Shout by Emelia

Hacksaw Ridge 2016

Can't remember the last time a movie made me cry this much. Such a powerful movie, with great scenes, romance, laughter, tears through sadness and joy. I can't say I've seen a lot of war movies, but this one really opened my eyes, very well directed with great actors. I can't get over how strong this movie was, oh my god my face is still puffy and I feel so emotionally drained thinking about every person who has ever gone to war, either died fighting for what they thought was right or coming back and having to deal with losing so many friends and most having to live with PTSD. Wow, what a movie.

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@aneemelia I recommend to you then, Saving Private Brian, Band of Brothers, Apocalypse Now: Redux edition, All Quiet in the Western Front and The Pianist. These are the ones that I remember right now that are great.

@lucandore saving private *ryan??? lol
