Sahil Tandon


Omicron Persei 8

The Wire: Season 4

The school stuff gives the season a really strong thruline & grounds everything else around it well. The political stuff was a bit underwhelming, since you get half the rise & half the fall without real payoff at the end of the season. The drug politics is kinda the same way, giving you a bit of resolution & then the start of conflict, but mostly leaving things to pop off in Season 5. But, all the stuff with Prez's students, where they end up, how they interact with Colvin & Carver, etc. is really well done & has a lot of really strong emotional beats. (tho, for my money, not quite up there with that equivalent story in Season 1)

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Fargo: Season 1

I still really like it on rewatch. But in comparison to the movie, I think stretching out that style of story to 10 hrs makes it feel more nihilistic and gruesome than i wanted. And I'm not a huge fan of how some of the female side characters get treated as disposable or just stupid. I guess you could say that's a factor of the show focusing on this very shitty man, but it was still uncomfortable.

That aside, it's really interesting how this first season interprets what Fargo is about. There's overt connections to the plot of the movie, a pregnant cop, quirky midwestern affects covering up heinous violence - but the tone feels different, there's a focus on conspiracy and building up a Mastermind criminal. rather than flailing incompetence driven by pettiness or greed it's The Face of True Evil and i feel like that's actually a lot less interesting, thematically, tho i understand it was somewhat necessary in order to stretch a story across 10 hours, and it's mostly fun throughout.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 2

Liked it a bit less than the first season because it focused more on Rebbecca & Josh as characters, but often without their usual support structures, so they just keep making bad decisions. The Side character stuff wasn't as interesting as all the Greg & Darryl stuff from the first season. I like how it ended, though, excited to start the next season.

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The Wire: Season 1

It's a good show

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The Wire: Season 2

Doesn't go in as deep on systemic issues as the first season, but that's understandable as the show's setting up longer story arcs. I love seeing the setups now, on rewatch, knowing what's coming in the later seasons. The split between the original barksdale drug story and the this-season-only stevedore stuff makes this season feel a bit less propulsive than the previous one (and the next few, based on memory) but taking a look at the white, working class life & the reasons people have to commit similar crimes to the stuff covered in the rest of the series is really interesting and still extremely relevant in the current political context.

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The Wire: Season 3

Feels the most like a typical season of a TV show so far. Folding in the politics stuff adds layers to what Season 1 was going for, but it feels like setup for the next season. The drug story, likewise, has a handful of strong beats & the Stringer stuff is great, but the feels less focused than the previous seasons & more like it's building up the next season than paying things off in season 3. Overall tho, it's still The Wire & I'm looking forward to revisiting the later seasons where they get more into the Politics & Newspaper stuff.

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Fargo: Season 4

I was pretty into the first few episodes, but by the end I was struggling to find a reason to care. The "everyone kinda dies randomly" thing is common enough in Coen Brothers movies, but It didn't feel earned here. I liked Chris Rock in his role & Jason Schwartzman did ok (that character's a bit too silly for the tone of the rest of the show, tho, Imo), but very few of the other characters stood out. There's also like 3 different 'The Joker's in this show? I guess there's been 1 in each of the previous seasons, but at least those characters were really crucial to the events of their season, in S4, the Nurse, the Brother and the Mormon felt secondary in each of their stories...

Maybe Legion has pushed Noah Hawley in a Style Over Substance direction? But this season more than the previous ones didn't really feel like a Coen Brothers movie anymore. It didn't quite feel like a capital-G Ganster thing either, tho, so it didn't scratch either itch very well.

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What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2

Biggest problem with the first season was that I wished the show would be nicer to Guillermo so I was real happy when his growth and resistance against being belittled turned out to be the main arc of season 2. Season 2 also just has a lot more goofy episodic one-off things focusing on a single main character that I enjoyed a lot. The Jackie Daytona episode is an all time favorite.

