

New York

Ordinary Lies: 2x02 Episode 2

The amount of cringe was unbearable. I literally couldn't finish the episode. Amazing show!

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Not cool guys, NOT COOL! So messed up.

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Ordinary Lies: 2x01 Episode 1

So glad this is back on, love it!

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Everybody Wants Some!!

Worst movie of the year so far. I loved Dazed and Confused, but this was horrid. There were more than a few scenes that were basically copied right from that movie that just make you roll your eyes. There was zero 80's feel to this movie so if you're even hoping for some nostalgia don't bother.

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Movies for Halloween

Looks more like a horror film list?

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The Newsroom

the blonde looks like a Wallace and Gromit character, lisa is WAYYYY hotter.

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Best anime's ever!

hey, what about samurai champloo?

loved NHK, trigun and bebop. never saw fairytail or uninhabited planet, will check those out.

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Soccer AM

take a bow son!

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Real Steel

as a kid i would love this movie, as an adult having grown up in the 80s i was constantly reminded of the movie Over the Top. it's almost an exact replica as far as the script goes. was able to to get past that easily, good movie.

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so 80s, yet so not. loved the settings that were portrayed in this film, very well crafted cinema.

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Bad Boys

I wonder hoe many people watched this from it's reference in Hot Fuzz

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I have no idea how I missed out on this show but I'm loving it.

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hey, that's that girl from old school right... hmm, interesting.

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Peep World

Well worth a watch, the cast of this one just sucked me in.

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Ferocious Planet

The acting, the cliches, of course I expected it but the premise had promise. Plan to multi-task if you want to watch it all.

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Game of Thrones

Unbelievable really. Must see tv.

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The 51st State

Jackson's continued fetish with reptiles has left his career in the dumps.

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watching this one right now..

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