

Emerald Isle

Superman & Lois: 1x01 Pilot

this was a good premier. i'm really interested to see the mix between a superhero action movie and a family drama tv series that they have going on here. seems like they're doing a great job of setting up the drama already.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x11 La Serpiente

well look at that... madison did something right for once. still don't like her. still kinda hoping she doesn't come back.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x09 Minotaur

i am convinced not a single person who watches this show likes madison. just get rid of her so we can spend more time with the characters we DO like. this lady is the WORST. she's no better than the ottos.

while we're at it, let's get rid of the ottos too.

actually, just get rid of the entire cast. let's just start over. this is going bad real fast.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x08 Children of Wrath

this entire ranch arc is making the clarks VERY unlikeable

stealing relics from a native american tribe? defending the people who stole their land and killed their people? i hate madison. she's making bad decision on top of bad decision, putting her entire family at risk, and making enemies for NO GOOD REASON.

the writing in this episode is good, but it makes our main characters out to be the bad guys. why would you do that? what's the point in making them the evil ones? that just makes us dislike them...

this is irritating.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x06 Red Dirt

madison is going to get people killed, mark my words.

this is getting really boring and i hope something interesting happens soon or i'm just going to quit watching it. feels like a waste of my time.

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this was a horrible show.

sia should have listened. her reaction to the backlash of portraying an autistic character this way shows she is not in any way qualified to be writing a movie script about an autistic character. there was no reason to make maddie play this character, when she so clearly stated that she did not want to. a child anticipated the backlash of this movie and sia couldn't?

this is downright offensive for so many reasons and also showcases restraints and holds that are illegal in some states (because they have caused deaths.) the lack of research is astounding. this movie is gross.

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elliot did a great job in this movie. the dry humor, snarky back and forth between juno and paulie, and the mix of 'reality' made this a really good movie.

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American Sniper

to be completely fair, i liked this movie when it came out. i like james mcavoy and i love anya taylor-joy. but i don't like that dissociative identity disorder, a disorder that is already viewed by too many people to be dangerous or 'not real,' is being used as the premise for a horror movie like this, especially without providing any context or benefit to help people understand that this is an acutal disorder that real people struggle with. it would be ridiculous to think anyone would come away from this movie thinking that people with DID can turn into supernatural beasts, but it doesn't help that the only character in this movie with DID is the one who is kidnapping young girls and holding them captive. it's irritating. right up there with sia's 'music.'

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The Ritual

this was really great and also really creepy, definitely not what i was expecting

i kinda thought it was going to be a creepy ghost spirit or some human hunting them down but i got a lot more than i bargained for, and it was both very strange and cult-ish. good movie.

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Supernatural: 3x03 Bad Day at Black Rock

it's really strange going back and watching all of the old spn episodes and realizing that a bunch of the 'the walking dead' cast worked on the same shows previously and it's likely they knew each other or knew who each other were. lauren cohan plays such different characters (maggie vs. bela) that it's really entertaining to watch. same can be said of jdm though (negan vs. john winchester.)

this episode in particular was full of humor. these somewhat lighthearted episodes help uplift the series into something that's both horror and comedy, and it does it in a way that doesn't feel like purposefully staged 'sit com' or typical 'slapstick horror' type shows. this is one of the reasons i love supernatural so much. the writers did a great job of blending genres and developing a fantastic script.

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Supernatural: 3x02 The Kids Are Alright

dean plus kids always makes for a great episode. makes you wish he had the opportunity to have a family of his own. he's really great with ben, and the kid did some really great acting in this one. he was like a little dean. great job to him!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x04 100

Shout by Shay

great episode. good writing. good storytelling. this is what the rest of the series needs. i hope it continues.

also very happy to see daniel is still alive yes yes. i was hoping he wouldn't go out like that.

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Supernatural: 2x20 What Is and What Should Never Be

this was a really great episode. you learn so much about dean and what he really wants out of life, and dean learns more about himself and what he actually wants. at the end of the day, despite his loss, he's proud of what he's accomplished as a hunter, and i don't think he'd trade that for a different version of a dysfunctional family. this also starts putting his relationship with sam into more perspective because dean is realizing how important his brother is to him.

the one complaint i have is that we seem to be getting all of these insights into dean but nothing on sam. he's just the sidekick brother. i wonder if this has to do with making him seem mysterious for the future of the series (with his demon shenanegans.) not something i noticed before i started taking little notes/commentary on the episodes.

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Supernatural: 2x19 Folsom Prison Blues

ah, the lengths the boys are willing to go to for a case.

