

Emerald Isle

Supernatural: 12x13 Family Feud

Shout by Shay

Fergus was one of my favorite minor characters in this show, for how he got under Crowley's skin if nothing else. Bit of a tragedy honestly.

But at the same time we got Mark Pellegrino back so if that's the trade-off I will take it. Lucifer is just not the same brand of evil if it's not Mark. There's something about his expression and the way he uses his eyes that sells this character. Man should get an award for this performance.

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Supernatural: 12x21 There's Something About Mary

Shout by Shay

Honestly, wth?

Why was this necessary?

First Jo and Ellen, then Bella, then Charlie, and now Eileen. Why are all the female characters in this show ending up dead?

And I'm also angry with Crowley. I know he's the king of hell and all big bad or whatever but I was starting to hope he'd retained some of his humanity and care. But to be working with the Men of Letters is a whole new level of deplorable.

And ugh the Men of Letters. What a joke of an organization. Seriously I can't wait for the end of this super monster arc because I'm so fed up with them.

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Supernatural: 12x20 Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes

When Sam says to Dean "Their mom is on a hunting trip, and she hasn't been home in a week" to get him to go along with checking-in with Alicia and help you could see the hurt in his eyes. It was immediately a flashback to 11 years ago when he showed up on Sam's doorstep in college saying the same thing about their Dad.

Very powerful reference from Steve Yockey.

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Supernatural: 12x20 Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes

Sam: You did the right thing. You saved him.
Dean: Yeah, he seemed super saved.

Lol, Dean always getting cheeky with the pessimism.

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Supernatural: 12x19 The Future

Shout by Shay

Okay.... cool? but also... CAS WTF?

Seriously what is with one of the boys always going dark side? If it isn't Sam, it's Dean, and if it isn't either of them, it's Cas. But almost every season one of them is compromised and idk.. you'd just think by now they'd have contingency plans against this.

But honestly wow who could have expected Lucifer's spawn to brainwash Cas.


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Supernatural: 12x18 The Memory Remains

Honestly, what an amazing episode! I miss the old Monster of the Week episodes that are all dark and creepy. And this one was definitely creepy.

All this Men of Letters crap is going to end up blowing up in their faces and watching them go head to head with Sam and Dean is going to be so satisfying. What deplorable people to have a superiority complex. God, maybe it wasn't so bad the Men of Letters were wiped out in the 1950's.

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Supernatural: 12x18 The Memory Remains

All this talkin' about the end and 100 years from now whose gonna remember us kinda stuff is making me sentimental. :(

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Supernatural: 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)

You know... I would just love to know where they get their bullets and weapons. Like, do they reload their own rounds and if so why do they never show it on screen aside from the few times they've had to make super special weapons? Or is there some secret underground hunter version of Cabela's or a sporting goods catalogue where they do their shopping? Is there like.. corporate management regulating and transporting witch killing bullets and pure silver bullets?

These are the things that run through my mind...

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Supernatural: 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)

I'm loving all the fancy slow-mo and round robin shots in this episode - very superhero-esque of them.

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Supernatural: 12x11 Regarding Dean

What a fantastic episode and amazing acting. Watching Sam's distress at Dean becoming 'not him' in this episode was so genuine that it was at times difficult to watch.

And Jensen Ackles was amazing pulling this whole amnesia routine. He's been playing this character for over 10 years and I'm sure at this point a lot of this character is second nature to him. To go through the process of slowly dropping the mannerisms and speech patterns that make Dean who he is was both tragic and impressive from an acting standpoint.

And it's always lovely to see Rowena assisting the boys. Amazing episode!

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Supernatural: 12x10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets

What an episode! Bringing back stories from Cas' dark past. I love how far Cas has grown as a character over the seasons, being able to poke back at Dean and now being able to show genuine sympathy and care for Lily's loss and the impact of his actions.

Part of me is still wondering what's going to go down with the whole Billie thing though. They keep forshadowing and hinting at something awful happening and I'm just waiting for them to break the news of what the big bad is.

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Supernatural: 12x09 First Blood

Oh the things these boys get into... and it's not even the first time they've been in prison for a job lol.

This was a good episode with the boys pulling some epic tricks on the government. For such a top secret elite branch or whatever they are, they sure don't know anything about the people they're holding (or chasing.) They honestly never stood a chance against the Winchesters. Seeing the boys go head to head with law enforcement is always entertaining, especially when they realize the consequences of vastly underestimating the boys.

Cass and Mary make a good duo. I think Mary has a lot of Dean's sass in her (or really that's the other way around) and it's comforting to see them work together so well. Great episode!

RIP Billie.

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Supernatural: 12x08 LOTUS

I like the Lucifer plot but it's just not the same without Mark Pellegrino.

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Supernatural: 12x07 Rock Never Dies

Great episode! Cass and Crowley teaming up is like the joke of the century. I love how annoyed Cass gets by having Crowley near and Crowley is just soaking it all up. You know he's savoring every second of that haha!

The rest of the episode was great too. Rick Springfield plays a fantastic Lucifer!

