Using the slaughter of the green martians as an alegory of the holocaust is a really interesting concept that I'd like to see develop even further. Comparing J'onn to a holocaust survivor is certainly in line with the personality of the character that we got to see on season 1. If Hollywood has proven something is that stories about holocaust survivors and WWII can be really poignant. I want to see a lot more of M'Gann as [spoiler] a kind of redeemed Nazi who rebelled against the concentration camps[spoiler]. This show always had a lot of potential to dive deep into issues of race, gender, immigration and discrimination, and so far it hasn't taken advantage of it. I really hope they play their cards well, because they've been dealt a pretty good hand

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@jorah-the-andal Your ending spoiler tag is missing the /, so it's not working. :) But I agree with you—more development of this plot line would be good!
