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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x04 Part IV

So Reva had the foresight to put a tracker on Leia's bot when she thought Obi-Wan was dead. Huh? Make it make sense.

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Third Sister is just a henchwoman.

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Enjoyable episode, but that chase at the end... It made no sense, it felt like Reva was just jogging as slow as she could towards Kenobi.

Plus, Kenobi already seems more skilled than the last episode, which is weird since I'm assuming he didn't have any training afterwards.

Other than that, great episode!

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i enjoyed that episode... despite the terrible attempt at the last leg of escape. also, MAYA PEN15 ERSKINE!

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Far too short of an episode this week. I would call it mid af.

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Oh God no, not Wade! Not the character we don't even know, and couldn't give less of a care about. Why did you have to take such a nobody from us!?

Yawn, this show is just plain boring.

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I wish Vader would've killed her. She's just a weak character. Even a ten year old kid is not intimidated by her. It should have been Vader chasing Obi-Wan from the beginning if it is that much of a personal thing for him. The story could have been so much better.

I'll admit, this episode was rather weak. Convenient writing and all in all a remake of Obi-Wan on the death star. No real suspense since the only character that could have died is Tala.

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ahhh, the olde hide child in trenchcoat trick! that can fool anyone on any military base.

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A very filler episode. A bunch of silly busy work to pad the runtime of an already short show. This show, after 4 episodes, has not made a case for why it exists. If in episode 6 Obi-Wan wakes up and says "it was all a dream", and the whole show never really happened, it would make more sense than this show has so far.

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I dont know what everyone else is smoking, i thought this was the best episode so far

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-06-08T09:30:48Z— updated 2022-06-10T15:03:21Z

You asked for Star Wars, you got Star Wars: a boring 80s orchestral movie score, incompetent troopers guarding doors (it's exactly like that: and patrolling corridors, generic imperial interior design, light sabers and laser guns, stupid interrogation scenes (a dozen or so) and people recycling old quotes (like "the force is strong"). It doesn't look bad, the kid is still adorable, but it's super dull. I've seen that before. Is there no philosophical core to this show, no second layer, no baddies turning into the good ones or vice versa, no insight into alien societies and worlds? It feels hollow. Moses Ingram is the worst. Donate her a costume with a helmet so that she can disguise the fact that her face is only capable of one expression. No wonder her character can't even make a 10 year old kid talk.

PS: there's 50 or so dead people in this episode alone and I'm supposed to feel anything towards the death of that pilot, who is totally unknown to me?

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Another vulgar display of poor acting, no facial expressions, no feelings, nothing, a robot, but we are all racist for criticizing the bad acting :rolling_eyes:... Also... Ice Wars, Star Cube :metal:

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That was the dumbest final twist I’ve seen in a long time.
It basically renders all the tension of the previous 30 minutes meaningless.

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I'm not sure what's missing, but these episodes just feel off. I know it's not good to compare, but I'll do it anyway, The Mandalorian felt exciting and like the Star Wars Universe was filled with characters... This show feels like everything is stale and if it didn't have the nostalgia of Obi and Vader I don't think anyone would be interested.

This episode had some nice bits. The scenes with the bodies Obi found was very intriguing. That was the only thing I liked. They really did skip Obi getting better and it was glossed over like months had past but I believe it was days. I can't imagine that The Mandalorian would have done it this way.

I'm really losing interest and hoping that something happens soon to make this worth the wait.

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The action in this episode reminds of the first order ride at Disney and that is not a good thing.

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2nd watch. How could anyone watch the performance of Reva in the episode and say yeah, we hired the right actor. She is soooooooo bad.

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"Guess you're soldiers now, after all" - wow... :o :D

The tracker on Lola is unfortunate... :o (They should really scan for trackers (unknown signals)!)

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Oh, I don’t expect that. Nice work Third Sister.

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Watchable at best. It was 30 minutes but I was rolling my eyes and sighing so often it felt like 2 hours. I just wanted it to end.

The writing is just so bad & Lazy
Reva is so unbearable... She has ONE tone, one face , and just cannot act. (No I'm not racist before Disney try's to say that's why I dislike her)
The connivences are just too convenient

I WANT TO LOVE THIS SO BAD - I actually didn't mind the sequel trilogy, but this has just been SO BAD.

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Shout by Deleted

Half the time he needs in a bacta tank and he’s got his groove back after getting stomped like that? Starting to blur the line between forgery and homage.

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Still very entertaining... if a bit stretching credibility that Obi-Wan's able to infiltrate one of the most secret bases and get right to the most secure places without there being any reasonable defense. Let's just forget the fact that his injuries which are still emphasized after his aborted bath in bacta, mysteriously vanish... It's good though, to see him pick up the sword again after that pitiful excuse (regarding his fighting abilities, not the fight itself, mind you) of a fight last episode. Still love Leia.

But, of course, the Third Sister's going to be diverted in her singlemindedness just at the point where she enacts some of her cruelty...

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The action sequences in the pilot were bad enough to be cringeworthy, and they've gotten progressively worse. Is Disney short on talent behind the camera these days or is talent no longer the priority?

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We are still flying through the story. A bit hard to believe it was so easy to enter the Fortress and then just walk out without anyone noticing. A bit tricky though to make Lola the tracker.

