I love the writing, just thought provoking without being preachy. I thought it was a bit odd the displays of love and affection in the restaurant in front of everyone eating, but then these days people tune out such overt displays, so perhaps it’s accurate.

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This show is so good. They cover whole topics without being woke. Now that’s ingenious. Wish other sci-fy shows like StarTrash Discovery had talented creators like this show.

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This show is so good at being serious and funny all in one episode

Great one liners from
Gordon “I’ll do it”
Bortus “they are awful” :joy:

Did Talla punch Lamarr in his face :joy: his teeth fell out, shit

By far one of my favorite episodes

Great to finally know the full story on the Kaylons

I dont like that Kelly had to use the cheating story, we really didn’t need to be reminded of that neither did Ed. He really do make work his no1 priority

Isaac about to go balls deep :joy:

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(spoiler) It was a weak defense given for the Kalon genocide of their makers. If pain was being delivered to them beyond all reason, why not just deactivate the pain response? Seriously, this was a huge overreaction. It certainly didn’t elevate them morally over those they slaughtered in their sleep.

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Whoever thought it might be a good idea to start negotiations with a potential ally by lying to them must be stupid. In which universe might it be a solid foundation for an alliance? Would the whole union have to pretend just to appeal to this matriarchical culture? This doesn’t make any sense. If you want equal partners you respect each others culture, it’s not a oneway street. So far season 2 has been great, but here I had complaints just a few minutes in… Also, „whos_ your_buddha, your damn woke and Discovery bashing is getting annoying. Stop it.

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The moment Isaac sees Claire in the simulated restaurant through the reset of his emotional capabilities is the most authentic representation of newly realized love I've ever seen. I brought my to tears. Mark Jackson is a forced.

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Despite being long the episode doesn't have enough to seriously write something. So I only want to get this off my chest: Writers are so bad at thinking alien... How more human can something be? That Kaylon-builder-species was disgustingly american but even more annoying is that all they could imagine for a machine that develops feelings is wanting to kiss and dance??? A machine that does not even have a mouth and thus wouldn't even have a concept of how kissing feels? ... Come on people the conceptual aspect is a good thing to lean in but please go a bit deeper then typical human romance!

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This episode is all over the place. You've got the Kaylon flashbacks, which are cool but don't really make much sense until later, there's this idiotic plot with these matriarchal aliens (hey you know what would be a good idea when trying to forge an alliance with an alien species? Start with a little honesty.), the Kaylon who feels feelings jammed in with Burke and Isaac and Finn, and then you have this contrived storyline with LaMarr and Keyali wedged in the middle there. The connections between the multiple subplots are flimsy at best, and they each have plenty of holes in them.

And the ending… telling them that Grayson was unfaithful to Mercer but still became his first officer is common ground? What does that even mean? Then Isaac is somehow able to instantaneously adapt to having emotions?

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An intriguing alien civilization, a glimpse into Kaylon history, Isaac continues to socialize, girls hilariously take command, warrior princesses like Xena is back , intriguing violent love - all very well integrated into the broader story line. And it's funny. Topics discussed are certainly not a philosophical revelation or unheard of in the realm of sci-fi but solidly tied together.

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Yay, i got to squeeze out a few!

And, about a different part...that takes being mean to Alexa to a whole new level, damn!

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The stories told have been good. When Bortus complains that they discriminate against men in that society and the others look at him with a face and what you do on your planet with women, what happens with that

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Could have done without the Janisi storyline as well as LaMarr's sex injuries storyline. Added nothing to the episode. I guess that was supposed to be the comic relief between the emotional scenes? UGH. Just felt like stuff 5th graders would laugh at. I found the SFX makeup on the Janisi subpar. The scientist looked like a Dr. Who alien (those cat nurse creatures). I am not seeing any real originality as the episodes go on. I am half waiting to see them run into a Borg-like alien this season or get caught up in some interstellar war with scorpion-lilke aliens ala Farscape. It's just way too much stuff from other shows. Doing 3 story lines in this episode waters them down and none of them can be fully realized. They needed to stick to one story line and do it well instead of do 3 storylines half-assed. Almost forgot: Charlie needs to be thrown out out of the air lock soon. Really getting tired of her character. Just my opinion.

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For a show about space where half the arcs are about alien love and sex. I kinda expected more cheesiness in this episode. I like the Orville, a lot, but a few episodes ago I was just thinking to myself that I was starting to get burned out on all the love stories. But this episode in spite of being exactly more of exactly that. The writing was solid. I was pulling for John and Talla and I think there should have been a flu virus to temporarily ehh whatever point is I wanted it to happen.

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This is my favorite episode of the whole series so far. It really benefits from the new extended format of the Hulu episodes. I could watch these characters all day--especially Claire & Bortus.

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I really liked and enjoyed this episode, it is amazing how they made it so easy to watch while creating 3 stories in parallel.

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I love this show. It scratches that old Star Trek itch. I haven't watched the resent seasons of the Trek shows but Orville has been more like the old Trek shows then what the new trek shows have been doing. I've said it before and I'll say it again, This show's more Star Trek then Star Trek lol.

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That Bortus face is golden. :rofl: https://i.imgur.com/YQhde6l.jpg

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I have mixed feelings about this one. The Kaylon plot was great, it was nice to see why they're like they are now instead of just vague "the builders mistreated us", as well as some great character work from Isaac/Dr Finn and some development for Charly.

The alliance plot was not great. Their whole plan of lying to the aliens was just straight up dumb and I don't see how anyone thought it was a good idea. It was very clearly written that way so that the plot could happen.

Finally the Lamar/Keyali plot was just kinda ehh. Not great but not bad, just kinda out of place.

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Shout by tropolite
BlockedParent2022-07-14T11:09:05Z— updated 2022-07-16T01:20:02Z

I really liked this episode... it had some really funny moments, some hugely deep and touching moments.

The writing continues to be good, really hitting the 'What would you do/think about this scenario' challenges. This episode also gave the viewers a swift yet good understanding of Kaylon history. It was well integrated into other storylines and the broken bones was just hilarious and reminded me of one or two relationships that were fun but I knew wasn't the best for my health.

Then there's some very helpful, sincere advice on communication in relationships, something that too few use effectively.

And Charly breaks her PITA attitude.

Just watch the show and enjoy it. I'll say it now, there better be seasons ongoing after this season. They are knocking out of the park this season.

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Though at times it seems like this episode tries to occupy too many places at once, and could have dropped a subplot or two to really focus on Isaac and the Kaylon again, there is still enough character work and humor to make this an enjoyable watch. Even toward the end, my thinking was closer to "How is this all going to wrap up? Isn't the episode almost over?!" than "Geez, how much more of this is there?" That's a good thing.

I also understand that the producers probably didn't want to focus another episode solely on Isaac and the Kaylon, considering that the season premiere already did that. The C and D stories were therefore useful to take breaks from what could have felt like retread territory to some viewers.

And finally, I kept hoping that there would be some opportunity for K-1 to spoof The Good Place's Janet and say something like, "Not a robot." It didn't happen, but it would have been hilarious.

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Ah Bortus... the serious and deadpan delivery from Peter Macon gets me every time.

I loved watching Grayson order Mercer around. The look Seth MacFarlane has is priceless.

And I was a bit surprised the bitch Charly didn't have some asinine response to the history of the Kaylon. She did take the cowards way out, which wasn't too surprising, though.

Kudos to LaMarr. The man really hung in there. That was impressive.

Mark Jackson is phenomenal. His portrayal of Isaac is perfection. And Penny Johnson gives a fantastic performance, as well.

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