I am very finicky when it comes to romances in TV/movies, especially since nowadays it seems you can't seem to make a show without it.
But, of course, it wasn't much different back then. This one though, is bad with a capital "B". Forced and artificial with no chemistry. The musical score, the dialogue between them plus the slimy looking Ral push this in soap-opera territory. I will admit that the discussion about the ethics of being empathic has merit. Doesn't change the fact that Ral is unlikeable. Good that Riker showed him his limits. And, ultimately, Ral got what he deserved. Which at least makes the story just.
The wormhole story on the other hand I liked. Althought the Ferengi at this point were very much still only the scheming, greedy capitalists. This should have been the focus and not just the canvas.
Well, that was a lot of writing for a rather empty episode.

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Quite an unpleasant mess. Devinoni seems to be one step away from a full on rapist with his horrifically strong approach to "courting" Troi, besides just being a slimy and arrogant person. It felt out of character for the show. We do get to see a side of Deanna that's rarely shown to us, but it's not worth it in this context. The classic Crusher/Troi exercise scene is of course funny and over-the-top.

The Ferengi are a fun addition to the episode, even though they hadn't developed to their full potential by this point all the seeds are there. Picard's exasperation with them is easy to laugh at. If I recall, we will meet the lost Ferengi again in the Delta quadrant at some point in Voyager.

I think Riker wins best moment of the episode, though, his heart-to-heart about Deanna is a great moment, and he really wins the little confrontation.

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Ferengi don't not have the best reputation do they. Seems two of them were destined to be lost forever in a tiny pod. That wouldn't be any fun. 70,000 light years away. People should listen to Geordie!!

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The fact that Troi was ever attracted to that bland slimey shithead makes me like her even less now

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Bleh, I really did not care for that Devinoni Ral, even right from the beginning.

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This could be an all-time great episode of Trek, but it has one crippling flaw almost completely ruins the episode; the casting of Devinoni Ral. He is so unpleasant that he is never a realistic love interest for Troi and a huge amount of the episode revolves around him. If he was charming and charismatic the whole thing could have worked, but he is so slimy and unlikeable that you immediately view him as a villain.

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Oooh nice seeing the beginning of the VOY ep. Also I did not consent to someone’s foot fetish being on my screen :upside_down:

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Shout by mookie

Whoa this Devinoni character is a creepy near-rapist person. Shiver.

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