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The Great: Season 1
Hyperdrive: Season 1
Next in Fashion

I like the runway shows and the designers all seemed cool and interesting, but the fake reality show drama (fake time pressure, repeated and over dramatic storylines) was very naked and spoiled a lot of it to the point where i wanted to fast forward thru most episodes. Probably less of an issue if you watch a lot of reality shows but I don't.

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Killing Eve: Season 2

Feels a bit more dry than I remember season 1 being, but it also leans harder into the Hannibal meets James Bond meets, like a workplace comedy thing, which I'm really into. That dryness makes the very pulpy storylines feel a bit strange, though. In hannibal, the killers feel seductive because the visuals and mood of the show lure you in, in Killing Eve, I understand that the character is being seductive, and I understand why the other character might fall for that, but the difference between understanding something and feeling makes a big difference in this kind of show.

That sounds overly negative, tho. I still like this season a lot. The characters and their roles are well defined now, so the surprises maybe don't hit as hard, but having those relationships in stone makes watching all these people work together engaging in it's own way.

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Ultimate Beastmaster: Season 3

It's no Ninja Warrior Japan, but mostly pretty fun. All the different Commentators interacting is great. It sucks that the challenges are mostly climbing and distance based, tho, so taller competitors just had a huge advantage.

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Mindhunter: Season 2
The Queen's Gambit

I love some good sports anime. Not quite up there with Ping Pong or March Comes in Like a Lion for me, but way closer than I expected. All the drugs/alcohol stuff & gestures at talking about gender & race early on set off some flags, but in almost every case I think they handled that stuff with a lot of nuance. The directing style also kinda caught me off guard, the color palette and music and camerawork are very modern-prestige Netflix house style, but the way the show cut away from a lot of dramatic moments and underplayed other ones was surprising. Usually I can see where the drama is telegraphed, but there were a lot of moments where the show just chose not to be unrealistically melodramatic about stuff & I really appreciate that. Also, shoutouts to Anya Taylor Joy for being great in general but also playing Beth as a more realized character than the usual biopic Autistic Genius thing.

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Good Omens

It's consistently funny in offbeat, unexpected places & I love the relationship between the main two and the focus the show puts on them. The Adam stuff felt a bit flat, tho. It wasn't really clear to me why his turn happened & the kid stuff in general was the least developed despite being kinda the driving force of the plot. The horsemen stuff, similarly felt like the show kept telling me it was important but I never really felt that it was anything other than a chance to insert some more jokes & commentary.

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Tattoo Redo: Season 1

Simple, easy watch, but fun and surprisingly wholesome

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Blown Away: Season 2

wasn't a huge fan of the judging but I really liked watching people make glass and really liked a few of the competitors. The 30 minute format makes it so there isn't too much fake reality show drama & I really appreciate that. Messed up that they call the furnaces Glory Holes, tho, they really shouldn't've done that

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Enlightened: Season 1
Tattoo Redo: Season 1

Simple, easy watch, but fun and surprisingly wholesome

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Warrior: Season 1

Such a weird genre mashup that I can't help but love the ambition. It's kinda trying to do the prestige-TV political thriller of something like Game of Thrones but in a more grounded setting that leans into a real world events and ideologies but also it's a Western and the protagonist can solve most conflicts with sick Kung-Fu stunts. It creates such a wildly dissonant experience and I just really enjoy it as a cartoon version of modern HBO storytelling (not that it's like, worse than game of thrones or whatever, I'm just over that style of show). If anything I wish it leaned even more silly & let these actors chew scenery even more rather than trying to hold the facade of serious motivation. The weird tone makes it hard to watch more than 1 episode at a time unless I'm doing something else at the same time, which is a bummer cuz I really wanna see where the second season takes things.

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The Mandalorian: Season 2

My favorite part of season 1 was the bits where Mando would stumble into a town and bumble his way through saving everyone, but season 2 is so invested in making you think everyone's a cool badass that it loses basically all of that after the first episode. Idk why people got hype about Boba Fett here, he basically does nothing. Really didn't need Cara Dune or the Racist Guy or the Sniper Lady back either, lol, but I woulda loved more Carl Weathers...

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