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Raya and the Last Dragon 2021

This is not a movie about dragons and the world of Kumandra. This is about Earth, this is the real world. We are divided, groups of people completely hating each other inside the same nation.
Unfortunately we are facing our own Druun, our plague. But as in the movie, this isn't our biggest problem. The real enemy is our inability to work together as a community, to put aside political views and really trust each other, working together for the best of everybody.

Beyond the important and necessary message, the movie is a fun adventure, the world building is great and the technical aspect is what you would expect of a Disney movie.

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I wish they had done a mini series with this IP. It has a lot of potential but the movie felt a bit rushed. Still really liked the movie, well done, good story even though it is quite predictable, but the world is great and I wish we could have seen more of it.

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Really heartfelt story. My kids were a little freaked out when Sisu got shot in the heart and basically died for a while , wish that hadn't lasted so long, but still very emotional film at the end when everyone came back to life .

Definitely recommend, very classic Disney movie. Also no songs, so that's a huge plus for me !

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2021-03-06T22:16:49Z— updated 2021-03-08T20:52:14Z

Like others have pointed out, it's basically Moana + Avatar: The Last Airbender + MLP: Friendship is Magic.
The symbolism was kinda sloppy and shallow. If the Drunn were personifications of human discord, greediness and other dark sides of humanity, then they should've only affected the bad people first and manipulated them to corrupt and turn others evil like them. That would've been a much more realistic and emotionally complex story, I think, especially if people couldn't immediately tell if someone had been turned or not, which is where trust and kindness would come in.

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[Disney+] After "Mulan" (2020) Disney continues to try to conquer the Chinese market and the rest of the world has to continue supporting stories structured with elements from decades ago. The formula ends up being repetitive and boring because the writers have no experience in animated film, and they do not intend to deviate from the traditional. The result is visually rich but narratively poor.

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It looked pretty and the story was ok but I don't know... something about it seemed off. Maybe I'm just jaded and can't buy into whole "happily ever after" storylines any more.

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Yet again, Disney have proved that they are the masters of this genre.

The story is wonderful, the animation is beautiful and it makes you feel great.

The perfect message for this time of Covid-19... the world working together to battle what could destroy it.

Hold on to your hat, and your heart, as you experience utter movie magic.


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Shout by Lknaround
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-06-06T03:02:30Z— updated 2021-06-07T17:43:04Z

It started off well but in the end it twisted the blame onto the victim instead of forcing the bad guy to accept responsibility. Namarri says that Raya's inability to trust killed Sisu but never accepts that she destroyed her ability to trust. Had she not betrayed her and caused her dad to turn to stone none of this would of happened but, sure, let's turn the blame onto the one she hurt instead of making her take the blame she deserves. Ugh... Anyone who has ever been abused and suffered trust issues has heard this garbage from the world over and over. Just get over it already. It's your fault all your relationships fail because you can't trust anyone even though your mother/father/friend/ex broke your trust so badly you barely trust yourself. But sure, let's make the good guy accept responsibility and sacrifice themselves so that the bad guy can be made into the good guy without accepting the blame. That's healthy to teach children, especially young girls who already have to deal with a world that tells them they're responsible for everything that happens to them. Pretty film, garbage moral.

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Found it to be over hyped. Didnt really feel the drama or thrill. Kinda lack lustre.

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On the whole this was a very good Disney movie, it had the usual Disney heart similar to Moana which made the movie good. The stand-out parts are the different characters that join the group and make up the heart.

The part that wasn't good was Awkwafina as Sisu. I just could not gel with her voice/character as this ancient dragon. The voice, the attitude and the mannerisms just didn't sit with me. That was the major pain point for me, however getting past that it was a great movie!

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well, the dragons are ridiculous but everything else is beautiful, animation is really good and the story is great

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Raya is one of the best Disney films I have ever seen and what makes it special is a story that is far from their usual and a visual style that is truly unique in the animation world. I am not gonna say anything more, Raya is one of my Top 10 films of 2021 as it literally ticks every box for me.

Not just a film for kids as well, if you love martial arts films or films about asian culture in general then you will love this film as it pays homage to both in my opinion and honestly this is how the Mulan remake should've been handled.