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Supernatural: 2x15 Tall Tales

this is a great episode. i love the brotherly arguing and adding bobby to the mix. the trio is starting to form. i really love this part of the show.

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Supernatural: 2x08 Crossroad Blues

great episode, also happy to be seeing more demon interaction. the crossroads demons become really important later in the show.

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Supernatural: 2x03 Bloodlust

again another reminder from the spn writers that humans can be just as fucked up as monsters, and hunters are no exception.

also loved that tara cameo (i miss watching buffy)

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Supernatural: 2x01 In My Time of Dying

this was a really good episode. we got a lot of great insights into dean through his interactions with the reaper.

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Supernatural: 2x02 Everybody Loves a Clown

not everybody loves a clown. i do not love clowns. this was a genuinely really fucking creepy episode.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x03 TEOTWAWKI

i'm going to quote the old man

"you are a hard woman to like, madison."

yes, let's be dumb and try to take over the militant compound with dozens of armed humans ready to fight back. let's spend our time and energy doing that instead of, ya know, just trying to get away from the zombies and not draw attention. i really do not understand what makes her make these decisions. i get why she wants to stay but making an enemy of that many people is probably not a smart move.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x02 The New Frontier

poor travis :(

glad to see at least one of the terrible characters is out though. there are still a lot of elements that just aren't working very well together. the plot does not make any sense. the helecopter being shot down doesn't make much sense? who was shooting them? and why? why shoot down a perfectly good helecopter?

i really do not trust the military guys, especially 'mr. nice guy.' they just seem to be a bunch of idiots thinking they can brute force their way through the apocalypse. no doubt, there would be dumb idiots like that, but i'm also shocked at the lack of organization? aren't they supposed to be military?

and madison is still being stupid. she's going to get her family killed.

i'm begging this show to get better writers.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x01 Eye of the Beholder

this was a good premier. a lot of the logistics of how things are happening don't really make a lot of sense and i can't tell if it's a failure in writing a solid plot or a failure in communicating the story clearly, but if that continues it's going ot be an issue.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x15 North
Fear the Walking Dead: 2x14 Wrath

kinda a shitty death for chris. probably would have been better if he just disappeared into the sun and was never heard of again.

happy to see nick stepping up into more of a leadership role.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x13 Date of Death

hopefully this is an end to the ridiculous travis and chris drama. despite a lot of others hating chris, he's a 15 year old kid, and a lot of this shit is on travis. i get it's hard to control an 'out of control' teen in an apocalypse, but theoretically it never should have made it this far, and if travis were a better and more understanding parent (and didn't insist his son 'man up' because this is just the way it is now) he could have taken a very different path.

a lot of speculation, which doesn't really matter i guess, but i still blame travis for being a shitty absent parent and then not offering his son any support in early season 1 when he very clearly needed it.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x12 Pillar of Salt

reason number 46329284 why i hate madison


i get it, i get that she's his mother and she will always care, but i'm so far beyond done with her putting everyone else in danger for her own selfish gain, especially in times like this where she doesn't even have a guaranteed gain. she doesn't even know if he's out there looking or wants to find her.

i will be very pleased when she is gone.

on the other hand, nick seems to be finding a place for himself. still making some dumb decisions, but he's by far the most relatable and likeable character. i'm also happy he seems to be taking a more centered role.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x11 Pablo & Jessica

ah, nick. nick, nick, nick.

this show would be nothing without him.

though i am starting to feel that alicia is carving out her own place on the show. still begging for madison and travis to be killed off.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x10 Do Not Disturb

finally alicia is starting to step up. i do not like the hotel lady she meets, but it's nice to see alicia standing her ground and doing what she had to. up until now, it seems like she's mostly been relying on others, but this opens up another side to her character. hopefully we'll get to see this develop more throughout the series.

travis needs to just leave chris alone at this point. nothing he's doing is helping and he's probably pushing him further away at this point. i've seen other comments mention a 'psychotic break' but based on the acting that's not really what i see going on here. it seems like really shitty parenting on travis' end coupled with stress and trauma of the apocalypse and his mother's death has pushed chris away from his 'family' and he's trying to forge his own path instead. especially since he's unable to trust travis, he's being forced to step up himself because he feels he can't rely on anyone else.

i do not like chris' character, but it's hard not to be sympathetic when he has travis as a father.

can you tell i hate travis?

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x09 Los Muertos

reinforcing again that nick is the best character of the show. madison and strand are idiots. but the dumbassery was at a minimum on this one so, decent episode.

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