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Ah the good old 'child and Jedi in the trench coat' trick.
And you thought that space vespas was stupid.

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Oof. If it wasn't for Leia and Tala I would have given up on this show.

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They should have killed off Reva

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Disney and Deborah Chow are taken a shit what was once cool

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Pretty boring episode. Time to upgrade those stormtroopers. They are totally useless.

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Why would you leave the person you knocked out in the water in the middle of the room? And why not take his uniform?

Talla didn’t even see the secret droid before Obi when she can see the security system lol

You just watched your fellow solider die and the first thing you don’t do is radio it in to let them know a Jedi is onboard?

Those blasters has got to be the most inaccurate weapons in the galaxy lol, and lets not talk about a robot that isn’t 100% accurate 100% of the time. Oh i get it the good guys can use the same blasters and be accurate but if an enemy has it they miss half the time lol

So you telling me the Lightsabers can block plane blasters too :man_facepalming_tone3: what is this thing made of ?

And last but not least, she put a tracker on the girl before even knowing Obi was alive? And if it was to see where the cell is why almost kill them lmao. Ok.

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Pretty good; your standard Disney Star Wars fare. There were some interesting ideas I hope they follow up on, and I liked the action in this one.

However, they can't keep having the same basic premise for each episode anymore: Inquisitors look for Obi-Wan, they find Obi-Wan, but then he manages to escape. Rinse and repeat for four episodes in a row. It's kind of lazy, and it's slowing down the momentum of the show. Hopefully, this will be rectified in future episodes.

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Slight improvement but still dogshat. Ben Lightsaber sequence was cool, torturing a little girl was dogshat (way to go Disney!), contradicting continuity with the relationship between Ben and Leia is dogshat. Third Sister is DOGSHAT, just get rid of her! That acting is horrendous as is the "acting" of that Game of Thrones actress. She punching the Stormtrooper helmets was hilarious. Vader is what everyone wants to see goddamit!

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Well that was... something. This was disappointing because it COULD have been much better. The writing could've NOT been lazy.

Also, lol at all those stormtroopers near the end of the episode when the alarms were going off, walking around like nothing was happening - what's even the point of the alarm? They were moving with all the haste of a dorm full of college students on a Saturday night who had to evacuate the building for the fifth time this week because Kevin burnt his popcorn and set off the fire alarm again.

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It was nice to see Tera Sinube; even if it was for 2 seconds and as a corpse. But overall, this episode felt completely pointless

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Yup, seems like it's another show where they invested all in the first episodes. It's officially going downhill.

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so... they more or less just remixed the finale of Jedi: Fallen Order?

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Really? He isn't really Kenobi. Just a imposter. While nothing to hide, he is still using a blaster?! So uncivilized...

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Is this really the Obi-Wan story that needed to be told? This dull, heartless checklist of Star Wars iconography that is stumbling through 4 out of 6 episodes with little to no momentum? I swear that I want to like this show and there are the tiniest glimpses that maybe they could have made something decent but so far this is not it.

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This was basically one of the levels from Fallen Order. Great game, but mediocre episode. Not sure why folks don’t like Reva, her and Leia are far and away the best characters for me. I like what Ewan is doing with Kenobi, but it’s odd that after struggling to move a thumb drive with the force he can all of a sudden hold up an ocean of water and deflect laser blasts like he hasn’t lost a step.

I think this is just suffering from below average writing and directing. Given the time period and lore of Vader hunting down and exterminating the Jedi, this could have been much better.

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I don’t who’s more annoying; Leia or Third Sister.

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Idk wtf Reva is trying to do with her voice, but it isn't working for me.

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That blue lightsaber appearing from the darkness

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Now they’ve got Leia back let’s disable the tracker and start the rocky like training montage of Kenobi regaining his full force powers back., without them it’s a bit of a yawn fest., also much much more Vader!

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What a gloomy moment in which the Jedi tombs appear, the series continues to give us great moments between Obi and Leia.

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Wow, that was boring as fxck…

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Shout by ragreynolds

What the hell am I watching? I REALLY want to love this show, but it's just so difficult. The action choreography in this episode was beyond awful, and we are STILL getting way too much focus on Leia and Reva. I don't care about young Leia, and I certainly don't care about Reva. What I care about is Obi-Wan and Anakin! I want to explore the relationship between those characters - not the one between Obi-Wan and Leia. This show is a mess and my faith in it is practically all gone. I suspect we might get one decent scene between Obi-Wan and Vader in the final episode, but aside from that, I don't see this show becoming anything near what I had hoped for.

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"Princess Leia: A Star Wars Story". This was so bad :(. This is a disservice to Obi-Wan as a character. I feel bad for Ewan, because this is not his fault. He's always sublime.

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Another really enjoyable episode - sure a lot of tension's gone, knowing the fate of 2 of the 3 main protagonists, and the 3rd only being a relatively new character.

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I enjoy this nonsense at least 50% more in the scenes where the camera isn't handheld. Please just put it on a tripod.

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half way decent episode this week after a lackluster start, Obi Wan felt less like a wimp this time, actually using his lightsaber to deflect Storm Trooper blasts and also using the force a bit. Reva continues to be awful, only having 1 facial expression

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