I honestly have no idea how they're pulling off a season that's this consistently good, episode after episode. Hulu/Disney better renew this show!

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What kind of idiot voted 1 point before the episode is aired?

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You know when the Cenobites and the Lizard people are against you, you done f*cked up. I'm really liking this season. A bit more risky with the story telling. Something the previous two seasons were seriously lacking.

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Hopefully this concludes the Topa/Moclans-being-women-haters plot line and this can go back to being a Sci-Fi show instead of a melodrama. The Kaylon threat has been hinted at the entire season but given how little we've seen them they seem less and less like a threat. In fact, the Moclans seem more like the antagonists.

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It concerned me that the child said she divulged the name of a collaborator and a secret frequency. Did I miss where they took steps to ameliorate the damage?

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That scene with Bortus at the council...I felt his delivery there and for a character who is not really emotional....that one moved me. I'm not crying, you're crying.

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It all looks so beautiful. Especially the approach to that sanctuary planet is awesome (in good ol'Star Trek fashion the non FX and non studio stuff looks of course like it's contemporary California and it probably is).

Another very solid episode. Sometimes funny, increasingly grim as it progresses. A concise story with a philosophical and political core and an exciting execution. Well done! It's perhaps a few minutes too long but that's also a sign of a great production: if they feel they need more time to tell a story - like this week - they produce a 90 minutes episode. One of the few shows that understands that there's a benefit to streaming and to the departure from programmed TV time slots.

PS: Kudos to Dolly Parton. She's a household name but it's perhaps the first time I've ever seen her acting. Is she playing that Tennessee girl or is that the real her? Her accent is adorable.

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I'm all for flexible lengths and taking the time to explain a story meaningful, but that was much too long.

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I wonder how many Christians realize this episode is about them?

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Sad to say this is the episode where they jumped the shark - All filler no killer

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The new direction is good but finding the past 2 episodes really…tame. I enjoy sci-fi for the adventure, recently its been a bit fluffy. Prefer some drama and thrill.

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Not sure I like how Captain Mercer decided what was morally right and then emotionally manipulated Heveena to change her decision to fall in line; I think this is actually quite insidious as a technique. Also, why wouldn’t he immediately search for his crew as the first thing he would do? He could follow their trail surely.

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sure, bring the controversial girl to the species that hates her, trying to fix the fragile diplomatic relations with that species by spitting them in the face even more, solid plan
and they leave their shuttle unlocked for hours with the main door open and then wonder that somebody sabotaged it .. oh boy

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When you take your prejudices too far. Let's see the consequences. "I allowed a lifetime of prejudice to cloud my judgment"

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Can't the Kaylons kill us all? Please?

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This is one of the best shows on TV.

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“There you go Sherlock” :joy:

“Looks better going than coming” :joy:

I swear this shows is the master at one liners

It baffles me how this show continues to make hit after hit episodes all season long. Makes you concerned that other shows cant figure this out

Wth are they trying to do with Bortus and Kelly? No affection shown at all then all a sudden they almost kiss? Huh? I guess I’m being a hater since i still want Kelly and Ed back together

Shut up Kelly!!! Make Bortus do his thing, what if it was your child?

“We are taking fire” No shit Bortus lol

Idk what they are trying to accomplish with Bortus and Kelly and now that his husband is back it’s getting weird. Time will tell

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Great episode. Told the story without rushing through it. It's weird to watch these episodes because I'm so use to each episode being 45 minutes long. 90 minute episodes is spoiling me now. And the visuals...CLEAN. Oh, and Dolly Parton!!

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"9 to 5" and now a little hint of "Jolene", wonderful.

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I didn't expect Klyden to appear... and, well, it's been raining on my face - yet again. I admit I'm glad he's back - with an open mind. It's just a shame that it sometimes takes aliens kidnapping someone's child to open that door. Better late than never.

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This poorly disguised voke bullshit was annoying the first time and it's not any better now. I had hoped that we had seen the last of this crap.

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Dann, these onion cutting aliens at the end of this episode.

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Shout by DuYuKhIr

the ending has the redeeming sense of justice.

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Hang on. She used a kid to act as a go between the refuge and the "underground railway"? Regardless of what you think about the situation; that's fucked up. First thing I'd have hand the old crone over to get the bairn back.

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This is the Star Trek we deserve, not what we're getting.

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how can television be this THIS GOOD

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My new best episode. Well done all and thanks

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I think it could have been shorter, which tbh has been something I've thought about most of the episodes this season, or maybe a two part story but apart from that this one was really good.

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You had me at Dolly Parton!! Still one of my favorite country singers of all time.

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