Unfortunately , Superman and Lois is killing this.

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What on earth were they thinking creating THAT kind of Captain America ?!?! And I mean the actor, too. I am also not a huge fan of this "One World, One People" stuff.
What I do like is the dynamic between Sam and Bucky. That carried an otherwise rather mediocre episode.

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The writing on this show is so awful. Is it laziness or ignorance? I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's not good.

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This episode felt a bit sloppy at points. It felt a bit like a bunch of isolated scenes that were good on their own but didn't really weave together all that well? I'm also a bit unsure about the Flag Smashers right now, I feel like I don't get their motives. How does their anarchism link to their belief that life was better during the Blip? Hopefully that gets filled in more later. I also felt a bit thrown off how Sam and Buck both had good human storylines set up in the first episode that weren't followed up on here.

On the plus side: I appreciated the social commentary, even if it felt a bit surface level. Mackie and Stan have good chemistry, which helps carry the show. I also enjoy Kellyman's performance, even if I don't understand her motive yet, and Wyatt Russell is good too. And hey, a Young Avenger was technically introduced, thats exciting!

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an improvement on the first episode but not incredible, worth a watch tho

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At the end, that security monitor image with the cell ("zelle") number in the corner... I have to wonder if the use of cell number 2187 was a deliberate reference.

It ain't detention block AA-23, but...

That's okay. Finn didn't get the reference, either.

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i cringed so badly when john called bucky an asset omg

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Shout by Corey

I dunno… this series just isn’t grabbing me yet — and I’m not surprised. WandaVision made me care exponentially-more about Avenger characters I was never truly invested in. And I feel the exact same about Bucky and Sam as I did since their introduction… which isn’t saying much at all. The banter and bromance therapy is doing absolutely nothing for me.

Story-wise, something isn’t clicking for me either. It all seems a bit scattered. The threat doesn’t feel all that menacing. And why are they about to talk to a Hydra person? Admittedly, I should probably know this, but the storytelling here just doesn’t feel solid.

I’m hoping I get into it more. Right now, my biggest investments are a) whether the new Cap is actually a good guy and b) whether or not Sam and his sis keep the boat.

I need more.

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the tone it has, similar to that of captain america 2, I'm liking it

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fake Captain America sounds like Jonah Ryan

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Some cringe-inducing take on race, as expected. Not only overdramatic with how Falcon reacts to Isaiah, but also the typical trope of cops showing up and asking for ID of a tumulent black man and asking them if they're bothering their white friend. Heavy-handiness galore.

On a not so unrelated note, the theme of race and the usage of lacrimosa reminds me of Watchmen... I didn't much like Watchmen.

Other than that it's actually a pretty fun show so far. Loving the Sam-Bucky dynamic and duo.

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As good and interesting as the first chapter, but we finally see the soldier and falcon together and what i think is more important, we see that both actors cheemistry works really well.

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Shout by Deleted

The second episode is good, it goes further into the plot and I’m so excited to see what happens next because I had a basic theory in mind but it exceeded that with them involving characters and plot in a way that kind of makes it confusing so overall it’s a good episode and I enjoyed it. :smiley:

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yes now im just watching for the sebastian stan ^_^ and the bromance

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How do the character accomplish things in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? They check stuff and they know where to go. Get used for that to be the whole show, all that with fights that have little to null cleverness. Just hopefully the enemies motivation has some more clarity than we want the world to how it was before because by chance it was governed by better people?

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Much bette than the first episode. I'd like to see more of how the world is coping since the blip reversal. Maybe things were better before.

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Still better than wv but I still have the feeling that this would be better as a movie rather than a weekly tv show.

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this is just some old wine in new bottles and colors....

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"Steve had a plan" BITCH WHERE

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I think it has lots of humour, but I hate the though if some door just being Captain America. I honestly don’t get that

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A much better episode as a whole with an ending that was much less frustrating.

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It's alright. Seems to be going really slow, which is weird because it's so short. Definitely worth a watch and I'll continue to watch, but it's no WandaVision. Still better than a lot of TV out there and definitely high-budget Marvel feeling

WandaVision had me super excited and wakin' up early to watch each episode while I didn't remember until about 3:30pm that a new episode came out.

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“You think it didn’t break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America?” – Sam Wilson

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At the beginning of the episode, I'm like... what John Walker have no super strength?? So okay now, where is The Power Broker?