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I'm not gonna cry. it's the same everytime, why would i cry over something this childish, get it together, you're a man. Then i cried.

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An another beautiful Disney movie with lots of heart, deep messages, magic and cool action also some fantastic graphics and yeah I teared up it's what makes us human. Trust can go far. I noticed a scene that was similar to a Guardians of the Galaxy scene from the first film.. Oh well you own it anyways.. I'm onto you disney ha

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I loved it. Clearly one of my new 3D Animated Movies. The Animation was amazing and I really digged the Dragon Styles. The Characters were also great. All around a good movie

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I enjoyed it. What a beautiful and well-crafted animated film. I loved the story, it's beautiful, about how hard it could be to find trust in others. You still got that magic from Disney movies and this one got me emotional. The characters were great and genuine. I liked Awkwafina in here but I think some of the jokes would make this film feel not as timeless as any timeless disney animatied movie. Being Southeast asian myself, I'm proud that our culture were being represented in here.

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Movie’s not even out yet and it’s got an 81% rating. Amazing.

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Scored it a 9, but it'd be a 10 if it had real dragons.

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Outstanding animation, but extremely predictable story. Ideal for the kids, I guess. 6.5/10.

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So. this is a weird one to review.
the general idea is quite lovely, but the final product feels very... rushed? it's a bit like watching a straight to DVD release from the early 2000 story wise. I loved the idea of creating a oriental based mythos but the idea that seemed promising ended up feeling a bit shallow and underdeveloped. I finished the movie not knowing the name for more than 3 characters. the visuals are pretty but you can see this was a lower budget Disney lroject. it's a very enjoyable movie but it felt that they had to wrap up the story in a rush and a lot of aspects ended up being irrelevant.
a fun time but definitely not one of Disney's best recent movies.

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Fantastic visuals and a wonderful story with compelling characters. If only humanity could be this compassionate.

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You miss the songs. I think this is a movie that could have had some awesome songs and not bad songs like Mulan. Still it was a really fun ride with really good world building. There's a lot of room to expand and explore. As an example we never talked about Raya's prejudices of the other lands directly even though the movie implies a lot to do with it. But this is a movie about saving the world not living in it and I can definitely respect this film for having a tight scope and keeping inside of it. Even though we take the left at the fork it's the fact that the right looks real that makes it feel like a decision and everything in Raya feels like part of a real story. Each of these characters feel like they could have their own stories that are half fleshed out already.

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Not sure if it’s cause I watched this while hangover or because I miss Southeast Asia so freaking much, but my god MY GOD. this film touched me deeply. What a gorgeous story, what beautiful animation, what a magical journey. I have found my new comfort animation movie:blue_heart:

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It’s cute and it’s funny (especially Sisu) and it’s bears a great truth about how divided people are. The moment we all unite is the moment we get dragons and I’m all for that!

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hell yeah! I am such a hoe for stunning cultural illustration.

gonna roll with that and forget about some of the interesting acting/script choices!


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Decent movie, but something felt really off.

Storywise, it's interesting, but again, something is missing. Parts of the movie seemed very rushed and cringy like Raya and Namaari becoming best friends in 2 minutes because they are "dragon nerds"? Come on.

Humor was annoying more than funny, especially Sisu most of the time.

Decent at best, but nothing special or spectacular like it seemed to be before release.

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Shout by Deleted

the animation and overall design was great, however the story was very meh and there was no real attachment to the characters by the end.

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Disappointing. They put all the possible cliches in the plot, and not in a good way. The dragons don't have any charisma besides having a terrible design. I liked the protagonist but, as all the characters, her personality isn't well developed.

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this is clearly a "disney" movie, not a pixar one.
the animation and visuals are awesome, the story is a fantasy cliché. it obviously that they focus on getting more money on east countries like china. the amout of mascosts and lovable sidekicks are there only to sell products with their faces.

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It failed to hold my attention.

