst of the worst. Smug. Hypocritical. Writing down to audience as if they are children

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The ending credits were the best part of this predictable movie. I did not come to care about any of the characters or their fate.

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I came to this with very differing reviews from others.

For my 5 cents I felt this was utter genius and deserving of an Oscar.

I can see why some people didn't like it. It's funny, but not. It's uncomfortable and irreverent, It engenders diametrically opposed opinions, but that is it's very point.

When faced with existential crisis the human race fails catastrophically to pull together, instead politicising everything to polarised conflict, be it nationally or internationally. Opinions on this movie are no different, and I can't help think that's part of the point itself.

What I found really struck (forgive the pun) for me with this was that, for all its chaos, under the surface the flow of the movie is actually very clever, as the cast move through the different stages of grief, at different speeds, and handle them in their own way; making the end extremely poignant, warming, heartbreaking, terrifying and darkly funny all at the same time.

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the funniest thing about Don’t Look Up is the fact that Adam McKay is the man who directed Succession pilot and help greenlit the series yet he can’t learn anything from Jessie Armstrong so now he’s making this bland, boring movie

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Fuck the critics, this movie rules. It’s 100% the modern Dr Strangelove and we live in a time where people get upset by things that make them too uncomfortable about the world.

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[Netflix] Adam McKay takes advantage of the apocalyptic genre to craft a satire more focused on political criticism of the United States. A one-way vision that comes from an original idea by Bernie Sanders 'speechwriter in the 2020 campaign. But the cartoonish trend brings this movie closer to "Hot shots" (1991) and all those goofy parodies produced in 90's that to a more clever satire on the imbecility of humanity.

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This is one of the best NF movies. I like the sarcastic tone. Populist leaders are hand in hand with rich dudes which are same for most of the countries throughout the world. Headliners are doing great whole movie. All cross references are at the target. Recommended.

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This is a star studded satire. Entertaining and terrifying at the same time. If there wasn’t so much cultural idiocy in our world, there wouldn’t be such rich source material for this movie. I give this film a 7 (insightfully dark) out of 10. [Dark Satirical Comedy]

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The satire is almost pitch black with how accurate and blunt it is. I wanted to laugh and enjoy this movie for the satirical comedy that it's so clearly trying to be, but it's secretly a depressive mockumentary on the current state of discourse in the US and across the world. Very well done, almost too accurate for humourous purposes, and left me feeling a little hollow when the credits rolled. If that was the intent, kudos Adam McKay. I'm going to go hug my dog and tell my parents I love them.

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F*cking documentary. Unfortunately it will not change a thing. Great movie, so funny and so sad.

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You know longer have to imagine what would happen if an unfunny, idiot made Idiocracy

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For a movie that plays the "People are stupid" card so heavily, the setup for this entire movie requires WAY too much stupidity of its own.

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MAGA triggered :joy::joy::joy:

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Way too on the nose and too much fluff. Not nearly funny enough IMO. Plus "Trump"-esque caricatures are just not funny enough and fairly low hanging fruit even if it's actually realistic at this point. Even the scientists, who we're supposed to be rooting for, are supremely unlikeable and unsympathetic. At least give me someone to root for

Honestly, feels like the writing let down the entire movie cause there's not much else to this

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A couple of funny scenes and overall resembles the clown world we live in. Other than that, I think it is a bad movie. If I did not have a habit of finishing what I start, I would have stopped watching right after the rockets turned around.

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this would easily have been funnier if the last 8-10 years hadn't been happening. now i'm just really stressed out about a fictional comet and i need my zoloft more than ever. seriously though, why the fuck did that man charge for the snacks?

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This hilariously funny because this is true. Lol

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Oh how true this is when it comes to those who are asleep.

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Watchable, nothing brilliant, good cast, got a few laughs from it.

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finally a film without happy ending. great story, great cast. dicaprio suprised me he was actually really good in this movie.

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Kate, I think that's photoshopped.

That was so pure I can't. LMAO And the TWO post credit scenes gave me such This Is The End vibes. :laughing: Anyways, I think Netflix and everyone shouldn't have hyped up this movie as much as they did. It's kinda alright. And having that huge ensemble didn't really add anything to it, imho. Any cast would've done the job just fine.

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A film for the covid/climate change/bad things won’t happen to me deniers. It goes on too long but this is still an enjoyable, relatable, and pretty sad satirical comedy. Stay tuned for the early credits scene.

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It's a great movie with a great cast, it's a bit more Veep / The Thick Of It than The Big Short, but it works.

Which is why it is so absolutely infuriating to watch, because if the last two years have shown us anything, it would probably play out something like this in the real world. Which is depressing.

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This movie felt ro real that I had goosebump. But then I noticed that DiCaprio's wife was the same age as him, I felt relieved that it was just a movie.

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Too much comedy fake crisis. I love acid humor and enjoy some movies of this type but Don't Look Up is just too much. Good story. Good characters. The plot is very plausible but the directing wasn't good enough.

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Worth watching just for the post credit scene

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This movie is a mix between "Idiocracy" and "Armageddon".

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Perfect satire for our actual reality.

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Thoroughly entertaining film, with a satisfying plot, and a unique, satirical outlook on many real sociological issues.

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Very entertaining and quite funny in many places. A good watch for accurate satire on current events and possible future events. There is a nod to the climate crisis within this.

