

New York

Idiot Box

It was fun, I enjoyed the intent. However, it just felt too paper thin. The ending was enjoyable.

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Class Act

Just re-watched this for the, well, I lost count of how many times I've watched this. Still amazing, love every bit of it today as much as I did when it came out.

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Lovestruck High

If you like Too hot Handle, you'll like this. It takes like 3-4 episodes to get into, but definitely heats up after that.

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Where do all the models come from in the op briefings? Do they have a dedicated team who is on hand 24/7 to create these amazingly detailed replicas of boats, aircraft, buildings and entire landscapes? What kind of pressure must that team be under to create these items from the moment they hear about the op to the time a briefing session happens. Now that sounds like a spin-off reality show, Model Makers: Critical Ops.

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Scorpion Bowl story made watching this movie 100% worth it. The movie has a Swingers vibe to it.

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No Sudden Move

Completely lost interest halfway through, kept it on my second monitor while playing a game and absolutely nothing happened worth regaining my attention.

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The Best of 2021

Good stuff, Mr. Inbetween definitely best show of 2021. Check out North Hollywood, much better than Cherry.

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9-1-1: 4x05 Buck Begins

Shout by outspoken

Great episode... but, why was Athena in Texas? No need for emergency assistance from LAPD.

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Together Together

Trying to get through it, cringe meter is breaking. Just reached the 11 minute mark, about to bail out. EDIT/UPDATE: Made it to 12 minutes and I'm calling it.

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Gold Rush: Dave Turin's Lost Mine: 3x12 Million Dollar Gamble

Shout by outspoken

What's this Arizona business, Dave? I feel cheated on.

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After Life

So it's a drawn out, funny version of Love Liza. That's cool, I like it.

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Sound of Metal

Really enjoyed it, that said, it is not very original. There is another film by the name of It's All Gone Pete Tong which follows an identical plot. The main differences between the two are romantic relationships the main character choses. If you enjoyed this film I highly recommend It's All Gone Pete Tong. Different vibe, but the subject matter is equal.

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Really enjoyed it. Just found out about it randomly, don't remember where I heard about it. Comes across as Boogie Nights meets MMA set in Venice, CA with all the quirks that come along in that scene.

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Don't let the voting percentage decide for you. This is going to have a wide variety of votes from low to high and they are all justified. If I went through and rated every episode they would be all over the place. Some episodes are great, some are tragic. Was it worth watching as a whole? Probably not, but the few episodes that I liked were worth it. Think of it as going to a record shop and skimming through the crates, you're going to find something you like, but is it worth the time?

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Monsterland: 1x08 Newark, New Jersey

Best sex scene 2020? jk, but honestly it was pretty good stuff and I get what they were doing.

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Monsterland: 1x06 Palacios, Texas

Definitely the best of them so far. I'd say it was almost worth watching everything up to this point just to get the mindset of how things flow. So far many of these stories seem to have a specific audience rather than a generic viewer, which makes it interesting.

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Impulse: 1x01 Pilot

Shout by outspoken

So far so good, just one issue (below in spoiler quotes):
Putting people in the trunks of cars is a tiring trope. All cars are made with emergency escape handles in the trunk now, so it's easy to get out of them.

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Good Boys

Maybe they'll just keep going lower and lower in age. After SuperBad, Eigth Grade and now Good Boys we'll maybe see Toddlers and how the inner circles of choice babysitter selections can lead to a struggling youth and desire to re-enter the cradle.

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Single by 30

Not sure if I was watching a really long face care commercial or... wait, was this a face care commercial?

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Poldark: 5x02 Episode 2

I can sense that George is about to get Georged.

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Lonesome Dove

Sappy, sentimental..... SODBUSTERS!!!!

Truly an amazing account of life on the prairie in the late 1800s. Absolutely no punches held from action to drama.

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Hearts Beat Loud

Nick Offerman is a total dick in real life. Fuck this guy.

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Very surprised at how well they pulled this re-make off. I am one of the last people to praise re-makes, almost hate the concept of it to be honest. However, having loved the original I decided to give this a try as it completely struck me by surprise when it showed up on my watch list. Of course the most obvious way to give this a fresh face is to swap the roles, which they did, and I was grateful for it. They kept the plot similar to the original and most of the story line with very little deviation, though there was some. It was definitively worth watching if you are a fan of the original or just have that nostalgic feeling to revisit it.

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I gave it a 1 "Weak sauce!" rating in homage to the original Trakt rating system. This show was so terrible that I had to stop watching half-way through the first episode the first time I tried it. Gave it another go and got up to episode 2, just a complete waste of time.

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Candidate for worst movie of the year. Really poor editing and story telling turned this hour long film into two very long winded hours.

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Not sure how I missed this when it came out, came across it by complete accident while scrolling through some film names and it popped out at me cause I used to live near Bellflower. Basically this is a classic twenty-something relationship flick with some unique elements. It's very true to it's audience and extemely well timed from all aspects of the film.

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XTV: Comedy

726 entries!?! I'll never get through this thing... Came across your list cause of Big Lez Show.

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The Andromeda Strain

Ran into this film on accident as it happened to be on TV while flipping channels, very pleasantly surprised. It's well worth a watch if you're into doomsday scenario movies.

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Digging for Fire

Some mid-range LA actors needed a paycheck since their royalties peaked from early 2000 successes. I found this film after watching Don't Think Twice and searching for films with Mike Birbiglia. It reminds me of a poor attempt at copying Slackers.

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Drunk History: 4x08 Food

When did they start faking it? Now I'm wondering if they were always faking it. The original ones on Funny or Die looked pretty legit, now it's blatant.

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