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Shout by Efrain De La Rocha
BlockedParent2021-03-14T23:12:48Z— updated 2021-03-20T18:31:55Z

I didn't know it was a Disney movie till after watching it. Felt more like a DreamWorks movie to me. Something lacked. The story was not deep but it was enjoyable. Can't say what it was with it but i just didn't feel that whole tingly joy i get after a Disney master piece.

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The bit that really annoyed me was the baby finding her mother after the unstoning it makes no sense if the gap was 6 years and her mother was in that city then how did she get stoned and the baby was no older than 2 it is awful how many narrative points made no sense. like why did the claw girl bring a cross bow to a peaceful exchange either way, she wouldn't have got what she wanted there were so many other plot points that could have been avoided. And another thing Disney couldn't afford a voice actors for the other dragons what is with that. the first fragment they pickup is dark and has that skeleton holding the fragment and how that person is rigged up to the trap that is so disgusting there would have to had been someone to hookup a skeleton (or a dead person) to a booby trap. truly horrifying.

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Like thick socks on a cold morning, Raya and the Last Dragon is comforting, feels good and will warm you through and through.

Easily my favorite part of the film is Kelly Marie Tran's voice work. She does an amazing job voicing the titular character and the rest is pure, if predictable, Disney Princess pap.

On the other hand, the message about trust was way off the mark because literally 95% of the film shows you why trusting anyone is a shit idea.

That said, I wasn't prepared for how emotional I got at the ending. I must be getting sensitive in my dotage.

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Cute. Didn’t strike me as overwhelmingly anything other than cute until the end, when it totally jerked my tear ducts
Welcome to Kumandra

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Ehhhh it was okay, nothing special and a bit predictable, still nice and I have extra star for Tuk tuk, much preferred Luca over this

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beautiful stunning environments, but the screenplay overall has nothing that I could write home about…

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Nice animation with a hint of fantasy and moral as usual. But the motif of a gentle barbarian was already present in several fairy tales of this stable. ;)

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Directors Don Hall, Carlos Lopez Estrada, and more really poured their hearts out into this movie, and while there are some lingering issues still hanging in the final product, Raya and the Last Dragon brings the Walt Disney Animation Studio back on track after hitting the dirt with movies like Ralph Breaks the Internet and Frozen II. Would I call it the best-animated movie Disney has made in a long time? not necessarily. However, I was overall impressed by how Disney went to some pretty far lengths to make a movie that has difficult subject matter and a more serious tone compared to many other well-known Disney films. Did it all work? To some people not really, but in all honesty, I would much rather have a Disney film that’s still pretty good even if not anywhere near a masterpiece in the long run.

Full Review:

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if only we can solve world peace just like this

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The movie feels a bit rushed. It presents to you this world with these factions and characters but it barely scratches the surface of any of it. It feels like it could have been a longer movie or a miniseries but at the same time it feels like they struggled filling the current runtime. The movie has too many jokes and most of them are miss rather than hit. It has a few moments where I was like "Ok, that was cool" but what surrounds those moments is not as good, like if they thought of these good story beats and just wrote anything to fill the gaps. Also, the movie is about "TRUST" and they are not subtle about it. You are gonna be constantly reminded that this movie's main theme is trust and it can get a little annoying.

Watching it was an ok time but I don't think I'll be revisiting it.

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Despite my fondness for Disney, I realize in retrospect that, for whatever reason, I really wasn't expecting all that much from this one. Just another dragon fantasy, or something, perhaps. But the humor saved it, as did the likability of the heroine, who was incredibly easy to root for. In the end, I was pleasantly surprised by this one and enjoyed it quite a bit.

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The weakest of all disney films. The best is a baby with 3 tamed monkeys. The worst part is the cheap predictive story.

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feel good disney feelings. i cried a lot of happy tears, kind of like when i wept over zootopia. i'm almost 32 years old but my excuse is i'm a millennial and i was conditioned for this by the lion king, thank you and goodnight

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I’m not crying, you're crying

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Trust, it’s great fun and action. Like Milan, Brave and other action movies from Disney. And the dragon is super cool. Trust me, I will trust you.

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The movie received a lot of good reviews but for me, it didn’t live up to the hype. It’s not that its a bad film but there was nothing about it that stood out for me. The fact that the dragon looked like the hormone monster from Big Mouth didn’t help either! I guess there are those who will be enchanted by the film but sadly, my heart remains cold. Sorry.