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Supernatural: 12x06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

This is a wonderful episode! Very cool seeing so many storylines tying together - Mary saving Asa, talking about Ellen and the Roadhouse (I miss them so much,) Jody meeting Mary, and brining so many hunters together to fight another superdemon (We haven't seen anything like this since Yellow Eyes.)

It was creepy and thrilling and at times even made me worry for some of our favorites/pillar characters.

Sad we didn't get to really meet Asa though.

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Supernatural: 12x05 The One You've Been Waiting For

Getting kinda tired of the whole Nazi plots. This has come up a few times now, but nothing quite as on the head as Hitler, I admit.

These are the episodes that make me wonder if they're just running out of material and thinking up ways to bring all the 'big bad's from history into the story somehow.

I wasn't much of a fan of this one. Hoping the next episode brings us back to the main plot.

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Supernatural: 12x04 American Nightmare

This felt like a throwback to the good old Monster of the Week days, where they really get into the case and make a difference in people's lives. It was kinda reminiscent of the hell hound and bella talbot era - sufficiently dark and ominous to really get the blood pumping but not so much that you're curled up on the couch scared one of the boys is going to die.

It brought back a lot of mystery to the show where the boys don't know ahead of time what they're hunting, they're just looking to solve the case. Really goes to show that sometimes the worst monsters can be human too.

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Supernatural: 12x03 The Foundry

I cackled at Agent Beyonce lmao. Poor baby Cas just doesn't have the cultural knowledge to realize how obviously fake his rockstar agent names are. And Crowley masquerading as Jay-Z was the icing on the cake. Love it!

This was a great episode. We learned a lot about Mary - not only how she hunts but how she longs for the way things used to be. And how she's managing all the sudden changes in her life... including her life.

She adds a new element to the Winchester family hunting dynamic and I love it!

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Supernatural: 12x02 Mamma Mia

Well Toni switched that up real quick!

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Supernatural: 12x01 Keep Calm and Carry On

Shout by Shay

This was not the strongest premier the show has had, that's for sure. It was great having Mary back in the picture and seeing how she's adjusting to the time changes - and how she interacts with Dean. Mama didn't skip a beat when he was in trouble. Didn't expect anything less.

But the whole British Men of Letters thing kinda feels like a cop out because they don't know where to take the series. Seems unlikely to me that when the Men of Letters were wiped out that nobody came and tried to restart it in the states... especially with so many resources sitting there untouched for decades. Like the bunker the boys are living in?

I am ready for Toni to go back from whence she came and leave Sam alone. She isn't a strong enough character to even hope of breaking Sam. An episode with family drama or all about Mary would have probably made a stronger premier than this.

The best part of the episode was Dean's Liam Neeson impression lol that had to be an intentional reference!

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Supernatural: 11x23 Alpha and Omega


Maybe a little bit anticlimactic compared to previous finales, but I loved the way this one ended with everyone happy and getting what they want.

And what a gift from Amara. Wow.

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Supernatural: 11x21 All in the Family

Great episode. It was a little bit of a filler leading up to the great boss fight they have at the end of every season, but it's important context. Loved seeing Kevin again!

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Supernatural: 11x22 We Happy Few

Shout by Shay

Amazing episode! Seeing everyone come together is as satisfying as it is terrifying. Part of me is just waiting to see who is going to double cross who lol. Maybe I've seen Crowley and Rowena playing the game a few too many times to truly believe they're in it for the good of everyone.

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Supernatural: 11x20 Don't Call Me Shurley

Steam Ironing Sam's shirt with Budweiser is such a Dean move lol

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Supernatural: 11x20 Don't Call Me Shurley

Nice to see Metatron isn't entirely heartless. At least he fed the puppy.

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Supernatural: 11x19 The Chitters

Loved this episode. It was great meeting a new hunting team. Jesse and Cesar were great.

This was a really creepy episode. Reminds me a lot of the Wendigo episode in Season 1. It really brings back memories of the good old days.

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Supernatural: 11x17 Red Meat

Shout by Shay

I think this episode is the first time Dean realizes that there really isn't another second chance, their nine lives have been used up and there is no tenth.

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Supernatural: 11x16 Safe House

Great episode! Loved getting to revisit Bobby and Rufus' hunting adventures. This was a unique take on the boys following the same case.

On the other hand... the entire time I was asking myself why they wouldn't just put the sigil on the wood frame or under the drywall or something... ya know... something a little less likely than wallpaper to be torn up in a typical redecorating lol.

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Snack vs Chef: 1x01 Flamin' Hot Cheetos

I was really hoping this would be entertaining but it's just not scratching the itch. I love cooking shows and competition, especially with good jokes and comedy mixed in... but this first episode was kinda 'meh.'

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A troll is awakened from it's slumber and destroys everything in it's path on a mission to go back home. This movie was full of action and adventure from start to finish, with a unique spin on Norwegian troll mythology. Definitely different from anything I've seen before.

The graphics are phenomenal and the cast did an amazing job. I adored Gard Eidsvold's character Tobias and Ine Marie Wilmann did just as great of a job playing his daughter.

The ending left the book open for a possible sequel and as much as I enjoyed this movie, I would love to see it.

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