And at the end of the episode I'm like... The Power Broker ta da da da, ta da da da

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It's a bit dissapointing that they didn't manage to hold the tone from the first episode. Something felt off this time around.

On the unrelated note, I have a vague memory of seeing an episode of 90s Spider-man cartoon with Captain America. And having similar reveal about forgotten Super Soldier.

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This really good episode has me look up its showrunner afterwards, something I didn't do with WandaVision, as much as I enjoyed most of it. Malcolm Spellman hasn't produced anything I watched until now, but the way he managed his own world-building within a larger MCU framework with some intriguing weightiness, including race (most telling of new Cap is him using police siren to call Sam and Bucky, especially juxtaposed with Sam's encounter earlier), is pretty striking. Plus, he did all that while maintain slick action and fun banter, the latter which I was dreading a bit after the trailers but worked much better within an episode's context.

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Yup, the new captain America is douchebag. And the actor has one of those faces that you just want to punch.

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I laughed so hard during the therapy session.
I think Antony Mackie and Sebastian Stan have great chemistry.

Love the series so far!

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2 episodes in and this show is so damn good. The chemistry between all the characters is amazing especially between Mackie and Stan and Zemo hasn't even entered the picture yet. that therapy session tho lol. I'm not even a Mackie fan, but have to recognize that he is absolutely killing it.

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another very strong episode this time we open with a little insight into John Walker this episode does a great job of making you feel for this guy

this episode has another main action sequence that is pretty awesome

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I love the world building going on around this catastrophic event and the reversal event, it makes for interesting and thought provoking perspectives.

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We need Zemo. Daniel Brühl can save this show!

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From a comic book fan perspective, this one certainly brings in a lot of recognizable names. John Walker & Battlestar, Isaiah Bradley, Power Broker, Flag Smasher, Baron Zemo. This is all cool stuff. I can't wait to see where they take John Walkers story.

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Didn’t think it was as good as the past episode, I like the chemistry between Sam and Bucky, and loved the ending. Zemo next episode fuck yeah

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Guess I'm the only one here who enjoyed this one more than the premiere. shrugs

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This is really bad. The action with Bucky and Sam is pretty decent, but there isn't enough of it and everything else is mediocre. For a show about superheroes, it's slow and boring.
If you only have 6 episodes in a season, each one needs to be a hit. This one was a miss.

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It would be a shame to sleep on this. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier subverts expectations and roles established by the Captain America films, primarily at how we look at American Exceptionalism. Duplicity and duality finally seem to be at the core and it's refreshing and interesting to know that basically the only thing keeping Sam and Bucky positive on governmental oversight was Steve himself.

John Walker's character is fascinating because of how it plays into and against Steve's traits. No longer is Captain America some altruistic force; now he functions even further as an arm of the military. Although Walker would have you believe he's doing everything for the greater good, the greater good is frequently challenged within Steve's arc. By setting up Walker as more of a stereotypical, arrogant military man combined with Sam and Bucky's distrust, the cynicism is not only pushed onto Walker as a Cap replacement but also towards American foreign policy as a whole.

This is something MCU detractors have been citing as fault in the franchise for years, the lack of any critical eye towards the American war machine. I am utterly enraptured.

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Loving the Sam/Bucky duo! Sebastian Stan is just nailing all his scenes and I am sitting here getting emotional over Bucky's arc.

On another note, I probably should have rewatched some of the movies since I have 0 recollection of any of the villains' storylines.

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Man I'm a bit disappointed, this episode felt stretched out, lots of padding and scenes which could easily have been trimmed or cut out entirely. This almost felt like an episode from a CW show..... It feels like a movie script that has been stretched into a six episode series.....

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better than episode 1, no family drama this time to drag it down but the slow burn is still not doing it for me, especially with only 4 episodes left now. i did love the reference to The Power Broker from the comics as well as the introduction of Battlestar, another character from the comics

what i wasn't a fan of however was Marvel going down the woke route by trying to portray cops as racist with that scene where they ask Bucky if Sam is bothering him

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Loving how this show gets more ambitious with all the things it wants to tackle along with more much-needed character development. Toss in some genuine chemistry and buddy cop energy and this show really just keeps getting better. Once again, pumped for the next episode.

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