

Emerald Isle

The 100: 1x03 Earth Kills

this episode feels like the beginning of when everything fell apart for them

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The 100: 1x02 Earth Skills

this was such a great episode. so much tension and drama, both in the camp with bellamy vs. clarke and also with the unknown of what may have taken jasper.

and we get to meet raven, one of my favorite characters of the entire series. lindsey morgan is a great actress and i love the attitude she brings to this series as raven.

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The 100: 1x01 Pilot

sitting down for my third rewatch of this series. i forgot how cheesy it starts off. some of the lines are a little forced in the first episode. it's amazing to me how much the actors in this series grow with each season. this series aired in my senior year of high school and i grew into my young adulthood watching the 100. brings back good memories.

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Echoes: 1x01 Home

Shout by Shay

What a wild first episode! I was not expecting the pre-arranged swapping. That make this 10x more plausible and interesting.

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Supernatural: 8x11 LARP and the Real Girl

Not much a fan of the episode as a whole but I do love the LARP nod.

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Supernatural: 7x14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

You know what, watching this episode once was enough. I rewatch this series pretty much yearly, but I don't feel the need to ever rewatch this one. No thanks.

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Snowflake Mountain: 1x01 Welcome to the Wilderness

This is hilarious and so entertaining to watch. Sure, sometimes the camp counselors come off as jerks (especially for blowing up their suitcases,) but it'll be interesting to see how that impacts the kids later on. I watched this show with my dad... and he's very much like the camp counselors. Baby boomer, no complaining, pull your pants up and get to work kinda dude. And right from the beginning he was pointing out who he thought wouldn't be able to adjust and would go home.

And it was such glorious satisfaction watching them dig deep, do their best, and prove him wrong lol. Right from the beginning some of them really get into it and it shows you what people are capable of when they have others supporting them and helping them along.

Not to mention, the kids were hilarious. I absolutely love Deandra!

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Grey's Anatomy: 2x13 Begin the Begin

Ah the early JDM days. I love this side plot.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

i would forever choose a man with a tweety bird watch over a guy with a fancy pocket watch.

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Heartstopper: 1x08 Boyfriend

I'm going to require a season two immediately, thanks.

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Shadowhunters: 1x10 This World Inverted

It's now been... nearly eight years since I read this book series. When the movies and then this tv series came out I wasn't able to enjoy them because the books were so freshly in my mind.

Now that I've had time to forget some of that I can now enjoy the series as a standalone. And honestly I love some of these characters so much.

This episode was a strong reminder of that. Magnus is hilarious. This episode felt like a filler, but it was still fun to watch.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 2x04 Family Is a Four Letter Word

man they really have a way of making grand decisions out of obvious choices. i'm praying at this point for a real conflict.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 2x01 Konsekans

This was kinda meh as far as a premier goes, but there's a lot of set up for a hopefully great season so I'll try to stay optimistic on this one.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x01 The Beacon

Victor... Victor can go to hell. He's always going back and forth for me between redeemed and unredeemable but I think this is probably landing him a firm spot on the 'worlds biggest cowards' list. I hate him.

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Finding Nemo

started studying swedish today so i'm watching nemo in swedish - this is the best movie for language learning ever!

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Foundation: 1x05 Upon Awakening

all of these time jumps are starting to interfere with the enjoyment of the series. every other shot i'm asking myself if it's a continuation of the current time or if we've skipped time again.

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The Walking Dead: 6x16 Last Day on Earth

This was the very last good episode of TWD :(

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The Walking Dead: 5x09 What Happened and What's Going On

This was such a sad episode. Tyreese was one of my favorite characters. No matter how bad things got or what horrible situation he was in, he always hung on to who he was. He always gave good advice and had everyone's back. He was a genuinely good person, which is rare to find in characters by this point in the show.

Not to mention, his death sucked. Not surprised he went out trying to help someone else, but really disappointed it was in such a lackluster and anticlimactic way. He deserved better than that.

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The Walking Dead: 5x08 Coda

I quit.

I'm so mad. After all they went through this is the ending of the episode?!?! This is what we get?

I hate Dawn.

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The Walking Dead: 4x11 Claimed

Now that the group is out scavenging again, they're starting to remember how dangerous it was and how quickly you can get yourself into trouble with other groups of people. It's been a long time since they've had to deal with this but they're taking to it like they've been doing this the whole time.

A lot of clues over the past season have been pointing to Terminus. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

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The Walking Dead: 4x10 Inmates

This episode was pretty poor. I get that it was necessary to see who was with who and what they were doing after the prison, but nothing particularly eventful happened.

I was sad to see that Glenn got left behind at the prison. I hope he makes it out.

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The Walking Dead: 4x09 After

This episode was like the equivalent to hanging out with Carl and catching up with everything he's been through and how he's changed since his experience at the prison. Good episode, little funny and heartfelt, definitely lightens the mood from the previous episode.

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The Walking Dead: 4x07 Dead Weight

What a fool I was to ever hope that the Governor was possibly redeemable. He's truly a despicable character and I hope he's off the show soon.

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The Walking Dead: 4x05 Internment

Alas, the illness is reaching its peak. People are dying and turning and killing other people and it's all a bunch of daisies and roses. Kinda knew this was coming and this episode shows how woefully unprepared the group was for this to happen.

A lot of things seem to be going wrong all at the same time. The group is starting to feel the pressure of having so many of their people sick and isolated. Routine daily tasks aren't being completed and it's kind of like a domino effect - everything is starting to fall apart.

Hopefully it's uphill from here.

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The Walking Dead: 4x03 Isolation

I think this episode puts it into perspective how monumentally horrible of a situation the group is actually in. In my opinion, most of the scenes just show everyone in the group scrambling to keep everything together and watching it slip through their fingers regardless.

They seem to be starting to get a system down for handling the illness spreading through the prison, but it might be too late at this point and I don't think anyone is considering incubation periods for the illness. Doesn't really do much good to isolate people after they're showing symptoms if they're infectious and spreading the illness around before that.

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The Walking Dead: 5x02 Strangers

In many ways, this episode is about leaving things behind and moving on. We're starting to see a new side to Michonne and also the rest of the group. We also get to meet father Gabriel in this one. It's been a long time since I've watched these older episodes so I'd forgotten how he met Rick and the group.

I will miss Michonne and her sword, but I'm also looking forward to how they depict her healing on screen.

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The Circle: 3x02 A New Twist

This was a particularly confusing episode. I think the show did a pretty good job of keeping the players separate from each other, but it still got difficult trying to remember which Michelle said what lol.

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The Circle: 3x01 Circle, Did You Miss Me?

Interesting episode. I love this show for unwinding and just watching something ridiculous in my down time. I love the energy from some of the players and the excitement of both playing a game and playing detective at the same time.

So far my favorite player is probably Kai. She seems really genuine to me and gives a funny and outgoing impression. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Time Team: 17x11 There's a Villa Here Somewhere - Litlington, Cambridgeshire

I always think these episodes are so interesting. They're a bonding moment for me and my dad, so I watch them sporadically and not all that often, but whenever I do it just blows my mind that people are finding roman tile and hair pins in their backyard. The thought of that kind of history being so well preserved and for there to be so much of it is really amazing. There's so much history we don't have on paper.

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Extreme Rescues

this series is terrifying. watching other people come so close to death and barely make it is a stark reminder that life is fragile.

also feeling very comfortable that i won't accidentally fall off of the top of a mountain from my couch. watching this makes you think twice about future 'adventurous' plans.

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