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Better than I expected. Well written, well acted.

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Don't look up, we liked it, but we were hoping it would be more critical. Will the deniers take notice? 2 post-credits scenes

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I was worried at the end there, but it was all cleared up. Except for why the fuck he charged for the snacks...

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Spot on satire. If Voltaire could direct a 21st century film, this is what he would've made.

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USA might be a broken country but there is no-one better suited to parodying their problems than themselves. Like the US itself Don't Look Up can be less subtle than I'd like but it works.

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Real real shit ,worst movie of 2021

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Was hoping this might be Dr Strangelove meets Network with Climate Change and/or Covid as the theme... but I felt in the end it was pretty weak - only a few funny moments and it didn't provide any real insights for the viewer either. Very little on how demagogues and corporations have been effective in getting people not to "look up"...

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I've never seen a movie that so perfectly captures the absurdity we're living in these days, while simultaneously hoping I never have to again!

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Pretty on point satire. Too many over the top in your face retard moments though. Got to be too cringy for us. perhaps that's because the truth hurts. Regardless check it out as a Walmart version of idiocracy that's far closer to reality in the current climate. 6.2 (over 6 is considered good on my scale).

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A bit of a strange editing. At times it is not known whether it is a criticizing irony or a comedy, but overall the film accurately reflects our decadent, click-byte society. A great role by Mark Rylence.

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The movie tells it all.. what else is left to say.
Think this movie is exaggerated? well, I beg to differ, and the evidence is overwhelmingly clear in the current state of the world.
One thing I am certain of is that only China can save us from the actual extinction-level devastation of capitalism...

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This movie achieve to be so scary as Idiocracy because of our current society. From a funny movie to an almost documentary.

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Laugh and sad same time, its too real, its 21st early centry humanity.

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A political satire that’s pretty forceful and convoluted but so enjoyable while still feeling real enough to be somewhat scary. Leo gives the best performance out of the start studded cast and steals the show with an amazing scene too (you’ll know it when it comes). In typical Adam McKay fashion audiences and critics are going to either love this film, hate it, or fall right in the middle of the line. Personally I can’t go as far to say I loved it but I certainly liked it.

Also make sure to stay for the end credit scene it’s hilarious.

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Reminded me of the current corona situation.
Complete ignorance to ultimately die of it. Stay healthy and please look up!

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They referenced covid particulars; the division, the president lying, fake news and the confusion of the public as a result of the previous 3 things noted. But well done, actually, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The scene during the credits was priceless!!!

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I'm just surprised they didn't have Lil Dicky in this movie. Don't Look Up is literally the song Earth by Lil Dicky adapted into a movie.

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I'm not normally a fan of reality shows but this was spot on.

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Brilliant. The beginning was frustrating, seeing their refusal to accept the truth. a reflection of our current reality. Then I just gave up and enjoyed the stupidity.

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I really enjoy this movie, and really how how they portrait the people of this generation which they are all very gullible with everything that you throw at them. Loved how they kinda made a Tim Cook version in this movie lol, all and all highly recommend it.

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I couldn't make it through this movie. Maybe it's just too close to reality.... maybe I WANT an asteroid to wipe us out. The pessimist in me is just like "yeah, it's time. Makes sense." Or maybe it's because the plot seems way more realistic now than it did when Armageddon hit theaters in the 90s. I dunno what it is, but I just wasn't loving this movie. I wanted to... just couldn't get there.

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i realize more and more, that community was rong, and we DO live in the dark timeline

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So everyone was at first relying on the US to get rid of the comet?

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people keep saying they don't like this movie but i actually really enjoyed it. there were some hilarious easter eggs, too- one of them is that on her desk, there is a photo of meryl streep hugging bill clinton, which suggests that her character is hillary. the ending makes me so sad, why does everyone who actually tried to help get burned :(

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They included some phone company's greed for money in it.

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It was pointing in some right directions, but in the end it's just less sharp than it thinks itself to be
I wouldn't say subtle, because it's not at any point pretending to be anything less than in your face

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Not exactly the best premise for a movie, but I was surprised to find a rather old-school satirical comedy that exaggerates the grotesque sides of our society. When things started to get real political, it almost looked like a mild South Park live-action. The jokes are kind of hit and miss, but there are enough layers of humor to satisfy most types of audiences. Sure, the social commentary and ecology lessons might feel a bit too on the nose at times, but for a blockbuster aimed at the broadest audience possible, we can’t really complain. Even during the most predictable situations, there is always that little detail or that smart line that makes them enjoyable nevertheless.

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Funny. But clearly biased and biased. Imagine comparing a pandemy with thousand of details with a giant meteor falling towards earth. Typical of the progressism of hollywood. But it´s funny if you ignore the political side.

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It Was Boring Except for the Beginning and the Ending.

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I gave this movie a 6 just because of the cast and acting which was spot on, otherwise would be lower.

I found it boring with a great satire of today's modern society.

Globally, scientists aren't heard nor listened to and even when the evidence is right in front of their eyes they still deny it.
It depicts the purposeless of most of our lives giving attention and importance to petty things, events and persons. And we keep making stupid people famous...

If that's the purpose of the film than it accomplished what it set out to be, although in a boring and just occasionally funny way.

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Accurately portrays the sad reality we live in. :sweat_smile:

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