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Wonder Woman 1984 2020

I was totally stunned by the fact that this piece struck me as even more hilarious than I anticipated. Great rubbish entertainment, with moments so kitschy and cheesy with so much over hilarious emotion... So much ridiculous exaggerated emotion paired with mediate jumps from July 4th right to Christmas at the end. So bad that it turns great again. Definitely a candidate for the history books of the worst films ever made.

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How are they even able to release a picture with a VFX looking so bad and unnatural

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Welcome to the 2nd worse film in the M C beats The Incredible Hulk (2008)...

Just..had to see it cos of all the fuss...

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2021-01-05T23:08:21Z— updated 2021-01-14T19:01:38Z

The writing was something special. It had 1 hour of good scenes, they just needed to cut the rest and release a short movie.

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A hot actress filling your feeding tube with wholesome messages. Fois Gras for the whole family.

Watch a porn instead. Same outcome without the preaching.

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After most blockbusters were pulled from cinemas, this was the great hope. 2/3 a good movie. All got a bit flingy and swingy. Had some good sequel development but not merely as good as the original.

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poor That "cat fight" at the end was pretty rubbish all round.

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okay so i personally dont get the hate for this movie i watched it over christtmas weekend twice i mean sure its not perfect but was diana prince the hero of 2020 id say yes indeed its action packed and humor filled i wouldnt recommend for sensitive viewers but its fantastic besides that

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I am so glad I subbed to HBO MAX so I could enjoy this in my own home with my precious cat. Awesome movie!!

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If the overall message is about not taking shortcuts in life and just face reality, the reality is that this movie would do better with keeping Chris Pine away from 1984 and focusing on getting a really scary cheetah.

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It was very frustrated for me. The story is full of plot holes and waste much time in the takes.

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So shitty wasched first 20 min nothing compared to part 1 watch that again instead of this trust me :).

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The film's not over 'til Lynda Carter cameos. :wink:

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Beautiful actress. Great costumes. Badassery sporadic. Not enough 80s tracks...I counted one....Plot was shite. She looks the part though most definitely. It seemed like the plot was lifted from the 30s film The Man Who Could Work Miracles (yes, I know the villain occurs in the comics with this kind of power) with the same costs/benefit shenanigans (Cat's Paw), then at the end it turned into a Dr Who Christmas episode. The best scene was at the beginning with the young actress. If it had stayed in Themyscira it would have been a far better movie.

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To be frank, I wish they respected Wonder Woman, the movie should be about her, not about her boyfriend. It lost everything that made the first one great, Diana is not that rebel we loved in the prequel.

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Word fail me when it comes to DC and cannon law. They could learn a lot from marvel when it comes to tying all their franchises in one universe.

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I saw the backlash before I saw the movie, I thought "oh, incels at it again :rolling_eyes:". But no, the movie is a bloated mess!

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So disappointed.
Yeah that about sums it up...

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Pedro was good, Gal Gadot was good, Chris Pine was good, Kristen Wiig was also pretty good, just write a better movie damn it!

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Max Lord wishes to become the stone, so why does he still has a human body? Can a stone walk or speak?

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Disappointed, it wasn't like wonder woman movie at all.

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Shout by alaneo
BlockedParent2020-12-27T23:06:21Z— updated 2023-10-23T08:19:13Z

5 stars only for Gal and Pedro in it. Other than that and it would be max 1 star.

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Really? What a lame movie.
Gadot's acting is ok, but the rest poor.
Directing awful too, and why 1984? don't get.

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The first half was too slow with boring storyline seems like a knowing story from previous dc movies. And should have more action to see. It's an action movie though. :expressionless:

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Whole movie felt like it was an excuse for a woman to show off her new dress and heels...

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First off, this movie is WAY to long, for such a lame story!!! Action sequences are great, just not enough. The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) plays way over the top as the bad guy. Gal does her job. They need new direction. They need a better villain.

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I thought Gal Gadot was asking me to make a wish to end villian lol

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This felt like a 2,5 hour long version of that celebrity "imagine" cover.

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What's the obsession with heels? Amazonian'a were grounded because they understood the importance of foot bio mechanics up the rest of the kinetic chain. The weird obsession of walking like a wounded animal seems very out of character for Diana but on well.

Nothing like the first movie which was fantastic but entertaining none the less. Glad I didn't waste £25 at the IMAX though

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This is not dc at all.

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Kinda campy. Really boring and predictable all throughout except the ending. The resolution was very Wonder Woman and honestly, saved the movie for me. The mid-credit scene was also a surprise addition.

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Sneaky Hans thought I wouldn't notice Beautiful Lie playing when Diana was giving her speech to the world. If only he'd re-score JL for the Snyder Cut.

Movie was ok but I preferred the first one. This one felt more adventurous while the first one felt more heroic. That's not a bad thing but it's maybe just not my thing. Cheetah got a bit too close to Cats territory but thankfully avoided it narrowly. Max was just a weirdo with no real plan and the whole thing with the kid just felt like a crutch to justify his redemption. Guess I just didn't enjoy Diana being nerfed for half the movie.

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kristen wiig please hang out with me this thursday when i am free

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Its a good movie but not as good as the first. The start of the movie feels very original superman cheese which is cool. The movie borrows a lot ost from other dc movies which kinda annoyed me and the gold suit was lame. There was a good few twists that the trailer didnt give away.

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Shout by TDASSA

I see why WB released it online,if their 2021 movies like that i say put it online and save us the trip to theaters,you can see in the this movie the difference between MCU & DC,Marvel have their way in making you accept the comics logic without it looking like childish movies, infinity stones, quantum realm ok i will buy that..but in DC ww84 granting & renouncing wishes and how wonder woman flying;you find yourself not buying it and looking very childish & stupid. I hate to see the talent of Hans Zimmer wasted on DC movies like this that, someone take him to MCU please.
PS.kudos on lynda carter cameo,one of the few things i liked in this movie.

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First 1/3 of the movie was great and then just keeps falling apart. Acting, plot, affects just kept getting worst. I want just the opening Pre-story as a short film and pretend the rest never happened.

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I'm so excited by the Linda Carter cameo!

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Can I have my 2 plus hours back? The first 1/3 rd of the movie was over the top 80's references. A magic stone granting wishes. Cheetah girl played by a horrible actress. I love you Pedro, but not in this movie. Used car salesman vibe. DC... should have kept this in the vault. Maybe the Soul movie is better. Disney plus.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-12-25T18:12:30Z— updated 2020-12-27T11:30:02Z

Some scenes could have been edited out to make the movie shorter. In the first half Kristen Wiig feels like she was type cast from Ghostbusters as a goofy and clumsy genius.
Wiig at least feels less like she is phoning it in as the movie goes on. Pedro Pascal (the Mandalorian) Maxwell Lord though feels like a villain of the week.
The films strength is the chemistry of Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. As well as just Gal Gadot period.
The weakest aspect is the plot that really isn’t worthy of Gadot’s Wonder Woman. The movie isn’t bad though. Since despite being too long. It isn’t an overlong bleak mess, like Batman v Superman.
However it is too long to simply give us another Christmas message of “be happy with what you have.”

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I liked it, it seemed different to me, I liked the 1 more

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The trailer looks bad ass...the music. Amazing.

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This poster reminds me a lot of Thor: Ragnarok...

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