I feel like there are so many unresolved issues and unspoken feelings between a few of these “siblings,” and I really can’t wait to see how they will all work it out;
Diego & Luthor, Vanya & Allison, Klaus & Ben, and Allison & Luthor seem like they have the most interesting and complex journeys ahead of them relationship-wise!

P.S. I already know Klaus and Five are going to be the best comedic duo ;)

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Obsessed with the "Run boy run" scene. Visually this series really is great and the needle drops are fun but I don't really love the writing so far. The dialogue is meh and we didn't really learn much new things about the characters in this episode than which makes it feel like filler and you don't want your second episode to be filler already. Not a fan of the addition of Hazel and Cha Cha so far, their humour doesn't work for me but we shall see, they might get better.

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Late to the party, but intrigued and looking forward to what’s to come.

However, am I the only one who’s having a difficult time becoming invested in these characters? I know it’s early, and that things could change, but they’re not entirely likable.

Victor is veryyyyyyy one-dimensional, so far.
Klaus is trying a bit too hard to be a scene-stealer, so far.
Diego is kind of an asshole, so far.
Allison is happy to see Vanya one minute, and then railing against her for no reason the next. Nothing redeemable about her, so far.
Vanya is pretty damn bland and serves basic dialogue, so far.

The only characters that had an instant effect are Pogo and Five.

Maybe this is intentional? To start with these rough-around-the-edges superheroes? To allow them to grow on us?

I expect them to, especially after seeing so many people rave about this show for so long. I’m just definitely taken aback as to how abrasive these characters are right off the bat.

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Okay, so I'll give it a chance but this first episode is a cringy exposition dump par excellence. It doesn't explain anything and I don't like the characters.
The dialogues are bad, nobody talks that way in riddles and just keeping everything a mystery so that we'll continue watching.

The dancing scene is too long, it's just for padding the runtime.


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Shout by Deleted

This show is wicked funny and the soundtrack is top notch.

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Shout by TheNightWolf
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-12-20T16:38:58Z— updated 2020-08-05T04:22:05Z

How did they find Number 5 in the department store? He removed the tracker. Not that we have any idea how, when, or why he got the tracker in his arm in the first place or who is after him or why, so many unknowns in this show still. Vanya is supposedly normal however she is constantly popping pills, what for? I think that the pills are hindering her abilities to show, I wonder what they can be? And if these 7 kids were adopted and have abilities or mostly then what about all the other kids who were born in that one day, who weren't adopted, wouldn't they have abilities also?

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hyping us up each episode!

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Shout by Cluisanna

Okay but how can an apocalypse be bad enough to kill everyone on Earth, and yet at the same time not bad enough to seriously degrade bodies? They all looked as if they died from falling debris, so anyone in a bunker, cellar, perhaps even subway should have been safe.

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Trickling out the back-story's without giving too much away, works for now, but I could see this getting tedious if they drag things out without advancing the story more. Looks like Luther was trained by Master Pai Mei and had is hand eye coordination on point. Thought Vanya was a goner though. Dude had a sleazy budding serial killer vibe about him.

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The pathetic druggie loser is not entertaining. Pathetic druggie losers are never entertaining.

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five time traveling at the beginning of this episode to "run boy run" is the reason i love the arte de televisione oui oui

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The opening time jumping scene is so well made.

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Sigh, still just a load of dysfunctional psychopaths duking it out.

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The pace stagnates here. Number Five is hilarious but he is such a dick that it slows the plot. So it's entertaining but frustrating at the same time. But overall it's great.

Sheehan does a fantastic job being wacky. But Aidan Gallagher (No 5) takes the major plotlines which he does a great job with but again he's a dick generally and he slows the plot by being selfish.

Today's action scene is the shootout in the department store. Which was good but again because of the lack of knowledge didn't feel the proper weight.

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Klaus is a hilarious character .

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Number Five is a fantastic actor!

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At this stage I'm not bored but I'm not glued to the set.

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it's really boring isn't it?

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I'm not going to be able to make it through the season - I'm done. Salute to those of you that can. Peace!

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