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Reading the description I originally thought this is going be a boring remix of Asian cliches but it surprised me just how much heart it had, how absolutely phenomenal the animation was, and how great some of the characters and voice acting were, despite kinda being an Asian cliche remix. Absolutely loved Sisu and Boun!

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Shout by Deleted

Disney keep making original movies, you're not good with sequels (even if Frozen II was better than the first)

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What’s not to love Disney and dragons and happy to sad to happy storyline :heart_eyes: unadulterated Disney pleasure

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I thought this was better than I expected!! The animation was well done and I liked the characters and story! Not as good as Moana (in my opinion), but still worth a watch and rewatch!

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A beautifully animated film. Sure, the story is quite simple and predictable, but it delivers a positive message about trust.

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con baby ! only in china !

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Shout by Groblin

Beautiful animation and cool world, but the whole film felt like a dreamworks film in a bad way, redundant and weird side characters that aren’t as funny as intended and a predictable story.

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An absolute gorgeous film. Brilliantly animated, beautifully voiced and just a nice story overall.

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This film was very unique for a Disney film but I actually enjoyed it. Maybe I’ll enjoy it more a second time around. Worth a watch though.

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Good interesting fairytale. But strong women everywhere are annoying from the begging of the movie.

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A awesome animated movie with a simple plot.

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It was fun to watch!

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Definitely loved it! Saw some comments about the story being too predictable but I do not care about this at all. I was really up to watching some light, funny, emotional animation movie and I sure got it :) Plus, Sisu had my heart from the first moment, she is HILARIOUS and, even though I found her a little innocent at times, it turned out to be her real strenght. LOL, I may be a little softened since I just finished waching it. It happens :)

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Awkwafina's voice is CUTE! I just love it.

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This movie is a lot of fun! It's absolutely gorgeous, and I think the world is built well. Although it's extremely predictable and the voice acting is a little weak in favor of a stacked cast, Raya is still very much enjoyable. If you're a fan of the found family trope and cookie cutter "this is the moral of the story" plots, Raya is definitely for you. I watched this movie with my Filipino grandma who only watches B-list romcoms, and she LOVED it. Also she was shocked every time I correctly predicted a plot point and accused me of already watching the movie, so that was a funny little ego boost for me.

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Superbly beautiful animation! A timely message that is too simplistic to make a dent in the discord in our world. Worth seeing for the artistry of the animation alone but I’d wait until it’s in general release. It’s not worth the Disney+ Premium price. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. Caution: the penultimate moment of the drama might be a little overwhelming for the littlest ones of the family. [Animated Family Adventure]

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Disney, please go hire some furry artist, they are tons of them on twitter. I don't want to see Elsa fursona ever again. The whole art of this movie is amazingly good but the dragon really ruin the whole vibe, like, why bruh

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Where the Magic Happens, a good one

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The movie was actually pretty good it has it's charm .

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It is full of the chaotic cultural setting of the Western stereotypes of the East, plus the stupid plot of the Virgin Mary to the extreme, bad movies.

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I have to admit I walked into this movie not expecting much and I was duly slapped in the face by how good it was, tugging heart strings, inspiring duty, selflessness, forgiveness and trust talk about character building. Loved it.

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I wonder what the world would have been if Disney was not there. who are these ultra creative people?

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Yet another beautifully made Disney film with a nice lesson about trust and selflessness.

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Very good film, I enjoyed every minute Monke OP

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This is another great animated Disney movie. Nice heartfelt story. Plenty of humor. Strong characters. Personally, I thought the baby and her monkeys kinda stole the show :)

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Disney killed it with Raya. It is a colorful, fantastical, action filled adventure that not only had my 3.5 year old enthralled, but also had me fully engaged throughout. As good as some kids movies can be, there's often some elements that hold it back from being something I'd watch on my own without the toddler in tow. This, however, I would have fully enjoyed on my own. Having Disney eat 30 of your dollars to watch it now might be steep, but at least it's a quality film for the entire family.

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